
53-year-old Musk's daily life: sleep at 3 a.m. and wake up at 9 a.m., and the first thing he wakes up is to look at his phone

author:Horse Born Steven


"Why does Musk wake up so early every day and go to bed at three o'clock?"

"Working seven days a week, where does Musk get so much energy?"

"Sleep is the most important, 53 years old, aren't you afraid of aging fast?"

"I have a lot of time, and I don't exercise more."


Master of time management.

53-year-old Musk, in the prime of life, is the time to enjoy life, but he only sleeps three or four hours a day, about two or three o'clock in the morning to rest, and in the morning he jumps to work, and even on weekends, seven days without rest, there are busy things every day, even if there is a party, it is occasionally an hour or two, in addition to eating and simple exchanges, other times still have to do a good job.

Someone ridiculed him that if he doesn't sleep well, he will get old, and Alzheimer's will find him sooner or later, but he replied with a smile: "Sleep is the least important thing to me, if it weren't for sleep, how could I have a lot of time to work every day."

Musk is a process for him, probably essential, but it is impossible to get energy from it, so his sleep time is only a small amount in total.

It's just that if he doesn't get enough sleep in a day, Musk will feel low in energy and always be in a trance when doing things, so Musk has always been famous for his time management, and he has arranged every minute of his life.

He was a workaholic, insisting on working six or seven hours a day, and even preventing himself from doing anything that would not improve his efficiency, so he rarely did some leisure activities.

At work, Musk will also try to minimize his turnover, working more than 120 hours a week, and in order to be able to spare a lot of time to work, he will try to minimize the time he is disturbed.

Every morning, after he wakes up, the first thing he does is to check the messages received overnight on his mobile phone, he has a designated assistant, and when he hasn't gotten up, he will help Musk screen out some urgent things, so the first thing in the morning is to check these important messages and start solving them immediately.

In order to work, Musk was tired of sleeping too much, he was in Tesla and SpaceX, when the company encountered challenges that could not be solved immediately, he would not leave the company every day, work all day long, and was very excited, every time someone came to persuade him to go home and rest, he always said: "I still have a lot of things to do, if I am not here, my heart will always be unable to let go, I will simply be here, anyway, the company has a place to rest."

In the face of this work-filled spirit, the company could only satisfy his obsessive-compulsive disorder as much as possible, he chose to spread a sleeping bag on the floor, and then arranged a place in the corner of the company to take a shower.

Two hours or an hour of bath time a day is enough, taking a bath is the only time for Musk to relax, usually do not forget to work, every time he takes a bath, he can take a long time to think about what he wants to do next.

Although he is very thin and does not like to exercise, Musk thinks that taking a bath makes him feel very comfortable, makes him feel happy, and can also wash away the fatigue of the day, just like washing away the dust of the day.

Because the environment is everywhere related to electric cars and rockets, Musk will also enjoy himself and think in the water when he is in the shower.

Taking a bath is like a space for a person's reflection and clear thinking, Musk said that during the day, all kinds of affairs are entangled around him, a bunch of people are looking for him to solve problems, and all kinds of noisy sounds make it impossible for him to work with peace of mind, and only in the dead of night can he get a huge space for thinking.

However, sometimes Musk just gets into the bathtub, but still can't get the peace he wants, at this time, he will open the game and try to suppress his inner anxiety, but sometimes his anxiety is still very big, he will rush out of the bathtub by himself, run downstairs to play games, until his anxiety is completely released, and then he will return to the bathtub to think about work by himself.

Musk has always had extremely high requirements for his day, and sleep time is no exception, he will try to ensure that he has 40 hours of work a week, and he will sleep enough for 6 to 7 hours.

Of course, this is just compensation for his very hard work, in reality, Musk has to work overtime until the early hours of the morning almost every day, and there is time to sleep halfway, but there are only three or four hours in total, which will only make him more excited in the middle of the night and more focused on work during the day.

Playing games is one of his great pleasures.

However, even when working or communicating with his family, Musk never stops thinking for himself, and his contacts have said that Musk's programming is very professional, and when someone asks him how he is so powerful, Musk said, I have been very interested in programming since I played games when I was a child.

I'm fascinated by the charm of the game, and I spend hours every day working on technical stuff and even trying it out until I solve it myself, so I'm very strong at programming.

In the eyes of many people, Musk is a complete workaholic, does not like sports, and does not care about all aspects of life, but in Musk, there are still some things that make him spiritual.

Musk loves desserts, and he also has his own preferences for various delicacies, and every morning when he gets up, he will find a dessert that is most convenient to start with, eat a piece, and then start his own fulfilling day.

Therefore, another reason why Musk can have such a great motivation to work every day is that the thing he enjoys most every day is to eat breakfast, and he can put things aside at that time and have a little happiness for pets regardless of the cost.

Therefore, at breakfast time, he will also eat with his family more often, chat with his family, and enjoy this wonderful time.

In fact, Musk is not a person who lacks interest in life, he has also driven rockets to space, and has also driven electric cars for rallying, and he can also be very involved in these exciting activities in people's eyes.

But what he really loves is his persistence in his work that can change the world, and it is in this way that his investment is getting bigger and bigger, and Musk has made great achievements in their respective entrepreneurial fields.

Whether it is his SpaceX or Tesla, they are both technology companies that create a better future for all mankind, and every opportunity in this is an irreproducible hardship and unique talent that can make Musk dominant.

A rare tech boss.

To a certain extent, people wonder if Musk is playing a game, because there has never been a person in this world who has such a career, but he himself is tired of it, day and night, he has opened his mind to this world, and new technologies are emerging in an endless stream.

Musk also admitted that playing games is one of his great pleasures, although he is not a master player who sticks to the computer all day long, but playing games is a way for him to relax, and the process of playing games can also be very fulfilling.

And Musk also has an idea, if he didn't play games, he wouldn't even start to get in touch with programming, and he wouldn't start his own entrepreneurial road, and then lead various fields of personal space development, and create some technology companies with strange ideas, so games are also a pivotal existence for Musk.

Musk's road to expanding his territory in the field of science and technology has been smooth sailing, but there are also people around him who question him and think that he is a little too idealistic, but Musk believes that only idealistic obsessive-compulsive patients can definitely realize his dreams.

53-year-old Musk's daily life: sleep at 3 a.m. and wake up at 9 a.m., and the first thing he wakes up is to look at his phone

As the richest man in the world, Musk's life is very exciting, however, he himself has never felt satisfied, his goal is to make the field of energy bigger and stronger, so that electric cars into thousands of households, and SpaceX is the prop he uses to realize his space dream.

53-year-old Musk's daily life: sleep at 3 a.m. and wake up at 9 a.m., and the first thing he wakes up is to look at his phone

Musk's dreams and beliefs illuminate his actions, and he also dares to throw the blame on others in the face of morality, risk, and benefits, and he chooses to stand on the high ground of career innovation and technology, and does not want to indulge in negative information.

However, Musk is undoubtedly a serious workaholic, and he not only spends all his time at work, but even at the risk of physical wear and tear, he has a bad time.

In his heart, the time spent running wildly at the moment, and the price he paid to change the world, were worth it, but people were more concerned about his body, and there were reports that Musk had a large area on his scalp, scarred, all directly against the heat of the rocket launch, dry.

53-year-old Musk's daily life: sleep at 3 a.m. and wake up at 9 a.m., and the first thing he wakes up is to look at his phone

At that time, he immediately found a factory for the take-off of the SpaceX rocket, and under the worried eyes of the workers, he lay directly on the floor, drilled underneath, and found the factory's main power switch, and then he waited in the factory to prevent others from disturbing him, and until late at night, he slept on the factory floor.


Early in the morning, a wave of staff rushed to the factory to work, after opening the main gate, they found that there was a person inside, they thought it was a thief, and immediately called the police, when the police came, they knew that it was their boss, because there was another day of busy tomorrow, so he rested here.

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