
"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?
"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

The representative of the cross-talk stage is Guo Degang's Deyun Society, and the stage representative of the sketch is Zhao Benshan's "Zhao Family Class".

Zhao Benshan's journey to today is very bumpy, in addition to his own strength, there is also a reason because there are noble people behind him to help.

This person is Liu Liu, the actor of Liu Big Head in "Country Love".

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Before knowing Zhao Benshan, Liu Liu was already a successful cross-talk actor. After meeting Zhao Benshan, they cooperated with both arms and had today's Zhao Jiaban and Benshan Media.

Zhao Benshan's disciples all had to pay tribute to Liu Liu for three points, which showed how powerful he was.

When Benshan Media stabilized, Liu Liu chose to quit and set up his own portal.

What happened to Liu Liu and Zhao Benshan?

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?
"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu, formerly known as Liu Yanbin, was born in Harbin in 1963.

Liu Liusheng lived the most ordinary life in an ordinary family, but when he was in elementary school, his life trajectory changed.

When he was in school, Liu Liu liked to exercise to become an athlete, played football, played ice hockey, and his favorite was crosstalk.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

No one in the family had an artistic cell, and he hadn't studied it specifically, but he just listened to crosstalk on the radio, but he still wanted to try it.

In 1981, with a passion for blood, Liu Liu applied for the Provincial Qu Art Troupe. His three-legged cat kung fu was lost in the first round. He did not give up and chose to go to the training course.

While studying, Liu Liu worked in the Provincial Qu Art Troupe and could also steal school with professional cross-talk actors.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Such a positive effort, with a passion for cross-talk actors is rare, attracted the attention of Zhao Chuntian.

Zhao Chuntian was an excellent cross-talk master, and Ma Ji, Hou Yaowen, Tang Jiezhong, etc. were all his disciples and grandsons.

He admired Liu Liu very much, although he had the kung fu of a three-legged cat, but it was a good seedling to cultivate well, and he moved the idea of taking him as an apprentice.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu was very happy, it was a dream to learn from such an excellent cross-talk master, and he wanted to seize this opportunity.

However, when Liu Liu was preparing to pay homage to the teacher, Li Jindou disagreed, and advised Zhao Chuntian to think twice, saying: You should stop collecting uncles from us.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Because the cross-talk circle pays attention to generations. Liu Liu became Zhao Chuntian's apprentice, and he was on a par with them, and even many people older than him had to call him "Uncle Shi", and he was definitely not happy.

Zhao Chuntian did not listen to them, insisted on taking Liu Liu as an apprentice, and also announced the retreat.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu was very happy in his heart, although he knew that some people were unhappy, but the seniors were called big brothers, and there was nothing to invite them to dinner, which resolved the gap in his heart.

Liu Liu, who didn't know anything about crosstalk, studied behind Zhao Chuntian's ass all day and all night, and Master painstakingly taught it a little bit.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu did not disappoint his master, made great progress, and even created cross-talk works on his own, and he began to go out to participate in cross-talk competitions.

In 1984, a quyi competition was held in the three eastern provinces, and Liu Liu was represented by Heilongjiang, while The representative of Liaoning was Zhao Benshan.

In order to achieve good results, they shine on this stage.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

When performing in Zhao Benshan, Liu Liu, who was in the background, was deeply attracted by his performance and thought that he must know this person after the end.

After the game, Liu Liu took the initiative to know Zhao Benshan and left contact information for each other.

At that time, they were not yet famous, young people who were fighting for their dreams, talking very speculatively, encouraging each other and becoming very good friends.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Later, Zhao Benshan began to make a small name in the three eastern provinces with sketches. While Liu Liu was happy for him, he also had to work harder.

Finally, in 1997, Liu Liu and Tang Jiezhong partnered on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and he was seen by the people of the whole country. At that time, Zhao Benshan was already a regular guest of the Spring Festival Gala.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Later, xiangsheng was affected by the market, Liu Liu became more and more difficult on this road, and his career reached a trough period. Zhao Benshan couldn't bear to see his friend like this, and gave him a chance.

In 2008, when Zhao Benshan and Song Dandan were preparing the Spring Festival Gala sketch, they gave the third role to Liu Liu. I didn't expect the three people to rub out a wonderful spark.

Afterwards, Liu Liu was very grateful to Zhao Benshan, and Zhao Benshan wanted to pull him into his camp. He also thought about transformation, and the two sides reached a cooperation on it.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?
"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

In 2009, Song Dandan announced his withdrawal from the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and Zhao Benshan had no cooperative partner and could only let the apprentice go on, bringing fire to Xiao Shenyang.

After the end, he did not quit the stage of the Spring Festival Gala first, because he had to prepare "Benshan Happy Camp" with Liu Liu.

As early as before, Zhao Benshan wanted to prepare such a stage to provide a stage for the apprentices. This time there was Liu Liu's help to speed up the production.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu is not only the general director, but also plays the role of "Liu Big Head", which is very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which makes Zhao Benshan look at him with astonishment. He brought Liu Liu into the show business circle and participated in "Ma Dashuai 3".

Compared with acting, Liu Liu prefers production, and Zhao Benshan let him participate in "Country Love 2" after he knew.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Because the first part was very well produced, the second part encountered a bottleneck, and Liu Liu's participation made the show see hope.

Liu Liu was very attentive to the first production, studying the characters and scripts all day and all night. There was no suitable candidate for one of the roles, and Liu Liu personally played Liu Datou.

The character he plays is excellent and adds luster to the show. And his participation in "Country Love" is meaningful, not just to show the countryside.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Zhao Benshan was more motivated to continue this series, and filmed the third part, the fourth part..., Liu Liu has always been a producer.

Every time a new work was discussed, Zhao Benshan would look for him, and he was very relieved about the development of the apprentice and the arrangement, which was handed over to Liu Liu.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

With his help, Zhao Benshan's apprentices brought fire to a lot.

When Zhao Benshan had an idea, Liu Liu was also the first to understand and could help complete it.

Although Zhao Ben had accepted so many apprentices, he trusted Liu Liu the most.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu became the vice president of Benshan Media, started behind the scenes, and only appeared in front of the screen when he was needed.

Under the leadership of Liu Liu, Benshan Media is getting better and better, signing many artists, and Zhao Benshan is very pleased.

Whether Liu Liu is talking about crosstalk, acting in sketches, or being a management, he is the head of the Tao.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

He is also constantly learning, learning from the experience of others, and knowing how to seize opportunities before Liu Liu can succeed.

Even if Zhao Benshan is not on the big screen, he can make a lot of money.

When everything returned to normal, Liu Liu felt that there was no challenge in such a life and planned to continue to break through himself. But he hadn't thought of what to do yet?

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

At that time, there were works that invited him to participate, but he did not expect to be a starring actor, although he did not care, but as an actor, he should have a masterpiece, and filming can accumulate experience.

Lay the foundation for your own company in the future.

Liu Liu has participated in wonderful works such as "Omura Official", "More and More Energetic", "Legend of a Fool", no matter what role and style, he can grasp it very well.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

He does everything.

Later, Liu Liu began to think about what he was going to do. Do you work for others all your life? The answer received is no.

He has to live for himself once and leave others in order to truly test his strength.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu left Zhao Benshan to set up his own portal, and Zhao Benshan did not stop him, after all, he could still find him if needed

Although they do not work together, they are still friends, Zhao Benshan needs, Liu Liu will definitely help, but not in any matter of Benshan Media, the management is also handed over to others.

But since then, Liu Liu and Zhao Benshan have not had any interaction or exchange.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?
"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu resigned as vice president of Benshan Media and has had no relationship with Benshan Media and Zhao Benshan since then.

Liu Liu and Zhao Benshan created "Country Love", after he left, the actor of Liu Big Head was also replaced.

Although this role has not many plots, he plays a key role, and the role played by Liu Liu is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Suddenly changed the role, the audience is still unacceptable, has been complaining.

Liu Liu was neither happy nor happy to see these news, happy that the audience recognized his strength, and unhappy that his hard-made works were spit on.

At that time, the outside world did not know what happened between them, believing that he and Zhao Benshan had a conflict, and rumors of discord spread.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Before this, Zhao Benshan had a conflict with many people, partners Fan Wei, Gao Xiumin, etc., they achieved each other, but for various reasons parted ways.

Zhao Benshan's apprentices were the same, because of their interests and other enemies. Netizens thought that this was also the case between him and Liu Liu.

There were many opinions about the relationship between them, and Zhao Benshan and Liu Liu chose to ignore it and do their own thing.

Liu Liu, who left Zhao Benshan, set up his own small team, treated Xiu Rui and Qiao Shan and others as a child, and also competed on the same stage with the artists of Benshan Media.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

In "Happy Comedians", Xiu Rui and Qiao Shan participate as kickers against Zhao Benshan's apprentices Xiao Shenyang and Song Xiaobao.

The smell of gunpowder is very strong, although they have failed, in the eyes of the audience, they are not only a simple game, but also represent the master's duel.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

The relationship between Liu Liu and Zhao Benshan became a mystery, and no matter what the outside world said, they were very tacit and did not respond.

Because their relationship didn't break down, they just didn't work together anymore.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?
"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu has come to this day without the support of his family, especially his wife Ma Lan.

When he had achieved nothing, Malan married him without hesitation and became the woman behind him, supporting his cause.

Liu Liu is busy with work outside and has very little time at home, she never complains, and actively cares about her husband's body.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

After having her daughter Liu Xiaoge, in order to reassure her husband outside, she took care of her daughter very well, and she didn't have to worry about Liu Liu at all. He can put all his energy into his work, so he can succeed.

When he decided to leave Zhao Benshan and go it alone, Ma Lan also supported him without hesitation.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Daughter Liu Xiaoge grew up healthy and happy under the care of her wife, and she was also influenced by her father and developed a strong interest in performance.

Liu Liu helped her daughter develop in the show business circle, but did not make a splash.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

In 2016, Liu Xiaoge met true love and entered the marriage hall with her boyfriend. As a father, Liu Liu's heart is not a taste, but since his daughter chooses, he also supports his daughter.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

On the day of the wedding, Liu Liu also invited Zhao Benshan to attend the wedding and gave his daughter and son-in-law a witness to the marriage.

Zhao Benshan agreed without saying a word, and brought all the disciples to the wedding, giving Liu Liu enough face.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

He is supporting Liu Xiaoge, there are many mothers and families, and he cannot be bullied when he marries. Of course, Liu Liu knew his thoughts and was very grateful to him.

No matter what had happened to Zhao Benshan and Liu Liu before, at this moment they were friends and brothers.

In the future, Zhao Benshan needs help, and Liu Liu will be obliged to help.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?
"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

When Zhao Benshan was preparing for "Country Love" again, he invited Liu Liu to come back to play Liu Datou.

In the "Country Love 14" broadcast in 2022, Liu Liu is still the familiar Liu big head, and this role has been deeply rooted.

When someone encounters Liu Liu in life, the first reaction is Liu Liu's big head, as if he plays himself in this drama.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

And this show has already impressed the audience, and no one can do without it.

It's just that Liu Liu no longer focuses on this, but engages in his own business.

What he most wants to do is not acting, but filming behind the scenes, and even entering the film circle.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

In 2021, Liu Liu was preparing the movie "The Bull's Head Is Not right for the Horse's Mouth". For this play, he studied all day and all night, and did not rest well.

It was still his wife Malan who ordered him so that he could go to rest.

Choose the actor link, because Liu Liu is older in the cross-talk circle, and people are fine, many people support him. Even Zhao Benshan asked his apprentice to help.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

In the end, the work achieved good results, and Liu Liu's strength was recognized.

Today, Liu Liu is the chairman of Dasheng Wanhe Film and Television Media Co., Ltd., and a groundbreaking ceremony was held in Zibo. In addition to him, Wang Yuheng and others went to the scene to support.

Liu Liu's career is about to start a new flight. I believe that he can bring surprises to the audience this time.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

The first half of Liu Liu's life explained what time to do, and did a very good job.

Don't look at Liu Liu with an honest face, but he is a very capable and talented person.

Liu Liu was successful at any time, especially after meeting Zhao Benshan, he was talented and talented.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Zhao Benshan gave him a stage to play, and Liu Liu seized the opportunity to make Benshan Media bigger and stronger, and was Zhao Benshan's right and left arm.

However, Liu Liu, who has reached a certain age, does not want to continue to live such a life, and he also wants to break through himself.

He left Benshan Media and set up his own portal to start his own media company.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu did not completely leave Zhao Benshan, as long as he needed help or would go back, but he shifted the focus of his work to his own company.

Although his company is not as good as Benshan Media, he is very discerning and powerful, and no matter where he goes, he believes that he can succeed and bring out more excellent actors and wonderful works.

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

Liu Liu's family did not work in art, and he was also a child of an ordinary family, but with love and hobbies, he broke through to fame.

Don't underestimate anyone around you, maybe you will become an excellent talent in the future.

Life is originally dull, but there is wind when you run!

"Get rid of" Zhao Benshan and establish himself as king, what did Liu Liu experience?

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