
Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

author:Ray Technology

Xiao Lei would like to ask everyone a question: How many pounds of weight gain in the New Year? Is that fat still there?

Cough, Xiao Lei mentioned this problem, not to let everyone break the defense together, after all, as an otaku + meat lover, Xiao Lei himself during the New Year is also a real weight gain of nearly 10 pounds, plus usually do not love sports, although the Spring Festival has passed more than two months but the weight is increasing, it is really a little worrying.

However, recently Xiao Lei found a good way to lose weight, follow this fitness god jump exercise can not stop at all, often watch the live broadcast of the reader friends may have guessed who Xiao Lei is talking about, yes, is the recent fire of the fitness god Liu Qi (gēng) macro. Liu Ruihong, who had just moved to Shanghai at the end of last year, and his family ran a fitness club and café offline, but not long after the Spring Festival opened, Shanghai was gradually blocked due to the new crown epidemic (it was a bit miserable).

Liu Qihong, who was forced to temporarily close his offline business, finally thought of going to Douyin to broadcast gymnastics live after doing nothing at home, although he is not an obscure ordinary person, but Liu Qihong is indeed not a celebrity in the mainland region, and may only be very familiar with Jay Chou's fans and netizens who like to watch variety shows will have some understanding of it.

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

Liu Was first known as Jay Chou's friend and royal fitness coach, and then after being invited to participate in the internal entertainment variety show "Where Did Daddy Go", liu Qihong, who gradually liked the mainland, then decided to move to the mainland with his family.

Interestingly, Liu Qihong was initially not optimistic about live fitness, on the one hand, he thought that online fitness did not have much sense of participation, the audience could not establish a close connection with himself, on the one hand, live fitness was free and might not bring too much benefit to himself.

At that time, although Liu Qihong also opened Douyin, but most of them mainly uploaded videos, and did not open a live fitness column, but still held the idea of trying it out and started the fitness live broadcast activities, and then, with the "Compendium of Materia Medica" (Jay Chou single) dancing together, Liu Qihong was completely on fire.

How hot is Liu Qihong?

How hot is Liu Qihong? Judging from the latest data of Douyin, Liu Qihong's fans have exceeded 40 million, and each live broadcast can attract millions of Douyin users to watch together. Not only that, Liu Qihong was also invited by Xinhua News Agency to open a national fitness live broadcast together, and the popularity of the live broadcast was even more explosive, with more than 50 million Douyin users watching Liu Qihong's gymnastics online.

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

On the Internet, there have long been many netizens to Liu Qihong girl, Liu Qihong boy to call themselves, and keen to chase more Liu Qihong's every period of fitness exercises, if you recently see colleagues at work rubbing calves and arms, full of soreness, the other party is nine times out of ten is to follow Liu Qihong danced a night of fitness exercises.

However, Liu Qihong's live broadcast road is not smooth sailing, but also has a lot of hilarious "trouble", the initial live broadcast of Liu Qihong because he is not familiar with the live broadcast rules of douyin, wearing the most familiar camisole vest directly on the field, the result is soon because of the exposure of armpit hair and triggered the automatic blocking mechanism of the vibrato platform, which is considered to be "unsightly" live broadcast and temporarily banned.

After the unsealing of the live broadcast room, the returned Liu Qihong has already handled his armpit hair completely, but it did not take long for him to trigger the second ban, this ban is still a pot of camisole vests, because it is wearing a tight model, coupled with excessive sweating after exercise, the clothes are soaked at the same time, so that Liu Qihong's abs and chest muscle contours become very obvious, and then it is judged to be "edge ball" live broadcast and automatically banned.

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

To be honest, seeing here Xiao Lei is a bit stretched, although the short video platform's "edge ball" live broadcast is indeed quite a lot, but this automatic judgment mechanism seems to be too sensitive. Several times in a row because of the camisole vest was mistakenly sealed, the speechless Liu Qihong even put on a down jacket to dance the gymnastics, so that many netizens were speechless and also liked this "Geng zhi" fitness coach.

Liu Qihong's road to ban has not yet come to an end, and then he talked to netizens about Jay Chou during the live broadcast, and banned it on the grounds of medical treatment after wishing his friend Jay Chou good health. However, some netizens said that the ban was a misblock caused by the report of a good person, and the Douyin platform quickly unsealed Liu Qihong's live broadcast room.

Although it has experienced many speechless bans, but Liu Qihong is still on fire, and it is a mess of fire, in just over a month, Liu Qihong's account fans exceeded 40 million, on April 20, Liu Qihong's Douyin fans exceeded 20 million, and in just 3 days, he achieved the achievement of doubling the number of fans and completely promoted to the new "national fitness coach".

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

In the recent week, Liu Qihong has frequently appeared on the hot search of platforms such as Douyin and Weibo, and basically as long as he is a friend who has recently been online, it is estimated that he has heard his name. Now, Liu Qihong has become a phenomenon-level fitness sports figure, and "do you have a Materia Medica today" has become a popular new meme on social platforms.

Liu Ruihong boy/girl is not easy to do, be careful of injuries

After watching several gymnastics videos of Liu Qihong, Xiao Lei also understood that this fitness god can fire up for no reason, as Jay Chou's royal fitness coach, Liu Qihong's professionalism naturally needless to say, self-created shuttlecock exercises and other gymnastics have the characteristics of easy to learn, efficient and so on, with the fast pace of the "Compendium of Materia Medica", people can involuntarily follow the movement, and can not stop moving.

Moreover, when exercising, Liu Ruihong will also tell the audience in detail what details to pay attention to when doing the action, and how to avoid getting hurt during the exercise, while instructing the audience who has just started to learn not to force themselves to keep up with the rhythm, and it is effective to do it slowly.

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

Even so, there are still many netizens on the social platform posted that they followed Liu Qihong to do gymnastics, the result of the injury of the picture, many people are waist, legs and feet injured, most of them for sprains and strains, although not serious, but the pain of ten days and a half is certain.

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

Although Liu Qihong's fitness exercises seem to be simple and easy to learn, but the actual intensity is not low, many of which have high requirements for the joints and muscle strength of the waist, legs and feet, if it is a friend who does not exercise often, it is easy to force Liu Qihong's rhythm to do the action can easily lead to physical injury.

After many viewers have a fitness accident, now Liu Qihong's live broadcast will stop from time to time to remind the audience not to force themselves to keep up with their own rhythm, and Liu Qihong is also consciously promoting some lower difficult fitness exercises. However, there are not many "Liu Qihong boys/girls" who have jumped into the hospital because of the gymnastics, so everyone should still slow down when exercising, and don't be too hasty.

Liu Ruihong is on fire, can he copy it?

Before Liu Qihong, in fact, there are many fitness coaches out of the circle, but most of them gradually lose their heat after a period of time, because with other hobbies, fitness not only occupies a certain amount of free time, but also needs an empty venue, and the soreness after the initial fitness is also uncomfortable, so most passers-by are following the trend into the pit, and then insist on losing for a few days.

Will Liu Ruihong do the same? Xiao Lei is not good at giving answers, at least for now, Liu Qihong's heat is as hot as day in the sky. According to relevant sources, Liu Qihong's operation team has begun to contact merchants who intend to cooperate, and may enter the cargo industry in the future, but because the epidemic in Shanghai has not yet eased, the relevant plans have been suspended, even so liu Qihong's team's offer of goods has exceeded 500,000, and the follow-up may continue to rise.

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

Seeing that such traffic is concentrated on Liu Qihong, other MCN institutions naturally have no shortage of red-eyed people, but Xiao Lei feels that it may not be simple to copy Liu Qihong. First, Liu Ruihong himself is an actor and singer, and has participated in variety shows, has an excellent sense of lens and interactive ability, and second, as a fitness coach for many years, Liu Ruihong's own fitness technology is also excellent, and it is not simple to find a star that meets the relevant conditions.

In addition, Liu Qihong's popularity is not only because of his fitness technology, liu Qihong's initial fans composed of netizens who have been sealed for more than a month in Shanghai are also the key, and Shanghai, which concentrates a large number of Internet companies and related practitioners, has considerable influence on the Internet, so that Liu Qihong's gymnastics can form a significant spread effect on the network and quickly become popular on major social platforms.

And liu ruihong must have no shortage of intentional promotion behind the vibrato, although the initial was mistakenly blocked several times, but Liu Ruihong's subsequent live broadcast popularity surge obviously has the power of vibrato to participate, because the vibrato also needs such a "positive energy" hot spot to maintain the heat and attention of the platform, and just in line with the needs of Shanghai netizens.

So want to copy Liu Qihong's popularity, in fact, it is quite difficult, the time and place are convenient and can be said to be indispensable, but for mcN institutions can also provide a lot of experience, such as Liu Qihong often appeared with his wife when he was live, but the latter's physical strength and fitness experience is obviously not as good as Liu Qihong, so that after the warm-up, Liu Qihong also looked relaxed and prepared for the next set of actions, his wife was already tired and panting.

Why can't the explosive Liu Qihong be copied?

The strong sense of contrast also made netizens laugh, so that many netizens said: "Others' fitness costs effort, Liu Qihong's fitness fee wife", inadvertently causing a good communication effect.

With the national fitness and sports power activities that opened after the Winter Olympics, as well as the importance of young people to physical health, fitness has gradually become a hot focus and has a good prospect.

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