
Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!

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[Musk should be an idol of the tech world launched by the US government and the US military!] 】

I see a lot of Chinese admire Musk, and if you say that Musk has a background in the U.S. military, they will be very angry, because they think Musk is innovating for the future of mankind, is a great entrepreneur, so does Musk have anything to do with the U.S. military? I searched for it and looked at it to understand.

There are also photos of Musk wearing U.S. Air Force uniforms, photos of U.S. Air Force speeches, and pictures of U.S. Air Force fighters going crazy about Musk, like fans worshiping stars, and I feel strange like this phenomenon, a bit like deliberate propaganda.

No matter how good an entrepreneur is, he is unlikely to have many people shouting at him like a fan to a star. Because we know that the crazy shouting of celebrity fans is artificially created and hyped. Even if my idol Ren Zhengfei Ma Yun walked in front of me, I had the urge to take a picture with them, but I would definitely not shout madly.

In addition, these Chinese who worship Musk are secretive about His Holiness Musk (not allowed to talk about his military background, because it is detrimental to his glorious impression that he is innovating for the future of mankind and innovating for a better life for mankind) is also very strange, because they have not done a good job of his Holiness the tomb of the founding father of their country, saying that this tomb is too big and too good, the meaning is self-evident, these people may be spiritual Americans, not necessarily two dogs, but it is indeed very strange, There is a blind worship of American things, this is not normal, there should be some force pushing.

Because, in general, it is normal for a citizen to worship the leader of his own country, the scientist, the great man, but if he admires someone in another country and points fingers at the great man and scientist of his own country, this is more or less strange.

In addition, the Wall Street Journal of the United States published a message Chinese network, Musk's company will provide the Starlink network to the Ukrainian military to use, to know that the Ukrainian army is Nazi, that is equivalent to saying that Musk's company is providing services for the Nazi armed forces, or that he has no military background? I yawn!

Therefore, I suspect that Musk is likely to be an idol jointly packaged by the US government and the US military, an idol in the scientific and technological community, which is also a kind of American culture, in order to increase the influence of other countries, to give everyone an image: the United States is a country of scientific and technological innovation, and it is also the only country in the world that can produce technology entrepreneurs, well, they are innovating for the future good life of mankind, and the whole world will benefit from it, saying that it is as if it is free to send, for example, it has affected a large number of people in China. A large number of businessmen.

For the giant companies in the United States, we are very impressed, indeed, under the dollar hegemony and military hegemony of the United States, they can easily do global business and make global money, but definitely not simply because of technology, but because of the dollar and military hegemony. As for innovating for the future of mankind, it is even more nonsense! Are there fewer American tramps on Wall Street? The American giants have made so much money, like China, relief, no problem, right?

By the way, Musk's next plan is to acquire Coca-Cola, harvest the function, and then rejoin cocaine to Coca-Cola, which is also innovative for the good life of mankind? But don't worry, there must be Chinese cheered for, such as the "artists", so that they can get inspired.

The conclusion is that Musk should be an idol of the technology industry jointly packaged by the US government and the US military, which should be a more objective and rational judgment. In terms of this kind of cultural construction, the United States is indeed much more powerful than China.

Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!
Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!
Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!
Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!
Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!
Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!
Musk should be an icon in the tech world launched by the U.S. government and the U.S. military!

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