
If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

In China, Chinese games are at the bottom of the chain of contempt all year round, and as long as Chinese games are compared with foreign countries on the Internet, they will all praise how good foreign games are, and then demean domestic games will only be copied.

But what you don't know is that the status of Chinese games is already at the forefront of the world, even the strongest level, which was certified two years ago.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

The China Music and Digital Association Game released the "2020 China Game Industry Report" in the same year, and the actual sales revenue of its self-developed games in overseas markets reached 15.450 billion US dollars.

Many people also think that foreign Chinese games can be called a "Original God", in fact, the original god is only a stage of achievement, in fact, China's mobile swimming to the sea has been making rapid progress.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

In the era of mobile games, the performance of Chinese games in the international market has actually been very strong, of course, many people do not use mobile games as games.

If you look at it from the download list, Chinese mobile games are definitely the existence of hegemony abroad, more than half of the top 10 are Chinese, and one-third of the top 50 miles are Chinese.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

In Japan, Indonesia and other places, Chinese mobile games are the most popular, such as the black myth Wukong, and recently came out with a game that exports Japanese culture to Japan, showa Rice Story, etc. are very popular, and The Wilderness Operation was once called "invasion" by the Japanese.

Last year, the market share of Chinese game developers in overseas games increased from 10% four years ago to more than 23% this year, surpassing Us and Japanese developers.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

Lilith's "Awakening of All Nations", export to domestic sales, the game is specially customized for foreign markets, but also out of its own path, although the income is not as good as the original god, but also entered the top ten.

Garena Free Fire, which ranks eighth in the skirt, is also a chicken eating game produced by Tencent and has a large number of players in Southeast Asia.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

And you really don't always say that Chinese games will only be plagiarized, at present, Tencent has affected other big manufacturers, Nintendo, Sony, Capcom, rstar, Ubisoft, and other companies are trying online games, mobile games, and even in-app purchases.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

The biggest difference between Chinese games and foreign games I think is mainly that there is no accumulation, and the things that have not formed themselves are mainly in the design of game play.

Chinese games over the years, technology and art capabilities have come up, operation can be said to be the world's leading, engine, no matter how QuicksilverX, Messiah is made, the worst is also bought code self-developed.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

So to admit one point: Chinese games are not bad, and the quality of some mobile games is also superior, to be fair, if the level of online game production, China is qualified to stand in the international middle and upper reaches.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

Of course, some people say that China has not yet had a 3A masterpiece, and this also dares to say such a thing?

But in fact, the AAA game is not impossible to do, but because it can't be drawn. The era of AAA games is likely to have passed, and there are still AAA masterpieces in Europe, America and Japan, but it is only due to huge inertia.

Otherwise, so many foreign manufacturers will not start to learn from Tencent to engage in in-house purchases, strictly speaking, the domestic ability to do AAA, but because they have seen through the market, they have finally gone to engage in online games and mobile games.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

Of course, it is also related to the market, not only China does not have 3a, but also like the game "big country" South Korea does not have. Because european, American and Japanese games emphasize role play, graphics, and immersion, while China and South Korea emphasize cooperation with others and competition. To put it bluntly, one is experience and one is social.

The input cost of 3A masterpieces is extremely high, domestic 3A lacks an audience, and domestic mobile games and online games are obviously more profitable than 3A, and manufacturers have no reason to do it.

If you don't obey, you have to be convinced, and Chinese mobile games abroad are already "invincible"!

In short, with the improvement of China's status in the world, as well as the mobile wave, Chinese companies in the mobile terminal product line, in

The future is bound to be the object of learning and adaptation of other countries' manufacturers, and it is also the future of the game industry is a tide of development.

How do you think of the situation of Chinese mobile games dominating the list abroad in the past two years? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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