
Slightly cool to play trumpet is "played"? The whole process is 0buff, and it is useless for the dream to fly?

Hello everyone, today to share with you a recent cool small number of peak games, about 1500 segments.

The slight cool trumpet should be about two thousand points, and in the course of a recent live broadcast, he played a trumpet's peak game, and the segment gap was a few hundred points, and everyone can imagine - isn't this a casual win?

However, when entering the game, it was found that the system directly matched three wild players, and the three people did not have the intention of giving up their positions, and Wei Liang was also a shouldn't let go:

Belt fly, belt fly.

Slightly cool to play trumpet is "played"? The whole process is 0buff, and it is useless for the dream to fly?

At this time, the player on the first floor could not see the slight coolness, so he said:

You fly yes, then I will swing.

Therefore, he chose a Bell Kui first-hand and brought the Summoner Skill of Rage.

This floor is indeed to do what he says, and this hand of heroes and skill choices is enough to show his determination to "swing rotten".

Next into the game, Zhong Kui's move directly made the slightly cool break the defense, Zhong Kui like a normal auxiliary, the opening came to the middle of the road, but did not produce gems, but out of a small shoe. I thought he was going to get a single, but I didn't think he turned around and came to the blue zone, and the blue buff against the slightly cool lan was a second skill. Blue was hooked out of the wild area and pulled out, and the slight coolness was also white, not only could he not get blue, but his own wild rhythm would also be dragged down.

Slightly cool to play trumpet is "played"? The whole process is 0buff, and it is useless for the dream to fly?

Wei Liang had no choice but to go online to make up for the economy, but as long as he went to the wild area, Zhong Kui would definitely say hello with two skills, and finally let Wei Liang not get the buff the whole time, for Wei Liang, this is really disgusting to home.

This game also let Mengfei, who is broadcasting live, know that Mengfei has the right to report players, so he contacted Weiliang to ask what was going on, and Weiliang also told Mengfei the process. Meng Fei asked Wei Liang to save screenshots and replays, and then left them as evidence.

It can be seen that Mengfei did not directly submit a video to deal with Zhong Kui players, as everyone said, Mengfei came and was useless. But this move also triggered a heated discussion among the audience.

First, if it is to grab the position, the people Zhong Kui is on the first floor, who grabs whose position? Do all players have to make way for the so-called streamer? They are all players, so why get used to them? In fact, there are many passers-by players, and it is not that the anchor can always lead his teammates to fly.

Therefore, the matter of grabbing the position, whether it is a passerby or an anchor, has the responsibility. If there is a blame, it should be said that there is a problem with the system, why does the system sometimes match three or even four players in the same position? Perhaps, the system should also improve the matching mechanism.

Second, if we say "rotten", in fact, some anchors do not have this kind of behavior in the process of live broadcasting? Blind rhythm, spring water hanging up, and even sending people first class, at this time, why don't you use "privilege" for the anchor?

Rebuke yourself with the heart of a person, and forgive others with a heart of forgiveness.

Shouldn't the so-called anchor be more strict with himself?

Slightly cool to play trumpet is "played"? The whole process is 0buff, and it is useless for the dream to fly?

Most importantly, what is the essence of playing games? In my opinion, it is for entertainment. Since it is for entertainment, it is better to be happy, passers-by players are not professional e-sports players, in their so-called e-sports spirit, standing on the moral high ground to restrain others, which is obviously unlikely.

What do you think about this?

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