
The Warcraft TBC: 70 version is coming to an end, and these bricks are still not falling

World of Warcraft is already an old game, since the opening of the nostalgic costume 60 version, players are divided into two types, some players are for feelings, and some players are for interests. Most of the early versions of nostalgic clothes are mainly DKP regiments, due to the conflict of interests, the gold group has squeezed the DKP group without living space, G coins have become the main bridge for players to communicate, since the moment they stepped into the gold group has been part of the brick moving. Today's inventory of the current good brick moving income.

The Warcraft TBC: 70 version is coming to an end, and these bricks are still not falling

In the P4 stage, the Gruel regiment was originally the fastest and most efficient golden regiment, there was no risk of extinction at all, and it usually ended in 20 minutes. Although it is Bo luck, the main income comes from longji jewelry, generally about 12,000 gold bags, the group is generally about 20 people, and the average person with good luck is 600 gold. The advantage of moving bricks is not too high for the equipment, Dragon's Back is the graduation jewelry of all physics departments, there is no boss phenomenon, and the disadvantage requires multiple accounts.

The Warcraft TBC: 70 version is coming to an end, and these bricks are still not falling

The most familiar single-way fence is also a stable way to hit gold. Although the mage single-belt fence is not as hot as at the beginning of TBC at this stage, there is still no shortage of bosses with good skills. In our district, mages are generally 50 gold a door, if the group is full of trumpets, there is a gain of 200 gold at a time, and an hour can have 800 gold. Advantages and disadvantages: the first technique, the equipment second.

The Warcraft TBC: 70 version is coming to an end, and these bricks are still not falling

In the World of Warcraft plot, after the death of civilians and soldiers infected with the plague and turning into new undead, prince Alsace is overwhelmed and finally slaughters the entire town of Statholm. In TBC, the anti-riding equipment is getting better and better, there are more and more monsters that can be pulled, the overturn rate is getting lower and lower, and it is completely effortless to brush 5 times in 1 hour. Before 350 monsters were the limit, now there are T6 anti-mounts trying to start from the mayor, pull from the back to the front to the door, a wave of direct A clean, about 400 gold per hour.

The above methods of earning money are still feasible, and the long-term iterative process is indeed painful. TBC's current environment is basically unrealistic, and insisting on moving bricks for a long time does affect physical health, or it is necessary to combine work and leisure.

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