
The bayberry season is coming to an end, why do customers think that there is less charcoal plum this year?

author:Qianjiang Evening News tide life

Chao News client reporter Pan Jun intern Zhang Jianan

Hangzhou has experienced half a month of continuous drizzle, and the rain is gradually weakening, and the sunny and hot weather is coming. And June's top fruit, bayberry, is also about to go off the market.

Ms. Yang, who loves to eat bayberry, reported to the Chao News reporter that the recent food is Dongkui bayberry, and the charcoal plum in her hometown Yuyao is not available on the market.

The bayberry season is coming to an end, why do customers think that there is less charcoal plum this year?

Yuyao Tanmei Source: Zhejiang release

There has always been a saying in the bayberry industry that "Chinese bayberry looks at Zhejiang". Wang Xiangjin, a literati of the Ming Dynasty, recorded in the "Qunfang Spectrum": "Bayberry, the one who will audit the production is the crown of the world", which explains the status of Zhejiang bayberry in one sentence. Fresh bayberry is thrown into the mouth, and the juice bursts into the whole mouth the moment it is bitten, sweet and sweet. At the same time, there is a hint of playful acid lingering on the tip of the tongue, which is very light and detached.

Ms. Yang's charcoal plum is called "water chestnut seed" because its fruit is purple-black and shiny when ripe, similar to the color of old ripe water chestnuts. "Fujian and Guangxi lychees, Xiliang grapes, not as Wuyue bayberry", it is this kind of Yuyao bayberry.

In terms of appearance alone, the size of the water chestnut seed is not too big, but the body contains full energy, and when you bite into it, it will be sweet and bursting with juice; Moreover, the core of the water chestnut seed is very small, and it is full of meat when you bite into it, so it is very refreshing to eat. The fruit of Dongkui is as big as a ping pong ball, in addition to the full flesh that brings great satisfaction to the taste, its sweet and sour taste and juicy abundance are also ceiling-level existence in the bayberry circle.

The bayberry season is coming to an end, why do customers think that there is less charcoal plum this year?

Dongkui bayberry Source: Zhejiang release

The Chao News reporter walked into a fruit shop on Hangzhou Stadium Road. The price of bayberry in the store ranges from 38-58 yuan per catty. The reporter asked the clerk about Ms. Yang's question.

The clerk, Mr. Zan, told reporters that the bayberry currently on sale in the store is mainly Dongkui.

The bayberry season is coming to an end, why do customers think that there is less charcoal plum this year?

The bayberry is sold for a long time, and in April, the store began to sell water chestnuts from Yunnan and Fujian, but because of the high price, not many people bought them. In early June, Zhejiang's local water chestnut bayberry began to be marketed. "Dongkui is big, and it's delicious. Even if the price of Dongkui is twice that of water chestnuts, customers still choose Dongkui more. Mr. Zan said.

At this time, Ms. Tu, who bought fruit in the store, said that she usually buys Dongkui bayberry. After all, it tastes big and sweet, and it is very satisfying.

Ye Chunhao, a fruit farmer who has been fighting bayberry in Yuyao for more than 20 years, told Chao News reporters that the scale of local bayberry planting in Yuyao is quite large, and many fruit farmers have hundreds of bayberry trees at home, and they are basically planted with water chestnuts. Dongkui poplar has only started to be planted in recent years, and only a few fruit growers have planted a few sporadically. In Yuyao, the local fruit stores also sell local water chestnuts and bayberry, which is difficult to keep fresh, difficult to transport, and less large-scale sales to the outside. Water chestnuts and bayberry that are more than two or three days old cannot be eaten. Generally, it is picked locally, sold locally, or directly transported by air. Boss Ye also told reporters that bayberry will be listed soon.

The bayberry season is coming to an end, why do customers think that there is less charcoal plum this year?

Bayberry in Ye Chunhao's distribution base Photo courtesy of the interviewee

"We don't think there are fewer water chestnuts on the market." Zhou Huifen, Fruit Department of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Agriculture, answered questions from Chao News reporters. In terms of the variety structure of bayberry in Zhejiang Province, water chestnuts and Dongkui account for half each, and Zhou Huifen thinks that the reason why Ms. Yang has this question is because of the problem of market habits, and the Ningbo region prefers to eat traditional water chestnut seeds. However, from a national point of view, Dongkui is relatively better stored than water chestnuts, so it may be more Dongkui bayberry that is seen on the market.

The Zhejiang Provincial Department of Agriculture will promote the activity of bayberry red in June every year, and it has been done for 18 consecutive years. There are many places where bayberry is produced in Zhejiang, every June, Yuyao bayberry, Xianju bayberry, Zhoushan late rice bayberry, Qingtian bayberry, Lanxi bayberry ...... have matured. Zhou Huifang also told reporters that since 2015, in terms of bayberry planting, greenhouse bayberry has begun to be popularized. From the cultivation of insect-proof and rain-proof greenhouse facilities, the cultivation of heat-insulated greenhouse facilities, to the integration of supporting water and fertilizer, and 24-hour real-time temperature and humidity control, with the scientific and technological support of smart agriculture, the quality of bayberry has been continuously improved.

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