
She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

author:A little talk about life

First, Jiang Pingting, born in Changsha City, Hunan Province in 1994, is the second eldest in the family, and has an older sister above. When her parents divorced when she was a child, she lived with her mother, but her ordinary growth experience planted extraordinary seeds for her later life.

After graduating from high school, Jiang Pingting resolutely stepped into the modeling industry full of opportunities and challenges with her slender figure of 168cm and graceful posture. At fashion weeks in Changsha, Shanghai and other places, she constantly shows her youthful and beautiful side.

Although she has not yet appeared on the stage of a large-scale fashion show, the steady pace of work makes this dreaming girl full of expectations for the future. In 2016, 22-year-old Jiang Pingting ushered in an important turning point in her life.

She plucked up the courage to participate in the Miss beauty pageant for the first time, stood out in the fierce competition of Miss Chongqing, and successfully advanced to the top ten. Although she didn't win the crown in the end, her outstanding figure and energetic smile still left a deep impression on the judges and the audience, and became a strong part of her modeling career.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

The experience of participating in the Miss Chongqing contest gave Jiang Pingting valuable stage experience and self-confidence. She began to dream of showing off in high-end fashion shows in Shanghai, Beijing and other places.

This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for this young girl who is just starting out in the workforce, but it is also a rare opportunity. At this time, Jiang Pingting's eyes flashed with expectations for the future, and she looked forward to showing her talent on a bigger stage.

However, the gears of fate have quietly turned, and an accident that is enough to change her life is quietly coming, which is about to push this ordinary Changsha girl to the forefront.

Second, in August 2018, an accident swept like a hurricane, completely changing Jiang Pingting's peaceful life. The Chinese media suddenly broke a news that shocked the world: Liu Qiangdong, the founder and CEO of, was accused of sexually assaulting women in a villa in Minnesota, USA.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

This news is like a bombshell, causing an uproar in China and even around the world. Just when public opinion was boiling, an even more shocking news came out: it was said that the girl who was with Liu Qiangdong in the villa where the crime occurred was Jiang Pingting.

In an instant, this originally unknown model was pushed to the forefront and became the focus of public attention. Faced with the sudden attention, Jiang Pingting felt caught off guard.

Her social media accounts were frantically "mined" by netizens, and every detail was magnified and scrutinized. "Who is she?" "What is the relationship between her and Liu Qiangdong?" "How could such a beautiful little girl get involved in such a case?" Countless speculations and discussions poured in, almost drowning her.

In this storm of public opinion, Jiang Pingting chose to remain silent. She closed her heart tightly, trying to escape this sudden turmoil. However, the apprehension and anxiety in her heart followed.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

Third, this is the first time she has deeply realized the cost of being involved with a public figure, and it also makes her feel the complexity of Vanity Fair. At first, Jiang Pingting could only choose to avoid these overly sensitive topics, hoping that the turmoil would subside.

Deep down, she is worried about her reputation and future, but she is also conflicted and confused about this sudden "fame". It wasn't until September that things finally took a turn for the worse. Liu Qiangdong clarified through legal means that the matter had nothing to do with Jiang Pingting, and she was able to breathe a sigh of relief and temporarily get rid of the whirlpool of public opinion.

However, this turmoil is like a double-edged sword, which not only brought great pressure and distress to Jiang Pingting, but also made her the focus of attention overnight.

In the face of this sudden "popularity", Jiang Tingting's heart was full of contradictions. She never imagined that she would enter the public eye in such a way. This unexpected event not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also forced her to start thinking about how to deal with the opportunities and challenges that came with it.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

Fourth, with the passage of time, Jiang Pingting gradually adapted to the identity of a public figure. The attention that the accident brought opened a new door for her. The number of followers has skyrocketed, commercial endorsements have poured in, and the once-unknown model has become a sought-after influencer.

Jiang Pingting's income began to grow exponentially. She set up her own studio and earned millions a year. In 2019, she posted a photo of herself in formal clothes and standing in front of a commercial building in her circle of friends, as if announcing to the world: I, Jiang Pingting, have transformed.

The leap in quality of life is on full display on her social media. Luxury items such as designer socks, luxury bags, and high-end sportswear frequently appear in her photos, showing her soaring social status and standard of living.

However, behind the camera, Jiang Pingting's heart is not as calm as it seems on the surface. 's sudden popularity forced her to quickly adapt to the rules of the game at Vanity Fair. Behind the high income and luxurious life, there is a huge amount of mental pressure and anxiety.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

Every Weibo, every photo, may cause a storm of public opinion. Jiang Pingting is always tense and carefully maintains her public image. She learned how to deal with skepticism, how to fight sarcastics, and how to deal with various PR crises.

Fifth, this process is both growth and suffering. Endorsements, live broadcasts and fan economy have become important ways for her to obtain high income. This fast-monetizing profit model has made a qualitative leap in her life, but it has also brought huge exposure and the pressure that comes with it.

The slightest carelessness can attract criticism and criticism. While enjoying the benefits of fame and fortune, Jiang Pingting also deeply understands the cost of becoming a public figure. She longs for genuine friendship, but she has to be constantly wary of other people's motives.

This contradiction, like a thorn, pierced deep in her heart. In the dead of night, Jiang Pingting often stares at herself in the mirror, thinking about whether this kind of life is what she wants.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

Behind the fame and fortune is the loss of freedom and inner loneliness. How to find a balance between fame and fortune and truth, how to maintain a public image without losing oneself, these questions began to sprout in her heart, laying the groundwork for her future transformation.

At the beginning of 2020, the new crown epidemic suddenly brought unprecedented challenges to the world. Jiang Pingting, like other influencers, faces tremendous pressure and uncertainty.

In the face of this sudden crisis, she quickly adjusted her strategy and shifted her focus to online live streaming. However, the downturn in the consumer market after the epidemic has also made Jiang Pingting face the dilemma of declining income.

Sixth, in the live broadcast room, she still maintains a professional smile, but her heart is full of worries about the future. The decline in sales and income made her reflect on her career choices and business model of rapid monetization.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

After the live broadcast again and again, Jiang Pingting often sat alone in an empty room, thinking about her life path. She began to wonder if a business model that relied solely on appearances and traffic could be sustainable.

She longs to be able to do something more meaningful and self-worthy. Although this special period is full of challenges, it also gives Jiang Pingting a rare time to meditate.

She began to re-examine her purpose in life and think about how she could find her place in this rapidly changing world. The impact of the epidemic made Jiang Pingting realize what is really important in life.

She began to focus on her own growth and inner worth, not just her outer aura. This inner struggle made her more mature, and also laid the groundwork for her future transformation.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

Seventh, during this period, Jiang Pingting began to try to adjust her lifestyle and work focus. She realized that to gain a foothold in this rapidly changing industry, she had to keep learning and growing.

This realization pushed her to start thinking about the direction of future development and prepare her mentally for the next turning point in her life. In 2021, after much deliberation, Jiang made a decision that surprised many people - she returned to Shanghai and was determined to rebuild her modeling career.

This decision stems from her inner call for her original intention, and it is also an important step in her search for herself. Returning to Shanghai, a familiar and unfamiliar city, Jiang began to prepare for the shift in the focus of her modeling career.

She hopes to start a new chapter in her life in this radiant city. However, attentive netizens soon discovered that luxury displays rarely appeared on her social media.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

Instead, there are fitness photos, travel photos, and some life details. This change reflects her inner growth and adjustment of her attitude towards life. In the bustling Shanghai, Jiang Pingting is trying to find her own world.

She participates in various fashion shows and constantly improves her professional skills. At the same time, she is also trying to expand into other areas, hoping to find a new direction of development. The process was challenging, but it also gave her a sense of accomplishment that she hadn't felt in a long time.

Eighth, however, the hustle and bustle of the city and the fast-paced life also made Jiang Pingting feel a little tired. She began to find inner peace more through exercise and travel. Working up a sweat on a treadmill and strolling through an unfamiliar city gave her a chance to calm down and think about what she really wanted.

During this period, although Jiang Pingting was still glamorous to outsiders, her heart experienced violent fluctuations and thoughts. She struggles to balance her career and self, finding a balance between fame and fortune and truth.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

Perhaps, she is also reflecting on her life in the past few years, hoping to find herself again. After enjoying all the fame and fortune that brings, Jiang Pingting began to think about how to achieve true inner satisfaction.

This is what a growing girl should be. She needs time, she needs space, to find her own path. In the process, what she has not changed is her love for sports and travel, which may be the best way for her to release stress and settle down.

After a period of thinking and trying, Jiang Pingting finally made an unexpected decision - to move back to Changsha, where she grew up. This decision stemmed from her desire for inner peace and self-identity, and as a way for her to seek spiritual solace.

Nine, returning to the familiar environment, Jiang Pingting seemed to have found a long-lost sense of security. She continues to regulate her mood through sports and travel, but unlike in the past, she focuses more on what she feels on the inside than on what she shows on the outside.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

This shift is reflected in her social media, which is more about sharing bits and pieces of everyday life than showing off luxury items. In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, Jiang Pingting is still working hard to open up her own world.

But this time, she is more calm and confident. She understands that true success is not only about the outer aura, but more importantly about the inner fulfillment and contentment. Today's Jiang Pingting, although she is still the focus of attention, has a calmness and indifference in her eyes.

She no longer blindly pursues illusory fame and fortune, but cherishes her true self even more. In this turbulent entertainment industry, she is cultivating her own piece of the sky in her own way.

This girl, who once became popular due to accidents, is interpreting the meaning of growth and transformation in her own way. Her story teaches us that fame is not scary, what is scary is losing oneself.

She became popular because of Liu Qiangdong, lived in a luxury house and drove a famous car, and lived a luxurious life, and netizens said that life was easy

When she chooses to return to her original intention and regain the ordinary, she is also telling us that the more successful she is, the more she needs to meditate in order to listen to the true voice of life.

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