
Li Bai's 10 most gentle poems: see the deer when the tree is deep, and the river does not hear the bell at noon

Haizi said: Living in this gentle world, the sun is strong and the water waves are gentle.

The gentle spring breeze makes people comfortable, and the gentle poetry makes people rejoice.

Heroic Li Bai, there are also many gentle works, swallow grass bees, trees deep to see deer, let's appreciate the gentleness in Li Bai's poetry.

Li Bai's 10 most gentle poems: see the deer when the tree is deep, and the river does not hear the bell at noon

1, the most gentle lotus picking woman: laugh into the lotus flower, pretend not to come out.

"Five Songs of Yue Nu Words: Four"

YeXi lotus girl, see Ke Tong song back.

Laugh into the lotus, pretend not to come out.

The young girl who was picking lotuses in the Ruoye Stream saw the travelers and sang a song to row the boat back. He giggled and hid in the lotus bushes, pretending to be afraid of not being ashamed.

The bright flowers and the beautiful faces complement each other, and this harmonious and wonderful scene is really enchanting. It can be seen from this that although this small poem is very simple, its meaning is very timeless.

There are not many truths in the world, and a woman's blush is better than a large number of words.

2, the most gentle acacia: swallow grass such as Beth, Qin Sang low green branches.

Spring thoughts

Swallow grass is like beth, and Qinsang has low green branches.

When the king returns to the day, it is the concubine who breaks the intestine.

Spring breeze does not know each other, what into Luo Shuai.

When the spring blossoms, it is also a good time to miss each other.

In the middle of spring, the mulberry leaves are luxuriant, and the Si Woman who is alone in Qindi looks at the mulberry trees that are already green, and thinks of the grass in the Swallow Land, which must be as delicate as silk!

When you miss the day when your homeland is looking forward to returning, you have long been thinking of you and your stomach is full of sorrow. Spring breeze, you and I have never known each other, why blowing into the tent to stir me up?

On the other side of the mountain, at the other end of the clouds, there are people I miss!

Li Bai's 10 most gentle poems: see the deer when the tree is deep, and the river does not hear the bell at noon

3, the most gentle memory: may you travel to the famous mountains, learn the Way to fly Dansha.

The sunset is reminiscent of the mountains

After the rain, the smoke is green, and the sunny day is scattered.

The east wind returns with the spring and sends me flowers on the branches.

When the flowers fall, it is twilight, and it is humbling to see this.

May you travel to the famous mountains and learn to fly Dansha.

After traveling around the world for a long time, I miss the comfortable life in the mountains more and more.

After the rain, the wilderness is emerald green, the smoke is faint, and the afterglow in the clear sky is like a brocade. Dongfeng followed the spring girl back and urged the flowers of my house to open.

Now is the time of sunset, how not to make people sigh? I want to go to the famous mountains and rivers and find immortals to learn the alchemy of Dansha Jindan.

The wind in the mountains is so gentle, and the scenery in the mountains makes people forget the worries of the world.

4, the most gentle drunkenness: not aware of the wine, falling flowers in my clothes.


I don't feel the wine, and the flowers are full of my clothes.

Drunk at the beginning of the creek moon, birds are also rare.

Drinking in the flowers, unconsciously it is late afternoon, the falling flowers are drunk and walking under the moon by the stream, when the birds have returned home, there are few pedestrians, and there is silence.

Let the heart hold the hand of time, let the time turn a thousand times, the flowers along the way are all for you, and the fragrance along the way is the warmth of time.

Walking in the falling flowers, there is romance, and there is loneliness.

Li Bai's 10 most gentle poems: see the deer when the tree is deep, and the river does not hear the bell at noon

5, the most gentle invitation: green bamboo into the path, green lotus whisk clothes.

Descend to the south mountain to pass the Huosi Mountain people to put wine

Twilight descends from the Bishan Mountain, and the mountain and the moon return with the people.

But the path of the way is concerned, and the sky is green and green.

Carrying with the Tian family, the child opened the thorns.

Green bamboo into the path, green lotus whisks clothes.

Talk and drink together.

Long songs chant pine wind, song exhausted river stars.

I was drunk and happy, and I forgot about the opportunity.

Li Bai came down from the mountain, met friends, and was invited to be a guest at home, which was a beautiful journey.

Walking through the bamboo forest, through the quiet path, the green roses and leaves whisk people's clothes. Drinking and laughing with friends is very cheerful. Drunk and drunk, he sang a long song until the stars of the Tianhe River fell, and the silence was even deeper.

The gentle evening wind in the mountains will definitely blow away a lot of unpleasantness!

6, the most gentle thoughts: climbing the lotus to make its beads, swaying is not round.

Folding lotus is a gift

Wading the river to play autumn water, love this red fern fresh.

Climbing the lotus to make its beads, the ripples do not make a circle.

Beauty in the clouds, want to give away the sky.

Acacia has no reason to see, looking forward to the cool breeze.

Boating, lotus flowers are brightly colored, it is really cute.

I wanted to send a flower to the person I loved and express my affection, but she was far away in the sky, leaving me alone in this bitter lovesickness, looking at the desolate autumn wind in the distance, hoping to see her again.

If hidden forbearance is a hidden power, and silence is a shocking confession, then pity is a retrospective reflection of the feelings of Junyi, thinking of the King's Dynasty and Twilight.

Li Bai's 10 most gentle poems: see the deer when the tree is deep, and the river does not hear the bell at noon

7, the most gentle search: see deer when the tree is deep, and the creek does not hear the bell at noon.

Visiting Dai Tianshan Daoists did not meet

In the sound of the dog barking, the peach blossoms are dewy.

Deer are seen when the trees are deep, and the creek does not hear the bell at noon.

Wild bamboo is divided into green mist, and flying springs hang on the green peaks.

No one knows where to go, and two or three pines are in sorrow.

Li Bai came to visit friends in the mountains, the spring water was muddy, the dogs barked faintly, the peach blossoms were dewy, and the eyes were thick and colorful.

On the forest trail, you often see elk infested; the forest is long, and when you come to the stream, it is already noon, and it is time for the Taoist temple to strike the bell, but you can't hear the bell.

Friends are not at home, but what does it matter? The surrounding scenery is enough to enjoy and make it worth the trip.

People live quietly, even if they listen quietly to the sound of the wind, they can feel the poetic life.

8, the most gentle rendezvous: I was drunk and went to sleep, and the Ming Dynasty intended to hold the piano.

Drink with the ghost in the mountains

The two of them drank the mountain flowers, cup after cup.

I was drunk and went to sleep, and the Ming Dynasty deliberately came with the piano.

Li Bai is the most casual.

On this day, he and his friends drank in the mountains, admired the flowers, and drank one cup after another. Finally, he said lazily: I am going to sleep, I still want to drink tomorrow, remember to bring a violin.

It is rare to meet two or three close friends in life, you must have a drink, how many times can you laugh like this in your life?

Li Bai's 10 most gentle poems: see the deer when the tree is deep, and the river does not hear the bell at noon

9, the most gentle yearning: the white clouds are still scattered, and the bright moon falls on whose house.

Recall the first of the two songs of Dongshan

Not to the east for a long time, roses bloom a few degrees.

The white clouds are still scattered, and the bright moon is falling on whose house.

Dongshan is the place where Xie An, a famous politician of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once lived in seclusion.

Li Bai longed for Dongshan because he admired Xie An. I haven't been back to Dongshan for a long time, but I don't know how many times the roses planted next to the cave in the past have bloomed? Are the white clouds surrounding the Baiyun Hall still gathering and dispersing? The bright moon in front of the Bright Moon Hall does not know whose house it fell into?

On my shoulders were the wind, and on the wind were flashing constellations of stars. What I envy is not the mountain, but the leisurely life in the mountain.

10. The most gentle sleep: the holy temple is idle and sleepy, where is the most quiet at this time?

Yongfang Guangshi

The holy temple is idle and sleepy, where is the most quiet at this time?

The window is full of bright moons and the wind is quiet, and I smell one or two sounds when the jade chime is in.

Fangguang Temple is located in the middle of the Lotus Peak of Hengshan Mountain, where ancient trees and babbling water are elegant and deep. The temple is located in a deep, multi-spring stone, maple and fir trees, deep forest dense bamboo, the scenery is extremely beautiful, there is a saying that "do not travel widely, do not know the depth of the southern mountain".

After a good night's sleep in this sacred and secluded temple, what could be more tranquil than here? The bright moon in the sky, the gentle mountain wind, and the beating sound of jade rocks from time to time.

The best always comes when it comes to the most inadvertent. What we have to do is to work hard with hope and wait for the good to appear.

Li Bai's 10 most gentle poems: see the deer when the tree is deep, and the river does not hear the bell at noon

Serious life, gentle love, slowly live in harmony with this world, and shine in your own world.

You can listen to mournful songs, but I want you, looking at the sun, stars, moon, pedestrians, trees, flowers, marshmallows, raindrops, animals outside, to see the world is also shining!

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