
The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

author:Linlin said entertainment


Two styles of underarm management

In the recent live broadcast of the horizontal basket, the audience unexpectedly discovered a new hot topic of discussion - armpit management. Liu Genghong and Ji Lingchen's performance in this regard is simply worlds apart, one is like a well-manicured garden, and the other is like an untended wilderness.

The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

Liu Genghong, as a well-known athlete, has strict standards for personal hygiene and image management. Not only does he carefully clean his armpits before exercising, but he also applies a scented lotion to ensure that he stays fresh while exercising.

The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

This meticulous management method has made many netizens sigh: "What is cleaner than my wallet in this world is Liu Genghong's armpit management!" ”

The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

In contrast, Ji Lingchen took a different style. His underarm management was described as "overgrown", and this wild image caused quite a stir in the live stream. Yu Haoming even joked in the live broadcast that Ji Lingchen's armpits were like unmowed grass, and this vivid metaphor made the audience laugh back and forth.

The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

Zheng Yecheng pointed out from another perspective that the aesthetic requirements of the times are different, and everyone has their own choice. This open-mindedness also made the audience think more about armpit management.

The live broadcast of armpit management is hotly discussed


This discussion about armpit management was initially just a small episode in the live broadcast, but as the topic deepened, it gradually evolved into a hot discussion on the whole network. Netizens expressed their opinions on social media, and some supported Liu Genghong's exquisite management, believing that this was a manifestation of responsibility for themselves and others;

The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

Some netizens think that Ji Lingchen's natural style is more individual, reflecting the attitude of modern people to pursue truth and freedom. This collision of multiple perspectives has made armpit management, a seemingly inconspicuous topic, one of the hottest discussions at the moment.

A controversial summary of axillary management


Although this discussion on armpit management seems light-hearted and humorous, it actually reflects the different views of the current society on personal image and hygiene habits. Liu Genghong's exquisite management represents a lifestyle that pursues perfection and detail, while Ji Lingchen's natural style embodies another attitude to life that pursues authenticity and freedom. These two very different styles have sparked heated discussions not only in the live broadcast, but also on social media.

The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

Netizens have different opinions on armpit management, some believe that it is a kind of personal freedom, and everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle; Some netizens believe that no matter which style you choose, you should take into account the feelings of others and the public order of society. This kind of controversial discussion not only makes armpit management a hot topic at the moment, but also makes people think more deeply about personal image and social norms.

The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!
The 'pole and pole' of the armpit realm: Liu Genghong's delicacy VS Ji Lingchen's wildness, full of jokes!

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