
James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

On April 24, Beijing time, Lakers star LeBron James posted his double-screen viewing scene on IG social media, his laptop played the EYBL League, the eldest son Brownie's team was playing, and the TV was playing the Celtics and nets playoffs. James wrote: "At 4:44 a.m., strivefor GREENNES (the brownie team's name) and the NBA playoffs. ”

Old Zhan, who missed the playoffs, is currently on holiday with his wife in Dubai, and yesterday he made it clear that he could not and did not want to miss the playoffs again. At the moment, although he can't play and the time difference, he still doesn't want to miss the wonderful playoffs. Watching the ball at 4 a.m. is similar to the motivation of many fans.

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

James not only enjoys the playoffs, but also likes to comment on Twitter, but his tweet this year has become the "behind-the-scenes black hand" of Meiji's ridicule, comparable to Buckley. Because the object of his tweets has repeatedly suffered defeats. From last year's finals to Doncic and the Lone Ranger who were "poisoned milk" by the old Zhan today, James has been "milk dead" target 5 times!

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

Clippers reporter Tomer Azarly listed James' "poisoned milk" case —

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

First, in last year's Finals, the Suns led the Bucks 2-0, and James tweeted to cheer for Paul: "Won two games, take two more @Paul". The result? The Bucks won four games in a row to win the championship with an aggregate score of 4-2! Paul missed the championship.

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

Second, in this year's playoffs, when the Clippers led the Pelicans, James tweeted that Coach Lu was the best coach in the NBA, and the Pelicans played a wave of 31-17 in the late quarter, successfully eliminating the Clippers and advancing to the playoffs.

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

Third, on April 22, Beverley erupted in the first quarter, repeatedly taunting Morant with gestures. James tweeted praise: "The Bulldog is showing off, locked in!" The Grizzlies magically turned the tables and beat the Timberwolves in one fell swoop, and Beverley White was overjoyed.

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

Another case that Azarly did not list is that Irving also hit James's "poisoned milk". On April 18, the Nets played against the Celtics, and Irving performed heroically in the final quarter, james tweeted: "The young 'God Wen' ball is playing fantastic! Incredible skill", and also for Irving did not score the 75 stars! The result? Tatum whistles the kill!

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

Against the Lone Rangers, Doncic hit a three-pointer with 39 seconds left in the game to stretch the gap to four points. James tweeted, "Luka (Doncic) !!! "The result? Mitchell scored 2+1, Powell missed two free throws, and Gobert hit the deadlock!

James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim
James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim
James watched on two screens at 4 a.m.! 5 times poisoned milk is comparable to Buckley: Doncic becomes the latest victim

By the way, James' eldest son Brownie is playing in the EYBL League, after his team suffered four consecutive defeats, today finally won, to beat the opponent 80-71, Brownie had 8 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists, 2 blocks and 1 steal, shooting 2 of 7.

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