
Constellation Goddess May Moon Luck | what you expect, will come (Part 1)

Constellation Goddess May Moon Luck | what you expect, will come (Part 1)

Career ★★★ ☆☆

Feelings ★★★★★

Fortune ★★★★ ☆

Academics ★★★★★

Health ★★ ☆☆☆

The Taurus Eclipse Crescent Moon on No. 1 illuminates your 2nd house, coinciding with the day when The Golden Wood meets in Pisces, bringing good news for your money. Some people may get a surprise credit in early May, and some people will start working on money or property-related matters. In short, this eclipse will make you more aware of your deep desire for material things. However, during this period, there may also be some blind consumption and additional expenditure, it is recommended that you develop a scientific and clear financial plan to avoid unexpected expenses.

As Venus 3 enters Aries, you'll feel refreshed and exuding charm throughout. During this time, you may not be able to resist the urge to change your image, some people will try a new style, such as buying a few new clothes, perming your hair, or doing a medical aesthetic project, etc., boldly try it, and enjoy the pleasure that Venus brings you! In terms of feelings, although Venus entering Aries will bring you a short-term heartbeat and passion, two people together still need a long time to understand and run in, in the face of fresh little peach blossoms must not be impulsive, but also need to rationally analyze and grasp. Some people may be planning a confession or marriage proposal ceremony, and Venus will give you the opportunity and courage.

On May 10th, Mercury began its second retrograde of the year in Gemini, and some people have been feeling the chaos of the water retrograde since the end of April. This water retrograde occurs in your 3rd house and affects your logical thinking, communication skills, transportation, and electronic supplies. In addition, in the work docking, workplace together will also face certain obstacles. However, the period of water retrograde is very suitable for summarizing and reflecting, as long as you can realize that a lot of chaos stems from inner restlessness, then all uneasiness will pass.

On the 11th, as Jupiter enters Aries, your position in the 1st house, you will also reap more good luck. This is a blessed time, you will find that there are noble people around you who have been secretly helping you, during this period you will also be more proactive in improving yourself from the three aspects of body, mind and spirit. If you have recently taken a major exam related to further study, as long as you prepare carefully, the chances of passing the exam are still very high.

On the 16th, the Scorpio full moon takes place in your 8th house, inspiring insecurity in your heart. This full moon coincides with a lunar eclipse, and the power will be doubled. In the days around the full moon, you will feel that the mood becomes restless, anxious, very easy to argue with others, some people will have headaches, insomnia, dreams, gastrointestinal discomfort, but do not worry too much, this situation will gradually improve in the days after the full moon. The full moon will come with the end of an energy, and you will find that some people or things will leave you during this time. It is also a reminder to avoid some major investments during the full moon, and to pay more attention to some tax or property issues that you need to deal with in the near future.

As the 21st sun enters Gemini and illuminates your 3rd house, you will face the effects of the water retrograde more positively, and you will also feel that your mind is gradually clearer, more ideas and ideas are increased, and communication becomes smoother. However, some people still feel that their careers are full of pressure, and they will feel hindered in their relationships. It doesn't matter, this feeling will gradually disappear around the end of the month.

Mars 25 into Aries is good news for those who ascend to Aries, because your mobility is back. During this time you will become more proactive and assertive in dealing with things. But it is still necessary to remind you that all unthinking actions are undesirable and should be avoided. In addition, this period is also a high incidence of inflammation and accidents, and taking care of your body is the cornerstone of all actions.

On the 27th, Venus is four points in Aries with Pluto, bringing some emotional and financial problems. There may be some crises caused by security in the relationship, and the financial aspect should also pay attention to identifying some false information. These conditions are not created in a day, but they will not last long. It is recommended that you do not be impulsive these days, and when Venus 28 enters Taurus, this tense situation will gradually ease.

At the end of the month on the 30th, the Gemini Crescent takes place in your 3rd house, and things related to travel and exams will become more smooth.

Overall, May is a fresh start for you, and if there's any previous plan that hasn't been pushed, take advantage of this month to work on it, and maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Constellation Goddess May Moon Luck | what you expect, will come (Part 1)

Career ★★★ ☆☆

Feelings ★★★ ☆☆

Fortune ★★★★ ☆

Academics ★★★ ☆☆

Health ★★★ ☆☆

The new moon at the beginning of the month takes place in your 1st house, bringing fresh energy. Maybe before you experienced a more depressed time, a few days before and after the new moon, you will find that your goals and direction are gradually clear, and your mentality is becoming more and more positive, especially in life and study. Everything is new to you, and you'll love this power of beginning and change very much, because it will make your future more likely. During this period, some people start studying in new fields or plan to get a certificate, while some people buy some household appliances to make their homes more welcoming.

The new moon coincides with the combination of gold and wood in Pisces, which will have a very good impact on your interpersonal relationships. The first few days of the month are especially suitable for some efforts in networking and resources, and you will find that the people in the circle of friends will bring you unexpected gains.

With Venus 3 in Aries, you will be more spiritually advanced for some time to come. This period may be accompanied by some feelings of powerlessness in work, in a state of dazedness and bottleneck. Some people may have anxiety, headaches or insomnia, but blindness and impatience are not advisable, this time is more suitable for relaxing, about three or five friends to relax. Some people may not be able to travel for various reasons, it doesn't matter, let go of your inner anxiety and enjoy the time that belongs to you alone.

Mercury on May 10 is retrograde in Gemini, in your 2nd house, acting primarily on your spheres of money and materiality. Due to mercury's retrograde shadow period, you will already feel some confusion and confusion at the end of April. You may have had some financial good news before, but due to the impact of the water reverse, the implementation process will be a bit repetitive. Some people have an increased desire to spend money during this time, and it is easy to buy and buy without restraint, it is recommended that you spend carefully and do not blindly invest.

With Jupiter 11 entering Aries, for those who have a partner, your significant other may face some difficulties and need your support.

On the 16th, the full moon in Scorpio takes place in your 7th house, coinciding with the fact that the sun and moon are divided by Saturn to form a t-triangle pattern, affecting your partnership and the areas related to cooperation. Around the full moon you will become very sensitive, especially some subtle changes in relationships. When communicating with your partner, you may encounter some disagreements that make you feel very broken, or even want to get angry. Others need to pay attention to the interpersonal and communication aspects involved in life. In the process of work and cooperation, in the process of communicating with colleagues and partners, there may also be some differences and contradictions. The full moon represents an energy that ends, but after the end there must be new life. So don't be afraid, brave the challenges of the full moon, you will break through the limitations of the moment and find more solutions to the problem.

As the 21st Sun enters Gemini, your fortunes will gradually improve, perhaps because your family has funded you a sum of money, or if you have a favorite buyer for the house you hung up before, in short, you will receive some financial good news during this time. However, this period of time is also a period of materialistic expansion, you still have to restrain your desire to shop, otherwise you may not have the money to be hot, and you will spend it again.

Mars 25 into Aries, this time you will be particularly eager to make achievements, but the ability to move seems to be limited, you will feel that there is a nameless fire in your heart, can not be released normally, some people may lose their temper with their families or lovers. In the days around the 25th, you need to pay attention to the safety of traffic travel, and try to avoid tongue in your daily life. Some relationships in relationships face influences from the outside world. In short, it is recommended that you do not blindly throw yourself into action during this time, finding the right direction is more important than any action.

On the 27th, Venus is four points in Aries and Pluto, giving you a crisis caused by a brief sense of security. However, as Venus 28 enters Taurus, it will inject new vitality into you, and you will also enjoy the sweetness and pleasure of life.

The Gemini Crescent at the end of the month takes place in your 2nd house, bringing some good news to your financial side, which is worth looking forward to!

Overall, may for you who are ascending Taurus, although you face some worldly confusion and confusion, it is also a very good time to improve your spiritual level, and it is a time to cultivate obscurity. Cherish this opportunity to enrich your inner strength in the pursuit of material abundance, and you will reap more in the future.

Constellation Goddess May Moon Luck | what you expect, will come (Part 1)

Career ★★★★★

Feelings ★★★★ ☆

Fortune ★★★ ☆☆

Academics ★★★ ☆☆

Health ★★★★ ☆

The Taurus Eclipse New Moon on the 1st occurs in your 12th house, and if you have experienced some period of confusion and confusion before this, then the new moon will ease your previous low mood. You will pay more attention to the abundance of the inner world in these days, and some people will be particularly attached to the time when no one is disturbed and alone. Some people may particularly want to learn something new to improve their spiritual level. In conclusion, this new moon is suitable for you to relax and give yourself some time to explore your inner self.

With Venus 3 entering Aries, your interpersonal aspects will become interesting. Some people will start planning to run their own networks and try to build new social networks. Among your friends, there will also be some noble people to help you play to your strengths and show your talents and abilities. Some people will develop new relationships among friends, or get to know new peach blossoms and new connections through the introduction of friends. During venus in Aries for more than twenty days, you will make the most of your networking resources and create opportunities for relationships and careers.

May 10th Mercury retrograde in your house of life, which may have a small effect on you. As early as the end of April, some people realized that they were easy to lose, and their language expression was a bit unsatisfactory, and there were some headaches or insomnia. The progress of some things in life has been repeated. People who drive are prone to taking the wrong road or encounter frequent traffic jams. Some people have electronics in their homes that are malfunctioning. In short, remind you that during this time, you must make a good schedule, and be prepared in advance for travel or appointments. In addition, try not to buy electronic products or household appliances during the water retrograde period, the probability of failure or idleness will be greater! However, the water retrograde period is very suitable for you to summarize your performance in the past period of time, examine your own shortcomings, and whether there is room for adjustment and improvement, which will be very conducive to your personal growth.

Jupiter 11 enters Aries, which will bring a very good blessing to your circle of friends. During this time, you may encounter a lot of things that need to be networked at work, such as maintaining customers or expanding resources. Be bold and go pioneering, Jupiter will bring you the good luck to go forward. Some people will get good news of promotion and salary increases during this time, some people will face new developments in their relationships, and if your previous relationship is still in a state of bottleneck, Jupiter's entry into Aries will create new opportunities for you.

The Scorpio full moon on the 16th takes place in your 6th house, and some of the projects at work are temporarily over, and whether the results are good or bad will end the previous efforts. However, it should also be noted that in the work, there may be differences due to money-related matters, and it is easy to cause conflicts in the relationship due to poor communication or unintentional concealment. Some people make up their minds to learn a new skill during the full moon and spend a fortune on it; some people recognize the importance of wellness, perhaps because previous irregular schedules have led to some serious problems that require maintenance or treatment; and others are spending money on their pets. In short, there will be some expenses in these days, but these expenses are often necessary.

With Sun 21 entering Gemini, your good fortune picks up. During this time, you will feel that the impact of the water retrograde on you is not so obvious, the thinking is gradually clear, the motivation and vitality are increasing, the self-confidence and courage are also improved, although you will still feel some pressure, but it is much better than before, and the future will slowly become better.

Constellation Goddess May Moon Luck | what you expect, will come (Part 1)

Career ★★★★★

Feelings ★★★ ☆☆

Fortune ★★★★ ☆

Academics ★★★★ ☆

Health ★★★ ☆☆

The Taurus Eclipse New Moon on The 1st place occurs in your 11th house, making social relationships much smoother. You'll have the opportunity to meet some new people and expand your network. In terms of work, some people will carry out new projects or harvest new opportunities around the new month, and some people will get promotions and salary increases.

With Venus 3 entering Aries, you will be busier at work, but you will also be more comfortable. There will be a lot of content in the work that needs to be docked, which requires you to be more proactive in breaking the deadlock and creating a win-win situation. Some people's work is related to their talents, and you have many opportunities to use your talents during this time. In short, this is a period of time to work more, your work ability will be recognized by others, and the efforts you have made will be rewarded accordingly.

On May 10, Mercury began to retrograde in gemini. You will feel a sense of confusion and confusion from within. Some people experience neurasthenia problems such as headaches or insomnia. Some people face obstacles in terms of transportation and travel, which can be traffic jams or disrupted plans. If you are in the stage of studying or preparing for the exam, you may feel that your energy is a little unfocused during this time, or there is a situation of procrastination and you cannot devote yourself to it. However, although the water retrograde will bring you trouble, it is also a very suitable time for review and review, and make a summary of the content learned before, I believe that you will gain a lot.

With Jupiter 11 entering Aries, bring more good luck to your career. At work, your noble fortunes are high, and you can get the attention of colleagues and leaders. Some people may realize that they are still flawed in their work and want to further improve their job skills. Some people may start preparing for the civil service exam or some internal examination of the post, no matter which kind you are, feel free to be bold and prepare, Jupiter will bring you lucky blessings. However, it should be reminded that Jupiter will also bring blind optimism energy, so you should not be carried away by good luck, and you must maintain a cautious attitude to be able to walk more steadily.

The Scorpio full moon on the 16th occurs in your 5th house, and the sun and moon are also tortured by Saturn, which can cause some people's physical discomfort, especially the chest and stomach. For people with a partner, this is a time period that is easy to make you feel a sense of crisis, and try to avoid arguing with your partner. Some people will terminate a relationship during a full moon. People with children should pay more attention to their children's physical health before and after the full moon. In addition, the full moon will also make you aware of some financial crises, which may be that the recent inflated desire to shop has made you squander a lot, suddenly find that there is not enough money, and even face a financial deficit. The full moon makes you more aware of your financial problems and begins to consciously accumulate wealth.

The 21st Sun enters Gemini and is still in the range of being tortured by Saturn, bringing some feelings of tension and depression, especially when it comes to feelings. However, this will be a very favorable period for you to regulate your mental state. Some people may feel a little confused, lack of mobility, or a little lazy during this period. Some people will choose to study some partial or niche knowledge, although it will not bring you money and fame in the short term, but it can make you feel the joy of full dedication.

With Mars 25 entering the constellation of Aries, it is also the position of the 10th house in your astrolabe. In the future, your work goals will be clearer and your action will be enhanced, this period of time is very suitable for promoting the progress of the project, you will work harder to improve your work ability and open up the territory of your career.

Constellation Goddess May Moon Luck | what you expect, will come (Part 1)

Career ★★★★★

Feelings ★★ ☆☆☆☆

Fortune ★★★★ ☆

Academics ★★★★★

Health ★★★ ☆☆

The Taurus Solar Crescent on the 1st takes place in your 10th house, coinciding with this day when Gold and Wood converge in Pisces, bringing new opportunities to your career. Some people's previous jobs have been recognized by leaders and even reaped the opportunity for promotion and salary increases. Some are preparing to start a new phase. During this time, you can always get help from others at work, because the new moon brings very good fortune to you.

Follow Venus 3 into Aries, your 9th house. Work-related outing opportunities increase, and there may be a lot of errands to deal with during this time. Some people will realize that they still have some shortcomings in their work and want to improve their abilities through further professional skills or academic further education, and some people will make up their minds to participate in the title examination or obtain relevant certificates during this time. For those who are preparing for the exam, a Venus change will improve your academic fortunes and increase your chances of passing the exam. Some people will encounter their favorite peach blossoms in the process of studying or traveling.

On May 10th, the second Mercury retrograde of the year occurred in gemini. During the water retrograde period, you need to pay attention to some communication and travel problems, and try not to buy electronic products and household appliances during this period. For you who are ascending Leo, pay special attention to communication between friends. Some people will misunderstand because of the lack of clarity in language expression, if you get some money-making gossip through friends during this time, you must also carefully confirm the source and reliability of the message.

On the 11th, as Jupiter moves into Aries, your academic fortunes will once again be blessed with good luck. If you are studying or preparing for the exam during this time, you will get help from your people. At the same time, your enthusiasm in your studies or preparation for the exam increases, and your sense of purpose will be clearer, and you will be able to complete the task step by step according to the plan. If some people have the idea of going abroad or traveling far, Jupiter will make your trip smoother. Some lawsuits or legal related matters will also be resolved fairly.

The Scorpio full moon on the 16th occurs in your 4th house, some people are too busy to take care of the family because they are too busy to take care of the family, and some people are a lot of trivial things in the family that affect the work to some extent. In short, this full moon will make you feel the contradictions from family and career, and you will feel that both sides cannot be reconciled. For a few days before and after the full moon, you may prefer to stay home and adjust your condition well, or do a big cleanup of your room. These days, we should also pay more attention to the body of our parents, and we can take time to take them to do a comprehensive physical examination.

The full moon on the 16th also coincides with the sun and Saturn's precise punishment, and some partner-related events will be on the agenda these days, and there may have been some differences between you before, and saturn's energy will amplify these problems. It is recommended not to make impulsive decisions in these days, and wait until the sun and Saturn gradually move away to solve the problem better.

The 21st sun enters Gemini and illuminates your dating house. During this time, you will have a lot of partying and entertainment, especially want to show yourself in the crowd, but also have the opportunity to meet new friends. Some people may join a new group or get a promotion and raise at work. Some people are also able to earn income through their own resources and connections, and even expand some channels to make money. Some people in the circle of friends who have prestige or status may also bring you some good news.

Mars 25 enters the constellation of Aries and gradually merges with Jupiter in the coming days. You will feel more motivated and motivated in your studies and exam preparations. During this time you and your family may plan to go out and relax. People who are farther away from home, your family may also come to visit you these days.

Venus 28 enters Taurus, and in the next period of time, your career is about to usher in steady development. If there have been some impulsive decisions before, then Venus's entry into Taurus will make you more rational and objective, and you will be more steady and calm in the details of some work.

At the end of the month on the 30th, the Gemini Crescent occurs in your social house and will inject new energy into your social circle. This time of interpersonal interaction will make you feel more comfortable, and even help career development and salary increase. Some people will have some entrepreneurial ideas and have already started to act, so this period is also a good time for you to accumulate contacts and seek guidance from your people.

Overall, the celestial energy in May is concentrated in your career, studies and relationships, and I hope that the little lions will be able to seize the opportunity, seek breakthroughs in work and networking, and harvest your own great achievements.

Constellation Goddess May Moon Luck | what you expect, will come (Part 1)

Career ★★★★ ☆

Feelings ★★★★ ☆

Fortune ★★★★ ☆

Academics ★★★ ☆☆

Health ★★ ☆☆☆

The Taurus Eclipse Crescent on the 1st takes place in your 9th house, bringing some new news to travel and exam preparation. Some people plan to go on a walk-and-go trip; some people are scheduled for some business trip and have to prepare for the trip right away. There are also some people who will have some news of changes in their exams and courses, and you need to be flexible. Some people are in the midst of some legal disputes, and in the few days around the new moon, they have the opportunity to find a good lawyer.

With Venus No. 3 entering Aries, some people will encounter a fate on the Internet or on the road, and spark love. Some people will choose to have a secret underground romance. There are also some people who spend less time with their partners during this time and are in a long-distance relationship mode. In either case, during this time, you are always emotionally prone to gain and loss, and lack of security. Try to avoid unnecessary arguments when you get along, because these will only make your relationship more and more distant.

On May 10th, Mercury is retrograde in Gemini, affecting your 10th house. In addition to paying attention to some traffic, travel, electronic products and other problems, water retrograde also affects your personal life and work areas. During this time you will find that your mind is not very clear, your memory is deteriorating, and some people will be more nostalgic. Some projects in the work will also have repeated and changing situations, and there are also some unsmooth communication with colleagues and leaders. It is recommended that you be more careful about the work at hand during the water retrograde period, check it repeatedly, and make alternative plans. Be fully prepared before reporting to the leader, and be aware of what you want to communicate.

On the 11th, Jupiter enters Aries, bringing some good news to your investment and partial fortune. Some people may get an unexpected income, or they may be looking for a very secure insurance product, or they may get a reliable cooperative investment opportunity, or even news about the profit of the family property. Some people still have some debts before, so this time is also a favorable time to clear up the arrears and make up for the deficit. In short, Jupiter in Aries creates very good conditions for your personal wealth. People with partners need to pay more attention to their significant other during this time, and they may be experiencing some financial problems or be physically uncomfortable and need more care from you. Single people tend to start an online or underground relationship during this time.

The Scorpio full moon on the 16th occurs in your 3rd house, affecting your communication and communication. If there is a project or cooperation that needs to be negotiated recently, there may be some unexpected situations, or the attitude of the other party in the run-in process affects your emotions, which requires you to be flexible. This period of time is also prone to postponements, changes and cancellations of plans or trips. This time needs to avoid quarrels as much as possible, think twice before speaking, and pay more attention to terms and details when signing a contract or agreement so as not to miss important information. If there are still some things that are unresolved or procrastinating about communication, travel, paperwork, study, exams, etc., then there will be a chance to solve it around the full moon.

As the 21st Sun enters Gemini, illuminating your 10th house. Before this, you may have carried a heavy burden at work, busy and stress make you a little breathless, the sun comes here will make you feel a little happy and relaxed, so that you can play your subjective initiative in the work. However, it should be noted that the undercurrents within the workplace are always a reminder that you cannot let your guard down.

Mars 25 into Aries will bring some sudden events. You need to be careful about some tongue-in-cheek, try not to quarrel with others, and pay attention to traffic safety when going out. Some people may have suffered from some inflammation or trauma recently. Some people should pay attention to the physical health problems of the elders in the family, especially the father. Try to avoid impulsive consumption and investment during this time, blind spending can put you into financial crisis.

28th Venus into Taurus, financial and academic fortunes have improved, if you are preparing for academic exams or promotion assessments, the process will most likely be relatively smooth, with the 30th Gemini crescent in your 10th house, you will get some good news in the workplace, some people will also have the possibility of promotion and salary increase.

Overall, May is a month of opportunities and challenges for you. Hard work will reap good results, it is recommended that you say less and do more, avoid tongue and disputes at the same time can lay a more solid foundation for yourself.

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