
After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

author:Dr. Qin Health Home

The stomach is one of the most important organs in the human body, and after eating some food, people will enter the stomach for digestion and excretion. If we regularly eat some foods that are too spicy or too salty, it will have a great irritation to the stomach.

In our daily life, there are many people because of the usual eating habits caused by stomach diseases, such as gastroenteritis and other diseases we are familiar with, and at the same time there will be nausea and vomiting, which greatly affects their appetite.

If you have a stomach problem, you need to take appropriate treatment measures immediately. We can change our diet through daily dietary regulation, while also taking a certain amount of medication to alleviate the disease. What needs to be emphasized here is that after getting a stomach disease, the following 4 fruits should pay special attention, they are very harmful to the stomach, and then like to eat this food should be less touched.

One. These 4 foods are particularly harmful

1. Persimmons

I believe that many people like persimmons as a food, mainly because it contains a lot of nutrients, which can prevent some diseases. But for people with stomach problems, persimmons are a food that should not be eaten as much as possible.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

Persimmons contain a large amount of tannins, which are mainly found on the surface of persimmons. When people with stomach disease eat this food, it is easy to enter the stomach and stomach acid combine to form a solid substance, and it is present in the stomach. If this substance is present for a long time, there is an 80% chance that stones will form.

2 kiwifruit

Kiwi fruit contains a large amount of kiwi base and proteolytic enzymes, which can provide a large number of nutrients to the human body. It should be emphasized that the vitamin C and pectin in kiwifruit can increase the secretion of stomach acid, thereby losing the balance of stomach acid. Therefore, there will be a series of adverse reactions in the stomach, such as abdominal pain that we often see.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

The reason why there is this harm is because kiwi fruit itself is a cold fruit, and when it enters the human body, it is easy to cause an increase in cold in the body. It can easily lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, and over time, there will be a cold stomach. Therefore, it is emphasized here that for people with gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended not to eat or try to eat as little as possible.

3. Hawthorn

Whenever hawthorn is mentioned, many people will think that the most important function of hawthorn is to appetize, and there will be no other functions. Every time we eat hawthorn, we are attracted by its sweet and sour taste, so many people will especially like it.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

But hawthorn is unfriendly to people with stomach problems, and not only will it not bring benefits, but it will cause great harm to the stomach. From a biological point of view, hawthorn itself contains high tannic acid and pectin, and if the patient eats too much, it will make the stomach acid over-secreted.

Therefore, the harm of hawthorn is the same as that of persimmons, and the damage of this substance to the gastric mucosa is very huge, and it will also form stomach stones. Therefore, for the health of the stomach, try to eat hawthorn as little as possible.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

4. Lemon

Whenever lemon is mentioned, many people feel that the word "sour". Mainly because lemons contain a lot of acids inside, the content of vitamin C is also very high. From the perspective of medical aesthetics, lemon has a very large effect on the fight against skin aging.

Therefore, many women will use lemon as a "skin care product", but it should be emphasized here that for people with stomach problems, it is very undesirable to drink lemonade. If you take too much, the citric acid in lemons will stimulate the stomach and produce more stomach acid.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

Therefore, as in the above case, too much stomach acid is bound to corrode the gastric mucosa, and the stomach itself will be very easy to be invaded by bacteria.

The four fruits mentioned above, people with stomach problems should eat less or not eat, usually also have to control their mouths, can not follow their own desires. Then the following four fruits are recommended for patients with stomach diseases to eat more, these fruits have a great help for stomach health.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

Two. Fruit recommended for patients with stomach problems

1. Bananas

Bananas are the most stomach-friendly fruit, because the biggest effect of bananas themselves is to be smooth. If there is a clear flatulence in the patient's stomach, bananas can be taken to relieve this phenomenon of flatulence.

Many gastrointestinal surgeons say that the best time to eat bananas is after eating at noon, especially when they have indigestion after lunch.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

2. Papaya

Compared to bananas, the number of people who eat papaya is smaller, but the fruit of papaya also has a huge role. This is because the papaya enzyme contained in papaya is good for breaking down and accelerating the absorption of protein, which is of great help in alleviating the symptoms of indigestion.

If people with stomach problems experience stomach pain, eating papaya is a very wise choice. Especially in the summer, you can eat a papaya before falling asleep every day to achieve a spleen and stomach effect.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

3. Cherries

Around March to April, it is the season when cherries ripen. For people with stomach problems, cherries can be eaten more this season. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, cherries belong to a warm food, and the biggest function is to strengthen the spleen and appetize.

It is recommended that patients with poor digestion ability with stomach disease can pack cherries in a container and grind them into juice. After drinking, the effect is better than eating it directly, and when we choose cherries, we should also try to choose fresh ones.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

4. Guiyuan

Guiyuan this food is very rare in our daily life, many patients with stomach diseases also believe that eating guiyuan can treat stomach diseases. In fact, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, Guiyuan plays a very important role in Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effect of aphrodisiac and spleen and appetizer.

Three. Patients with stomach problems need to pay attention to the following vegetables

1. Celery

For people who lose weight, eating celery can bring great help to weight loss, mainly because it can strengthen gastrointestinal peristalsis. But anything is two-sided, and the damage to people with stomach problems is enormous.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

Celery itself contains a lot of dietary fiber and is not particularly friendly to people with indigestion. If some people with poor digestion ability eat celery, these dietary fibers will increase the burden of gastrointestinal operation, and stomach pain and bloating will occur.

Therefore, people with stomach diseases try not to eat celery or eat less, this vegetable will only increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and will not bring any benefits.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

2. Bitter melon

Removing moisture from the body is the biggest effect of bitter melon, and this is also the reason why many people like to drink bitter melon juice in the summer. But what needs to be emphasized here is that bitter melon is a cold food, and people with cold stomachs are resolutely inedible.

Once too much bitter melon is consumed, the degree of stomach cold itself will be aggravated, and the gastric mucosa will also be greatly damaged.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

3. Onion

Onions themselves contain more hormones, and contain a lot of capsaicin, so many people will be smoked to tears when peeling onions. For patients with stomach problems, excessive consumption of onions will lead to a large amount of secretion of stomach acid.

Therefore, the food of onions in ordinary life should be eaten less or not, this food will only make their stomach function slowly decline. Not only will the digestive function of the stomach be reduced, but it will also be easy to breed stomach bacteria.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

4. Lentils

Lentils are a kind of legumes, the biggest feature of this food is that it contains high nutritional value, but it is very difficult to digest. Especially for people with poor digestion, if you eat too many lentils, the light will lead to excessive stomach acid, and in severe cases, it will lead to the shedding of the gastric mucosa.

Four. Precautions about eating fruit

When we eat fruit, we also have certain precautions. Especially for patients with stomach diseases, there are many places to pay attention to when eating fruit. There are many patients who believe that their stomach has poor digestive function, so there will be a phenomenon that which is good for digestion will eat which.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

This idea is completely wrong, if you do not pay attention when eating fruit, it will be counterproductive and hurt your body. Therefore, the next popular science about eating fruit precautions, stomach disease patients must pay attention.

1. Quantitative principles

Many patients will hold the attitude that the more they eat, the better the stomach disease, in fact, the fruit should pay attention to the principle of quantification as much as possible. When we eat fruit every day, it is enough to maintain a daily amount of about 300 grams of fruit.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

Only by maintaining a quantitative amount of fruit can the human body be able to consume a certain amount of minerals and vitamins every day to meet the daily needs of the patient. If you eat too many oranges, the fruit acid in the oranges will cause irritation to the stomach. The same is true of other fruits, and the majority of patients must pay attention to them in their daily lives.

2. Time to eat fruit

Many people will struggle with whether to eat before or after meals, in fact, this is based on the actual situation of each person. Here is mainly divided into two situations, the first is a person with better digestive function, and the second is a person with poor digestive function.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

There is no limit to the amount of time the first fruit can be eaten, both before and after meals. But for the second, it is best to eat the fruit after a meal. This is because when eating fruit after eating, it can reduce the secretion of irritation of stomach acid.

Five. Special reminder of the following 3 types of people

There are 3 kinds of people who need special attention when eating fruits, mainly those with high blood pressure, diabetes and chronic kidney disease. Each fruit itself contains different vitamins and proteins, so the effect is also different.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

First of all, for patients with high blood pressure, we should choose fruits containing potassium at the first time, such as bananas and pineapples that we often see in our daily lives, which is mainly because eating this fruit containing potassium is of great help to reduce blood pressure. However, it should be emphasized that some fruits containing more sugar should be eaten as much as possible to prevent the production of high blood sugar.

Secondly, diabetics should pay special attention to eating less sweet, such as grapefruit and strawberries, etc., these foods contain far less sugar than other fruits. It should be emphasized that such patients can eat after lunch, and the amount of each consumption is about 150 grams.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

Finally, people with chronic kidney disease will have certain problems in urination, and if the kidney function of such patients remains normal, they can eat more fruits. Not only can it replenish a certain amount of minerals and vitamins, but it will also have a protective effect on the kidney area.


After getting a stomach problem, we must pay special attention to the problem of diet. Especially for those with poor digestive function, it is very important to develop a healthy eating habit. In the daily diet, it is best to eat coarse tea and light rice, and do not overeat. For those patients who usually like to eat too spicy, try to control their appetite, otherwise it will only bring more pain.

After getting a stomach problem, these 4 kinds of fruits are particularly "stomach-hurting", and it is recommended that you touch less if you like it

At the same time, it is also very important to develop a good and healthy living habit, you can exercise for an hour every morning or evening, and proper exercise can also promote stomach digestion. If you have stomach problems, you should also go to the hospital immediately for the advice of a doctor.

What needs to be emphasized is that stomach diseases have a certain chance that everyone has a certain chance, so even if they encounter this disease, they must face it correctly.