
Men with these 4 traits will be chased backwards by girls!

Men with these 4 traits will be chased backwards by girls!

Hello everyone, I am a strict and gentle, dedicated to the truth of the morning brother.

I will ask some people, why are you obviously not bad, and you still have to rush to please? Why are you obviously quite good, and you have to rush to the spring and autumn? Say I don't deserve it?

You look at the other little brothers who are all unlucky and iron, he can envy you to death, he wants you to have your conditions, the children can recognize you as a dry father.

You have some confidence, oh someone said, I don't chase girls.

Today will not let you chase, you will read today's content, Brother Chen I will tell you below, boys with these 4 characteristics are very likely to be chased backwards by girls.

Take a small book and remember well, the final exam will not be taken, but in the matter of finding a girlfriend, it will definitely be tested.

Trait 1: One of the best in wearing taste

Many brothers are very confused, they have not met with girls a few times, why do other girls especially understand themselves?

In fact, the answer to this question is super simple.

She's seen the pimples on your face and knows you love to stay up late.

She's seen your messy hair and knows you don't usually trim the edges.

She has seen your messy clothes and can conclude that you are a boy with no aesthetics.

Little brothers can make up their own brains according to this rule, and you can basically judge why girls understand you so well.

Girls' intuition is much more sensitive than yours, they will communicate submergedly, and they will judge the value of a boy through the dress and appearance of a boy.

Many little brothers are self-motivated, responsible, and have a monthly salary of more than 10,000, but as soon as they go out, others still feel that he is not worthy of a little sister with a monthly salary of four thousand.

The reason is very real, because his rustic clothing and beautifully dressed little sister stand together, people will only think that the painting style is not right.

Seeing the little sister, people will think of Haoyue cool, the galaxy is hot, and seeing him, they will only think of spicy and hot.

Dressing is a few grades lower than girls at first, what else can you expect to fall in love?

Some of you think, ah some men, why do you do so many clothes, what suits, casual wear, sportswear, fashion trends, catwalks?

People don't know about the catwalk, but what occasions people have, what kind of dress, you have to admit, such boys walk in the middle of the crowd, girls look at it is not simple, of course, willing to contact.

Don't say that girls are superficial, on the contrary, everyone is not the same, you and I don't know.

So to get rich, first build roads, to seduce sisters, first learn to dress and match, tidy up hair, and maintain the skin.

Before entering the girl's heart, learn to enter the girl's eyes, no girl wants to look inside you from your sloppy appearance.

Male peacocks all know to open the screen, show their good image to attract the opposite sex, we, are not also learning?

Finally, let's share three practical dressing theorems:

1, from head to toe, do not exceed three colors.

2, pay attention to the main and auxiliary color collocation, such as black pants with red clothes, low-key luxury, green pants with white clothes, youth and vitality.

3, fat people wear cold color clothes and pants thin, thin people wear warm color clothes and pants are symmetrical.

Trait two: a mate selection criterion with a rich attitude

Many boys are catering to girls' mate selection standards and dare not express their needs reasonably.

The reason is that they have inferiority deep down, which is the result of a typical boy being objectified.

If nothing else, even "Pleasant Goat and Gray Wolf" is telling us that the reason why the red wolf likes the gray wolf is because the gray wolf is willing to pay for the red wolf all the time.

But in the real world, a man like a gray wolf, women will only use him as a spare tire and a cash machine, do not believe, do not believe you to try.

But careful tasting, boys' inferiority is only to compare the female growth points with their own shortcomings, many of which are not comparable.

This is undoubtedly living in the world of the Dream of the Red Chamber, the heart of Journey to the West, is it interesting?

In contrast, the so-called boys who can be chased backwards by girls are very good at expressing their mate selection criteria to girls.

Then successfully hold hands, you still wonder, why are the boys who have requirements still liked by girls?

This is related to the human Mu Qiang psychology, in fact, girls still long for a boy who is stronger than herself to take the initiative to guide the relationship.

And excellent boys dare to tell girls their mate selection criteria, such as "I like girls to be gentle and gentle", "I like girls to dress up beautifully".

As long as the early chat is good, the boy will talk about his own mate selection criteria, you can see it, the girl will think about his standards all day.

Therefore, children who cry have sugar to eat, do not have inferiority, do not kneel and lick, have taste, and have standard boys are more likely to get true love.

Trait three: a good personality that guides girls' emotions

To use an inappropriate analogy, the nature of the relationship is no different from the team up to fight the king, it is a supply and demand relationship.

You are willing to team up with others to fight the king, because the other party has what you want, such as A playing at the top, B clearing the line quickly, and finally together can get the thrill of winning the game.

The same is true in love, girls are willing to be with you, it must be that you love some kind of trait in her, and you also have a personality that makes her feel moody and sad, such as you love to pursue excitement, you are very humorous, etc.

Many little brothers feel that having money and being handsome is the premise of attracting girls, 2022 has passed more than a third, don't cross over to the past.

Girls usually want happiness, sweetness, and good emotions.

Respecting each other as guests is a guest, and noisy is like.

When a girl's emotions are led by a boy, the brain secretes a substance called dopamine, which greatly stimulates the excitatory nerves in the brain.

As long as the girl's mood fluctuates for a long time due to a boy, then sooner or later she will be impressed by the boy.

Instead of learning a lot of love words and skills, it is better to first understand who the girl is, what kind of boy likes to lead the emotions, after understanding, and then cultivate your own personality, then you take off the single is more effective with half the effort.

Trait 4: Contrarian thinking that is different from ordinary people

Many little brothers are still mother and fetus solo, what do you think the reason is, I know that after I laughed, he gave me a sentence: Men and women can not be kissed.

You go out on a date with a girl, obviously the atmosphere is very good, and what you have in mind is what you think, men and women can't afford to kiss, give someone something.

In this way, grabbing a corner, afraid of touching people's hands, walking in the crowd is very crowded, do not dare to reach out and drag her, what do you let people think? What's wrong with my perfume today doesn't smell enough to get you drunk? Well then bothered the next one.

No matter how long the rope of the old moon is, it can't tie you.

In fact, the thinking of chasing girls, the ancestor's "Journey to the West" has told us.

Brother Monkey, who jumped out of the stone, had no background, but when he returned from his studies, he made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, that is, he felt that he could be a Great Luo Immortal, and finally he sealed the fight to defeat the Buddha.

This reveals a truth, that is, the theorems we know are not necessarily correct, and many times, reverse thinking can really solve the problem.

Many boys think that to make girls like themselves is to pay for girls, wrong! Boys with high emotional intelligence will choose to be appropriate and let girls pay for themselves at the beginning.

As a result, the girl loved the boy more and more because she paid for him.

Many people feel that they have to establish a relationship first and then hold hands, wrong! The atmosphere wasn't enough to hold hands.

Having said all this, have you found that the problem that many little brothers are difficult to get off the single is really not that they are not strong enough, but that they like to set limits for themselves.

I feel that I am not worthy, afraid that the girl will ignore herself, and dare not lead the girl's emotions.

You play a ranking and even kneel for a night you can not uninstall the game the next day and think I am OK, how come to the girl this you can't do?

In fact, this kind of fear comes from the unknown, instead of trembling, it is better to be brave, at least let the girl see that you have a good feeling for her.

Success, you can take off the single, fail, and will not lack arms and legs, this no one to give you what position, you do not dish, and who knows?

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