
Eating barbecue, can it really induce stomach cancer? Reminder: Learn 5 o'clock, you can rest assured that you can eat barbecue healthily

Early in the morning, it was hotly searched for "don't eat barbecue in summer".

I thought about it, and I thought that some scandal had broken out of the barbecue, so that this human delicacy was once again taken away.

It turns out that the up lord is feeling that the temptation of barbecue is too big, often eat barbecue, and the face will... Show more smiles.

As the saying goes: how to relieve worries, only grilled skewers.

After all, under the temptation of barbecue primitive and heroic, ask who can be conquered by its soul-pounding taste, one kebab on the left and one wine on the right. What else is difficult on earth?

However, because of this delicious taste, it still can't stop a lot of gossip, and many diners want to eat, but they dare not eat.

Eating barbecue, can it really induce stomach cancer? Reminder: Learn 5 o'clock, you can rest assured that you can eat barbecue healthily

Does grilling really induce stomach cancer?

The causes of gastric cancer are more complex, and the process of gastric cancer formation is also relatively long.

But for people who eat barbecue for a long time and in large quantities, it does increase the risk of stomach cancer. During the process of grilling, the protein will be denatured and the vitamins will be lost in large quantities.

The amino acid components in food will decompose some genetic mutants, in the high temperature barbecue, the two can react to produce heterocyclic amines, and fat barbecue will produce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, these substances are likely to lead to the emergence of cancer.

In addition, in the process of grilling, food will produce more benzopyrene, nitrosamines and other components, which will damage the body's DNA and will begin to evolve cancer.

But the problem is that cancer itself is a disease determined by many factors, which does not mean that eating a barbecue will get cancer, but it is found that people who often eat barbecue will have a much higher incidence of colon cancer and stomach cancer than people who do not eat barbecue.

Therefore, occasionally eating a small amount of barbecue will not induce the emergence of stomach cancer.

Eating barbecue, can it really induce stomach cancer? Reminder: Learn 5 o'clock, you can rest assured that you can eat barbecue healthily

What do we need to pay attention to if we want to eat barbecue healthily?

First, do not eat charred food

As mentioned earlier, when charcoal is at high temperatures, it often combines with proteins in food to produce benzopyrene, and regular intake will have a carcinogenic risk.

Whether it is meat and vegetables or seafood, if there is a phenomenon of roasting, the more charred the part contains carcinogens, so it is better not to eat the burned part as much as possible.

Second, pay attention to the choice of barbecue method

The way of grilling is charcoal grilling and electric heating device grilling, using charcoal fire to grill food is easy to burn, meat in the grilling when the grease will drip on the charcoal fire, resulting in a large amount of benzopyrene, will increase the risk of cancer.

It is recommended that you choose an electric heating device for barbecue, such as an oven, an electric cake pan or a microwave oven.

Eating barbecue, can it really induce stomach cancer? Reminder: Learn 5 o'clock, you can rest assured that you can eat barbecue healthily

Third, pay attention to environmental choices

When grilling, more oil smoke will be emitted, and a large number of harmful substances will be generated in these oil smokes, which will enter the human body with the respiratory system, digestive system and skin, thereby increasing the risk of various diseases.

Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to ventilation when grilling to avoid the human body being in an enclosed space for a long time.

Fourth, pay attention to the raw and cooked food

You know, ingredients that are not fully cooked, especially meat, may actually have parasites or other bacteria, so make sure that the barbecue ingredients are fully cooked to avoid acute abdominal pain and diarrhea and other diseases.

In addition, the weather is hot, the food itself is easy to breed purple bacteria and deteriorate, so we need to pay attention to refrigeration and other work when storing food, so as to avoid spoilage when food is preserved.

Eating barbecue, can it really induce stomach cancer? Reminder: Learn 5 o'clock, you can rest assured that you can eat barbecue healthily

Fifth, diversify the ingredients

When eating barbecue, we must pay attention to the combination of ingredients, not only eat a lot of meat, should be accompanied by some potato pieces, steamed buns or roasted corn, onions, bell peppers, etc., to ensure a balanced diet.

Of course, it is not recommended to accompany cold beer, barbecue and beer itself are typical high-purine foods, and eating both at the same time may easily lead to gout attacks.

You can properly match the fruit, eat the barbecue and after eating the barbecue, you can eat some fruits appropriately, such as kiwifruit, sydney pear, banana, these fruits contain more vitamins and dietary fiber, but also appetizing and greasy.

Of course, the last thing to note is that ---- eat barbecue, it is best not to "eat while hot", and you can't eat barbecue in a hurry, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the esophagus and cause esophageal cancer.

Eating barbecue, can it really induce stomach cancer? Reminder: Learn 5 o'clock, you can rest assured that you can eat barbecue healthily

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