
Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

author:Entertainment circle small gray ash
Recently, Zhang Bichen sang a song in a program "The Voice of Heaven", and then covered her face and cried heartache.

In the third season of "The Voice of Heavenly Gifts", a number of powerful female singers joined, including Zhang Shaohan and Zhang Bichen. In the last episode, Zhang Shaohan talked about his experience, once because he was betrayed by his parents and had no money to see a doctor. If it weren't for the help of her sisters, she would have almost slept on the road.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

In this episode of the show, Zhang Bichen was also distressed by everyone. In the program, Hu Yanbin and Zhang Bichen cooperated in singing the song "Lost Lonely Bird", and it was Hu Yanbin who wanted to cooperate with Zhang Bichen after he got the privilege card, the reason was "to choose the most hated person to cooperate, the reason for the hate is to sing too well!" ”

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

It has to be said that the cooperation between the two added to the icing on the cake for this song, which won the glory of this stage, and the two happily clapped on the stage.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

After the singing, Liu Shuiji said something, he said that when he first met Zhang Bichen, the other party was still a timid-looking little girl, always singing those works with a sense of story. Perhaps because of thinking of his own experience, Zhang Bichen, who has been smiling, suddenly burst into tears on the stage.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Zhang Bichen first lowered her head to shed tears, then raised her face to wipe her tears herself, and after stabilizing her emotions, she talked about her understanding of the song. Zhang Bichen said that he is a very homely person, does not like to go out and socialize, and does not have many friends. In recent years, I have only begun to accept invitations from friends to go out and meet people, and although it is difficult to get inside, it is also a good companion.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Zhang Bichen talked about his life for the first time, saying that no one can help you when everyone makes decisions, because others cannot be responsible for your life, only you can be responsible. She is very firm in her choice: "I feel that to this day, I do not regret everything. ”

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Perhaps because of the fear that his tears will make everyone misunderstand themselves, Zhang Bichen explained that the reason why he shed tears on the stage was because his emotions were just here, he was not unhappy, and his life was very happy. She said that she also cried because of her inner excitement, not because she was unhappy.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Whether she shed tears because she was unhappy or because she regretted her choice, at least she dared to step out of the state she had been in and choose to be close to more friends, which was also a good change. Everyone saw her tears for her heartache, but also more understanding of her difficulty as a single mother.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

In January 2021, Zhang Bichen announced that she had a daughter and made the whole process public. It turned out that the pregnancy was in the fall of 2018, which means that the child was born in the summer of 2019 and was more than 1 year old when it was released. Zhang Bichen said that he had thought about having a child before the age of 30, which was also his biggest dream besides singing.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Zhang Bichen revealed that after she learned of her pregnancy, she chose to leave because she did not know how the child's father, Hua Chenyu, viewed the matter and broke up without giving a reason. She began not to contact the other party, and she also made the other party unable to contact her, so she broke the contact. After the birth of the child, she regretted that she did not let Hua Chenyu know the truth, so she told him and registered the child together.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Zhang Bichen said that she and Hua Chenyu, the child's grandparents, and grandparents love the child very much, and she grew up in a loving family. After making the news of the child public, Zhang Bichen is still busy with work, as long as there is time to take the child out to play, is a very competent mother.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Half a year after the birth of the child, Zhang Bichen once made a live broadcast and talked about the topic of life: "His beginning in the world is a very great thing, in fact, I think in front of life, all things are actually very small. "At that time, everyone couldn't understand it, and the reaction afterwards was probably because I had a deeper understanding of life after becoming a mother."

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

On the contrary, Hua Chenyu may not have made a psychological presupposition of being a father, and seems to be stuck in the state of being single. Because of this, Zhang Bichen was even more distressed, and Hua Chenyu was also questioned for not being responsible for Zhang Bichen and her daughter because of her relationship with her gossip girlfriend many times.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

It can only be said that Hua Chenyu was suddenly told about the child, and during the time of separation, he also had his own life, and he should not choose to return to Zhang Bichen because of this. For Zhang Bichen, she also has the right to choose a new life, rather than having to be with the child's father for the sake of the child.

Zhang Bichen was hurt by tears in the show, and frankly said his personal status: no regrets, life is very happy

Let us bless Zhang Bichen and Brilliance Chenyu together, find a lifestyle suitable for themselves, and also get along with their children more.

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