
The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

author:Huangjue Temple Bald Donkey 1

Although Lu Xun's dental disease has genetic causes, his personal eating habits also have a great impact on this. Lu Xun is very fond of sweets, such as yokan soup eaten during his time in Japan, is a kind of bean paste sweets, after arriving in Beijing, in the middle of the night," he "ate a large part of the hidden persimmon frosted sugar", sometimes while reading books, while "eating the leftover 'Yellow Zhu Gulu Sandwiches", after arriving in Shanghai, he often went to buy sugar himself, so Shen Jianshi recalled that one of Lu Xun's hobbies is to love sweets: "Sir likes to eat sugar the most." When eating, although he first finds sugar or sweet things to eat, even his pocket is constantly filled with candy, chewing at any time. ”

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

The degree of corrosion of sweets on teeth is very large, Lu Xun in the dental clinic to see the teeth, several times is to repair tooth decay, the severity of dental disease led to Lu Xun in 1930 had to pull out the remaining real teeth, live a life of wearing dentures, which will inevitably lead to the degradation of chewing ability. Teeth chew food poorly, and unbroken food reaches the stomach, which increases the burden on the stomach.

Lu Xun's stomach in his youth has fallen ill from eating peppers, and the other aspect of his eating habits has made this situation worse, he loves to eat hard things, fried foods, pickled foods and ice in summer, all of which will aggravate the destruction of the stomach, so when Lu Xun was seriously ill in the last two years, his body was severely malnourished, which was caused by the stomach being unable to digest food.

Sudo concluded in his reminiscences: "Gastrointestinal diseases are the most susceptible to malnutrition, and weak physiques are particularly susceptible to infestation, and the result is tuberculous physique."

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

It was even believed that stomach diseases should be responsible for Lu Xun's tuberculosis. In any case, Lu Xun's eating habits are closely related to his perennial stubborn dental disease and stomach disease, which looks inconspicuous and ordinary daily diseases, but when Lu Xun was seriously ill, it became an ant nest when the of a thousand miles collapsed.

Sudo 503's medical skills and treatment methods Sudo 503 studied at the Medical Department of the Third Higher School in Japan, obtained a medical license and became a third-class military doctor in the army, served as the director of a provincial hospital in Korea, and later opened Sudo Hospital in Shanghai.

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

From Lu Xun's diary, it can be seen that Lu Xun often visited Shinozaki Hospital and Fumin Hospital in the early days, which were the earliest and largest Japanese overseas Chinese general hospital in Shanghai, but in 1932 Lu Xun was introduced to Suto through Uchiyama, from 1933 Lu Xun asked Su teng to diagnose and treat the sea baby, and in the next 3 years, Lu Xun almost only looked for Su Teng to see a doctor, and Su Teng simply became Lu Xun's personal doctor. Such an important doctor, how is his medical skills?

Judging from the process by which Sudo healed Lu Xun, his medical skills are debatable. In July 1934, Lu Xun went to the hospital to see a doctor, and from the later observation of the development of the disease, Lu Xun had rib pain, fever, and back pain in the later stage, and he was suffering from pleurisy at that time. Sudo was initially diagnosed as a stomach disease, then it was cold, and finally it was the Spanish flu, which was misdiagnosed, because the diagnosis was wrong, and it could not be treated, Lu Xun had a continuous fever at the end of 1934 for more than 1 month, and his body was dragged down by life, and the pleurisy did not break the root.

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

1934 became a watershed in Lu Xun's health, after this serious illness, Lu Xun obviously weakened, every month to get sick, weak, poor resistance, so that later a cold is easy to cause serious illness. In May 1936, Lu Xun had a fever again, Sudo was initially diagnosed with stomach disease, Lu Xun lay down for 10 days, "the doctor has not yet found out the cause of the fever", Su Teng continued to treat, the more treatment worse, and finally at the request of Xu Guangping and Feng Xuefeng, invited Dr. Deng of the United States to come to the clinic, plus X-ray chest x-ray test, found that Lu Xun was tuberculosis and pleurisy. It is precisely because of the correct diagnosis that Sudo began to have a direction of diagnosis and treatment, injected anti-tuberculosis agents for Lu Xun, and pumped out the intercostal water, so that Lu Xun's illness slowly improved.

It can be said that without the guidance of Dr. Deng and X-ray, Sudo may still be treating Lu Xun in the way of treating stomach diseases, and it is difficult to say whether Lu Xun can last until October.

On the cause of Lu Xun's death, He Quanying of the Respiratory Department of Peking University People's Hospital based on the consultation of Lu Xun's 1936 X-ray in major hospitals in Shanghai in 1984, believing that after Lu Xun caught a cold on October 17, the left spontaneous pneumothorax caused by the rupture of the left side of the severe pulmonary vesicle was the direct cause of the patient's death, but Sudo mistakenly treated Lu Xun's disease for cardiogenic asthma and did not pump, which led to Lu Xun's death. 

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

From this point of view, Sudo's medical skill level is very worrying. In addition to medical skills, Sudo also has problems in handling patients. He did not consider the patient's physical condition, and rashly advised the frail elderly patient to travel a long distance. Lu Xun was too sick to get up in June, and after X-ray it was shown as pleurisy and tuberculosis, and after about 10 days of treatment, Sudo advised Lu Xun to go abroad for convalescence, Lu Xun accepted the advice and began to plan seriously, setting a destination every ten days and half a month, and carefully considering the accompanying personnel.

On August 1, Lu Xun was still feverish, pleurisy was not good, there was water in the chest cavity, and the weight was only 76 pounds, but Suto said that the lung disease had been cured, pleurisy was not enough, allowing Lu Xun to leave Shanghai at will, Lu Xun therefore actively considered travel matters, until August 31 he realized that he could not go out for recuperation. As a doctor, Sudo has been conveying to Lu Xun the information that his illness is not serious, and Lu Xun wrote to his mother on July 6: "Doctors come to inject every day, and according to Yun, they will not be sent after a few days, and in two weeks, they can also stop taking medicine." The fact is that Lu Xun was still feverish until October.

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

Sudo told Lu Xun that "tuberculosis is a dangerous disease for young people, but it is not fatal for the elderly", and The new fistula Huang Yuan also heard Suto say to Lu Xun: "Now the lungs are very good, and you can still live for ten years." At that time, the young master was also older, and your wife did not have to worry too much. ”

And when Lu Xun saw blood in his sputum and vomited dozens of mouthfuls of blood, Sudo told him that it had nothing to do with the lesion and was "harmless to the lungs", Lu Xun had been feverish, Suto said that pleurisy was not enough to worry about, and it would be good to finish pumping water.

The doctor said that the pathological situation was lighter to make the patient's mentality optimistic, which was beyond reproach, but Sudo's treatment made Lu Xun have a blind optimism about his illness, despised the disease, and thought that his body was about to be cured, so he had been planning to go to Japan or recuperate in China when he vomited blood and continued fever, and the heat did not recede and went out and walked around, and finally because of the cold, the illness broke out and eventually died. Lu Xun's several serious illnesses have been misdiagnosed, so it can be seen that Sudo's medical skills are very doubtful, so why has Lu Xun always trusted him so much?

Lu Xun said of him on September 5: "Although he is not a lung disease expert, he is old and experienced, and from the time of practicing medicine, he is my predecessor, and he is extremely familiar with him and is willing to speak."

Compared with Dr. Deng, who correctly diagnosed lung disease for Lu Xun, Lu Xun preferred Sudo, believing that he was "willing to explain (there is a translator), unlike the white doctor who did not open his mouth after saying a word." According to Chen Zuen's "History of the Social Life of Japanese Overseas Chinese in Shanghai (1868-1945)", in 1902, the Shanghai Japanese Medical Association was established, which uniformly stipulated the initial follow-up fee, visit fee, surgery fee, drug price, and hospitalization fee of the Shanghai Japanese Medical Institute.

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

Among them, the visit is more than 3 yuan of silver once, and the silver of 2 yuan or more is more than 2 yuan of silver in another consultation. The subcutaneous injection fee is one silver 0. 5 rounds. However, when Suto diagnosed and treated Lu Xun, he did not follow this standard: "The doctor who consulted me should not pay about two or three yuan for one year after the first examination, and the medicine fee was only five cents per day, which was cheap in foreign medicine..."

Sudo did not want to re-examine the fee of 2 yuan each time, only charged the injection fee, according to the time he diagnosed and treated Lu Xun in the diary, just in 1936 he saved at least three or four thousand oceans for Lu Xun, which was really very cheap in comparison, sudo tried his best to comfort the patient, especially the sentence "Live for another ten years, then the young master is also older" Can be said to say that Lu Xun's heart was in trouble, Huang Yuan remembered that at that time, "Mr. Was also very happy to hear it, and immediately translated it to Ms. Guangping."

Although Lu Xun did not avoid medicine, he did not like to say that according to the disease he should have died 5 years ago, but liked to say that his illness was not fatal, he could live for another 10 years, and enough time to raise the child Sudo, it was simply a natural thing.

The two major factors of Lu Xun's death, the first is diet, and the second is Japanese doctors

After Lu Xun's death, Sudo published "Mr. Lu Xun's Illness Experience" in the "Writer'" magazine in November 1936, indicating that his treatment was appropriate and correct, but this article was quite different from Lu Xun's own record in "Lu Xun's Diary", according to Yan Jiayan's judgment, Sudo had fabricated medical records, and afterwards covered up the doctor's misdiagnosis and delay in the treatment of the disease, which further made people doubt his medical level and medical ethics, and when he met such a doctor, it had to be said that this was also Lu Xun's misfortune.

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