
Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

author:Cold purple leaf

In the Hong Kong entertainment industry, the name Xie Tingting always attracts people's attention and discussion. As the daughter of the famous actor Xie Xian and the younger sister of Nicholas Tse, she was destined to be extraordinary from birth.

However, what really made her the focus of the media was not only her family background, but also her complex and changeable love life and bold life choices.

From the rebellious and amorous when she was young to her status as a single mother today, what has Xie Tingting experienced in her life?

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Family background and upbringing

Xie Tingting was born in 1982, her father is the famous Hong Kong actor Xie Xian, and her mother is Deborah, the winner of Miss Hong Kong in 1973. Such a prominent family background provides her with superior conditions for growth, but at the same time, it also brings her a lot of pressure. Xie Xian and Deborah's marriage seems to be perfect, but in fact it is not as happy as the outside world thinks.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

In 1995, 13-year-old Xie Tingting experienced the first major blow in her life - her parents divorced. This divorce had a huge psychological impact on her at a young age. During the separation of her parents, Xie Tingting witnessed her parents arguing many times, which made her doubt and fear about marriage and love. The separation of her parents also made her lose the warmth of her family, and her heart was full of loneliness and rebellion.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

In order to keep Xie Tingting away from the attention of the Hong Kong media and get a better educational environment, her family decided to send her to study in Canada. In a foreign country, Xie Tingting began to receive Western education and cultural influence. This experience has made her more independent, while also developing her open, free personality.

However, living away from her family also made her crave love and attention even more, which laid the groundwork for her complicated love life in the future.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

The ups and downs of love life

Xie Tingting's love life can be said to be full of ups and downs and drama. At the age of 19, she began her first public romance with Bai Enrong. Although this relationship was short-lived, it left a deep impression on Xie Tingting. Bai Enrong started beating people because he was dissatisfied with the reporter's follow-up, which not only led to the breakup of the two, but also made Xie Tingting really feel the pressure of public figures falling in love for the first time.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

The failure of this first love did not make Xie Tingting lose confidence in love, but inspired her desire for affection. In the following year, Xie Tingting actually had seven relationships, which made her a "big emotional family" in the eyes of the media. During this period, Xie Tingting seemed to be constantly changing her boyfriend to fill the emptiness in her heart, or she may be looking for a partner who is really suitable for herself.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

While studying abroad in Vancouver, away from the scrutiny of her family and the media, Xie Tingting's life became more indulgent. She frequented nightclubs and dated different men, a lifestyle that caused quite a bit of controversy. Some people think that she is squandering her youth, while others think that she is just enjoying her freedom. In any case, this experience has made Xie Tingting understand herself better and also made her more mature in terms of relationships.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Among the many romances, the most striking is Xie Tingting's four-year relationship with An Zhijie. This relationship is considered by many people to be Xie Tingting's most serious love. The two are not only of similar age, but also come from acting families and seem to have a lot of common language.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

However, even such a seemingly well-matched relationship ended in a breakup. There are different reasons for the breakup, some people say that it is because An Zhijie is too clingy, and some people say that it is because the two have incompatible personalities. In any case, the end of this relationship made Xie Tingting fall into a trough of her relationship again.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

In addition to these more well-known romances, Xie Tingting also has many short-lived romances and scandals. She has had scandals with Fang Zuming, Chen Hongye and others, and even had a brief relationship with a Hollywood director. These experiences have made Xie Tingting more and more complicated in terms of relationships, and they have also made the outside world have mixed evaluations of her.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Return to China to develop your career

After living overseas for many years, Xie Tingting made the important decision to return to China for development. This decision stems from her deep affection for the culture of her homeland and her thoughtful consideration for the development of her own career.

Xie Tingting said in an interview: "I have lived abroad for a long time, but I always feel that my roots are in China. I hope to be able to return to my homeland and use the knowledge and experience I have learned abroad to contribute to China's cultural cause. "

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

After returning to China, Xie Tingting quickly entered the modeling industry with her outstanding appearance and good temperament. Her height and body proportions are very much in line with the standards of modeling, which, combined with the cosmopolitan temperament she has accumulated over the years of living abroad, makes her stand out from the crowd of models.

Xie Tingting participated in many fashion shows and graphic shoots, and her performance was well received by industry insiders. A well-known designer once commented on her: "Xie Tingting not only has a perfect figure, but more importantly, she can interpret the spirit of clothing well." She walked the stage with confidence and elegance, which is exactly what a good model should have. "

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

In 2008, she was appointed as a Vancouver Cultural Ambassador, a status that gave her the opportunity to showcase herself on a bigger stage while also contributing to the promotion of cultural exchange between Canada and China.

As a cultural ambassador, Xie Tingting has participated in a number of cultural exchange activities. She held an exhibition of Chinese culture in Vancouver, introducing traditional Chinese art and modern culture to the local people. At the same time, she also brought Canada's multicultural concept back to China, promoting mutual understanding between the two countries.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Xie Tingting said in an interview: "Being a cultural ambassador is a very rewarding experience. It gave me a deeper understanding of the cultures of our two countries and made me realize the importance of cultural exchange. I hope to continue to contribute to the cultural exchange between China and Canada. "

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

In order to further enhance her popularity in the entertainment industry, Xie Tingting decided to participate in the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant in 2006. This decision came as a surprise to many, because with her family background and already well-known, it seemed unnecessary to participate in such a competition.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

However, Xie Tingting sees this as a good opportunity to show her talents.

In the competition, Xie Tingting successfully advanced to the finals with her outstanding appearance and generous and decent performance. Although she didn't win the championship in the end, her performance impressed the judges and the audience.

One judge commented on her: "Xie Tingting not only has amazing beauty, but more importantly, she shows confidence and intelligence. These qualities make her stand out from the crowd. "

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

This competition experience not only gave Xie Tingting more exposure opportunities, but also made her have a strong interest in her acting career. She said after the competition: "Participating in the Miss Hong Kong competition was a valuable experience. It made me understand myself better, and it also made me see the possibility of my own development in the entertainment industry. "

After participating in the Miss Hong Kong competition, Xie Tingting began to try to develop in the film and television industry. Her beauty and unique temperament soon attracted the attention of the famous director Wang Jing. Wang Jingli invited Xie Tingting to join his "Jing Girl" camp, which is undoubtedly an affirmation of her acting potential.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Xie Tingting's screen debut was playing a female killer in the action film "Stunning Weapon". This movie is directed by Wang Jing and is an important work for Xie Tingting to officially enter the film and television industry. Although it was the first time to officially appear in a movie, Xie Tingting's performance has received a lot of praise. Not only did she show amazing beauty, but she also showed good strength in action scenes.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

For this role, Xie Tingting made a lot of preparations. She underwent rigorous martial arts training and learned how to use a variety of weapons. During the filming process, she insisted on completing most of the action scenes herself, and this professionalism won the appreciation of the crew members.

Although "Stunning Weapon" performed mediocre at the box office, this movie opened the door to the film and television industry for Xie Tingting. Her performance attracted the attention of more directors and producers, laying the foundation for her subsequent acting career.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Having children out of wedlock

In 2015, Xie Tingting suddenly announced on social media that she had become a mother, and the news was like a bombshell that caused a huge sensation in the entertainment industry.

At that time, Xie Tingting posted a photo of herself holding a baby, with the caption: "Thank God for the best gift in my life, I have become a mother." "

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

This sudden news came as a surprise to many. Because before this, Xie Tingting had never made her relationship public, nor did she show any signs of pregnancy.

As soon as the news of Xie Tingting's unmarried child came out, it immediately triggered widespread discussion and questions from the outside world. In the face of various doubts and controversies, Xie Tingting chose to remain silent. She did not publicly respond to any criticism or reveal the identity of the child's father. This attitude has sparked more speculation and discussion.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Some media have tried to dig up the identity of the child's father, but they have not been able to get accurate information. Xie Tingting's approach, on the one hand, protects the privacy of herself and her children, and on the other hand, it also leaves more space for herself to deal with this major turning point in her life.

After announcing that she became a mother, Xie Tingting gradually faded out of the entertainment industry. She no longer takes on film and television works, and rarely appears in public. Her social media updates have also become less frequent, and her content is mostly based on daily life and parenting tips, mainly sharing daily life with her daughter, including heartwarming moments such as cooking, playing, and studying together. These bits and pieces not only show Xie Tingting's gentleness and patience as a mother, but also let people see another side of her life.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

In an interview, Xie Tingting talked about her parenting philosophy: "I hope to give my daughter a happy and free childhood. I don't put too much pressure on her, but encourage her to explore her interests. At the same time, I will also teach her to be responsible and respectful of others. "

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Xie Tingting also specifically mentioned that she will often take her daughter to outdoor activities to let her get in touch with nature. "I think nature is the best teacher to teach children a lot of things that can't be learned in books." "We would go for a walk in the park together and observe plants and animals, and these experiences enriched her childhood," she says. "

In addition to daily care and companionship, Xie Tingting also attaches great importance to her daughter's education. She will personally tutor her daughter's homework, and will also choose some interest classes for her daughter, such as painting, music, etc. "I want her to be well-rounded and find something she really enjoys." Xie Tingting said.

As a public figure, Xie Tingting is well aware of the pressure of media attention. As a result, she has always maintained a cautious approach when sharing her life with her daughter, especially when it comes to protecting her privacy.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

Xie Tingting never publishes positive photos of her daughter on social media, and even if she shares a photo with her daughter, she will cleverly cover her daughter's face. "I want my daughter to grow up happy like a normal child and not suffer unnecessary attention because of who I am," she explains. When she grows up, she can decide for herself whether she wants to be in the public eye or not. "

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother

This approach has been appreciated by many netizens. Someone commented: "This is the truly responsible parent, for the sake of the child, to give the child a normal environment to grow up." Some people also said: "Xie Tingting's approach is worth learning from other celebrity parents, and children's privacy should be respected." "

Xie Tingting's approach not only reflects her sense of protection as a mother, but also shows her rational attitude towards media attention. She understands that although she has chosen to be a public figure, it does not mean that her children must also bear that kind of attention.

Xie Xian's daughter Xie Tingting has never broken off her boyfriend since she was 19 years old, and her 39-year-old daughter out of wedlock became a single mother


Looking back on Xie Tingting's life process, we can see a female image that is constantly growing and changing. From the rebellious and amorous when she was young to a calm single mother today, Xie Tingting's transformation is amazing.

Her story teaches us that there is no fixed pattern in life, and everyone has the right to choose their own way of life. Xie Tingting chose to become a single mother, and although she faced many challenges and doubts, she proved in her own way that a woman can be independent and can find a balance between career and family.

Information sources:

Baidu Encyclopedia

Shenzhen Business Daily——2012-05-13《Revealing Xie Tingting's Chaotic Private Life and Guanxi Ambiguity》——2019-06-10"Exposure of Nicholas Tse and his sister had a dispute, suspected of being dissatisfied with Xie Tingting's illegitimate daughter, and the two have not seen each other for two years" comprehensive "Nicholas Tse's sister Xie Tingting exposes a new relationship when her boyfriend is a "human flesh ATM":

China News Network "Lazy Brother and Sister-in-law Changed Their Marriage Due to Nude Photos, Xie Tingting Has a New Love Exposed":

Baidu Encyclopedia "Xie Tingting":

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