
Those hardcore fun mobile games

For a long time have not updated the game recommended articles, brothers, is not unusually nostalgic for my cute white, white this issue will bring those super hardcore mobile games, then the small partner will ask, "hardcore" what does it mean? Hardcore means that if this person is very tough, very domineering, very bad, it will be called hardcore. So here hardcore means a game that is expressive, powerful, and tough.

Well, let's take a look at this issue of the hardcore mobile game!

Hardcore One: After the War: Multiplayer Online Shooter 2021 (Action Shooter)

The picture quality is more fine, the angularity, the game occupies a small area, it is a gospel for low-end players, the game feels and the operation is very silky, walking up will follow the swing of the gun and shake, and the game supports online multiplayer, there are problems, there is no chat system in the game, not only that, there are hundreds of millions of bugs, at this time the problem comes, it needs to support Google services, although most mobile phones can, but there is still a small part of it can not. Why don't you change your phone?

Those hardcore fun mobile games
Those hardcore fun mobile games

Hardcore II: Absolute Racing (Racing Simulation Game)

Although the game is only more than 400 MB size, but on a little memory successfully to the game to the extreme, not only the light and shadow effect is good, the map variety is more, the most comfortable or the picture perception is better, and is a low-end mobile phone gospel, let's talk about the shortcomings, the physics engine in the game does not seem to be very good, and there is no one in the car, just like driverless, a little unreal, but it can still become a racing game into the pit.

Those hardcore fun mobile games
Those hardcore fun mobile games

Hardcore THREE: Snow Mountain Adventure (Sports Stunt Game)

I don't know if you have ever played Ski Adventure, the gameplay is a bit similar, the difference is that it is an open world God perspective game, there are some small tasks in the game, of course, you can choose to follow the steps, and then get a new map, however, you can also go off track, remember I said this is an open world! You can freely travel through the white snow and explore unknown places, a very interesting ski game.

Those hardcore fun mobile games
Those hardcore fun mobile games

Hardcore IV: Escape from the Shadows (action shooter)

is a very interesting survival shooter game, you can understand as the 2D version of escape Tatov, the game is very hardcore, although it is 2D, but the man-machine is relatively small, the players are very powerful, you are difficult to survive in the game, very unfriendly to novice players, it can be said to imitate the most similar to the game of Tatov, although it is a 2D game.

Those hardcore fun mobile games
Those hardcore fun mobile games

Hardcore Five: "Badlanders", "Dark Zone Breakout" (action shooter)

Known as the "escape from Tatov" mobile game game, recently opened in Indonesia to test, the game is developed by NetEase, Tencent also has a similar, that is, "Dark Zone Breakout", are plagiarism, I don't know who copied with good, I am standing on the side of Tencent anyway, NetEase he meow liver, always can not liver Krypton full of it, I because there is no qualification for dark zone breakout, but the comment area glanced at it, it seems that Tencent's is higher than NetEase's praise rate, so brothers, or wait for Tencent!

Those hardcore fun mobile games
Those hardcore fun mobile games

Well, the above is the hardcore content of this issue, this issue I think I am still very conscientious, there is no moisture at all, I hope you can click a thumbs up to support it, what questions can be left in the comment area Oh!

I am White, a strange, cute and loving alien.

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