
In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Many parents are plagued by a problem during their child's growth and development – childhood obesity. In the past, I was afraid that my children would not eat well, but now I am afraid that my children will eat too much. Once the child is overweight, it is likely to cause various health problems, so many parents are trying to control the diet for the health of their children, and some even take their children to lose weight.

But there is a family in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, but it is just the opposite, parents seem to be particularly laissez-faire in their children's diet, and they have to rush their eight-year-old son to the road of the little fat man.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

The child in the picture is called Pengpeng, this is a picture of him when he was the fattest, his eyes narrowed into a slit when he laughed, and the original large dimples were also filled with meat. The child is already overweight, but the parents not only do not tighten the control, but also become more intense, making big fish and meat, and eating by the child. Pengpeng also ignored the discomfort, finished vomiting, and vomited after eating. What can you do if you eat it like this?

In fact, parents do not want to stop Pengpeng, but can not stop, this is where they are most forced, perhaps you will feel exaggerated, but it is true, because there is a person's life, and even the fate of this family is in pengpeng's body, or Pengpeng's weight!

Illness has arrived, sunny days are thundering

It all started in early 2016. One day, Pengpeng's father, Cao Lei, suddenly felt unwell and extremely dizzy. After several examinations, Cao Lei was diagnosed with acute leukemia. Acute leukemia is also divided into several types, if it is only a single or a certain kind of fine, but Cao Lei is the most dangerous kind of mixed type.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Such a special situation is rare for doctors, intensively studying the treatment plan, looking at the doctors' frowns and a sigh, and Cao Lei, who is lying on the bed with a miserable face, desperate and helpless to attack his wife Zhang Lin again and again, because he can only bear it alone, and he does not dare to tell Cao Lei about the specific condition.

Cao Lei's body was getting weaker and weaker, and he didn't even have the strength to speak later. Under constant questioning, he finally heard the result that he wanted to deny countless times.

But at this time, the situation has turned around, and after many discussions, the hospital has finally found a treatment plan, that is, chemotherapy first, and then bone marrow transplantation. The whole family finally saw hope and thought that Cao Lei was finally saved!

However, things are not so simple, and the real pain of this family has just begun.

Bone marrow transplantation is not to say that it can be done, it must meet two major prerequisites. First of all, it must be done at the best time, and secondly, the bone marrow of a successful match must be found before this time, and if it is not found, it will only live for half a year.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

According to Cao Lei's physical condition at that time, there were only four months left before the best transplant time. Cao Lei was already disheartened, he knew that some people had not found a suitable match for several years, how could he find it if he only had four months?

At this time, the doctor said that there is a way to hope the most, that is, the matching between immediate family members, you hurry home to find your parents or siblings, four months is still too late.

However, reality once again pushed him step by step into a desperate situation. Although Cao Lei's parents are alive and willing to donate, they are old and too dangerous. And Cao Lei is an only child, there are no brothers and sisters at all, but there is a son, but he is only 8 years old, how is this possible!

One by one, their hopes have become a bubble, and they can only hope for the Chinese bone marrow bank, but reality once again shows the cruel side. Seeing that the best transplant time is approaching day by day, I still haven't found the straw.

Zhang Lin looked at Cao Lei in a daze, and the pain that had been sealed for many years was awakened again. The death of her parents many years ago gave her a big blow, she did not have brothers and sisters to live alone, it was difficult to have a complete home, if her husband is gone, what will she and her son do? At that moment, Zhang Lin's originally pretended to be a strong defense line completely collapsed.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Except for tears, Zhang Lin didn't know what else she could do, but what she didn't know was that there was a person who had been silently guarding her, and that person was her eight-year-old son Pengpeng. Although he didn't know why his mother was crying, he would always find a way to make her happy.

Looking at the son in front of her, who was bleeding from Cao Lei and had a face of Cao Lei, Zhang Lin suddenly recalled a sentence that the doctor had said in her ear, and the probability of immediate family matching was the greatest.

A bold idea that had never been had before flashed through her mind: I still have a son, Cao Lei has no second way except bone marrow transplantation, maybe Pengpeng is the life-saving straw, Cao Lei may still have hope!

I'm going to save Daddy!

But soon Zhang Lin fell into a huge contradiction. She kept slapping herself, wondering if she was crazy and putting an 8-year-old child on the operating table, who was not physically developed, how could she be so selfish! Do you want to exchange your son for a husband?

At this point, Zhang Lin must make a choice. The child cannot lack the love of the father, for the sake of the son, but also for the sake of the family, she is determined to try. She consulted the doctor over and over again, and the doctor clearly replied to her that the operation would not be a risk to the child, and they would not be bold enough to exchange one life for another.

Zhang Lin was relieved, but the biggest problem was in front of her - Pengpeng.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

She couldn't say too many complicated things to Pengpeng, and could only simply explain that her father was very ill and that only by relying on him could she save him. Zhang Lin felt that when she said every word, her heart was like a knife, but she had to say it. She didn't know if an 8-year-old would be able to understand that.

However, Pengpeng's answer far exceeded her expectations.

Pengpeng did not ask any questions, such as whether other children want to get injections or how to give my blood to my father, Pengpeng did not ask, he only had one sentence, when do we go to the hospital?

Pengpeng's answer was very crisp and brief, and even made Zhang Lin almost think that she had heard it wrong. Bone marrow transplantation is not a trivial matter, how can Pengpeng think about it? Didn't you understand it?

Zhang Lin asked Pengpeng again, and told Pengpeng about a bone marrow transplant, and Pengpeng still blurted out: I want to save My father!

"Because my father gave birth to me and gave me life, I will give him another life, because he gave birth to me."

The child's idea is so direct and simple, there are not so many reasons, there are not so many modifications, he naturally will not understand what bone marrow transplantation is like, but in his heart there is only one thought: I can't live without dad, I want to save dad!

Zhang Lin took Pengpeng in her arms and cried. She couldn't wait to run to the hospital and told Cao Lei that things had turned around again, but she didn't expect that Cao Lei would look down after hearing it and resolutely disagree with his wife.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Cao Lei told Zhang Lin: You have not experienced it, so you do not understand, I have really suffered this crime, such a thick needle is inserted at once, the pain can not be moved, even if the pain is finished, it will not dissipate at once, it hurts to bend over slightly, I am a big man with thick skin and thick flesh can hurt like this, let alone a child! In the past, Pengpeng could cry on the ground with a single injection, and the child gave him the nickname "Faucet", which was too cruel for him!

In fact, Zhang Lin couldn't bear it, her will was shaken, but the time left was short, and the last hope was that she couldn't even try. He concealed that Cao Lei took Pengpeng to do the matching. She gave this decision to God, thinking that if the matching did not succeed, she would completely abandon this seemingly crazy and cruel idea.

Soon the results came out, and there was a 70% matching degree, which could be transplanted completely! After hearing the news, Zhang Lin was not willing to give up this hope no matter what. Later, Cao Lei also learned the news of the success of the matching, but he also fell into a huge entanglement. As a patient, he was happy and finally found a life-saving straw, but as a father, he was in pain, and he really couldn't bear to let his children suffer.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

But if even he himself did not agree, the operation could not be performed, what to do?

For a whole week, the whole family, young and old, went out on the move, and persuaded him vigorously next to him. The old mother said, you are here, this home is there, you are not there, this home is ruined. Cao Lei suddenly realized that his life still carries the happiness of his family, and he must give his parents, wife and children a future, and finally he agrees to accept Pengpeng's bone marrow transplant. At this time, the whole family was finally relieved, the bone marrow was found, the best time for surgery was almost up, everything was ready, and Cao Lei was finally saved!

Try to gain weight!

But reality once again poured a basin of cold water. The operation still can't be done, because Pengpeng's weight is not up to standard.

Pengpeng's weight is only 70 pounds, only half of Cao Lei's, the amount of blood is far from reaching the bone marrow transplant standard, he must gain 90 pounds within two months to basically ensure adequate blood volume.

Time is running out, and if you want to gain weight, you must eat more!

This was what Zhang Lin was most worried about. Pengpeng has been particularly picky since he was a child, and the amount of food is very small, eating a little more will throw up, usually feeding can not be fed, eating a little more is simply more difficult than ascending to the sky.

But I didn't expect Pengpeng to suddenly jump up after listening to it and said, "I can definitely do it!" ”

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

So for this reason, in the days that followed, the family took how to make Pengpeng eat more and gain weight quickly as their biggest task. To the surprise of the whole family, they thought that Pengpeng could not persist in his mouth, but he did not expect that he had really changed the problem of picky eating.

In the past, the meal was a small sip, but now no one shouts, and he brings the meal to his mouth. Although the family is also worried that it is too unhealthy for a child to suddenly eat so violently, but the rising weight means that Cao Lei's condition has improved, and the whole family is still very happy.

However, soon they were not happy, because their worries became a fact, and Pengpeng's body finally could not eat.

Pengpeng's stomach is relatively shallow from a young age, and if he eats more or eats a large mouthful, he will not be able to swallow and spit it out. Therefore, in the two months of gaining weight, vomiting has become a common thing.

Pengpeng also did not know how to describe the feeling of turning the river upside down, only knowing that every time he vomited, he was dizzy like a fever. But no matter how uncomfortable he was, he never made a fuss, just wiped his mouth with his hands, rinsed his mouth, and immediately returned to the dinner table to make up for what he had spit out.

"Eat vomit, vomit will eat in vain, so you have to eat more, make up for the vomit, I want to save Daddy!" 」 This is how the child thinks in a straight line, and every time he finishes vomiting, a new round of food wars begins.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

However, it is not enough to eat alone, and the physique must also keep up.

Because I have to do a bone marrow transplant, I must not get sick until then. In order to strengthen his physique, Pengpeng insisted on doing push-ups and running every day, and Zhang Lin especially instructed the teacher not to arrange Pengpeng to a crowded place to avoid infection.

Seeing that Pengpeng's weight is about to exceed 90 pounds, everyone is taking care of Pengpeng's health inside and out, and everything is ready for surgery. But no one expected that the accident would happen again, and Pengpeng suddenly caught a cold!

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Cao Lei's physical condition was deteriorating, and there was no time to wait any longer, was the effort of these two months going to be ruined?

No matter how much it hurts, you have to hold back!

Thankfully, it was a false alarm!

Under the doctor's emergency treatment, Pengpeng quickly recovered his health. The operation was also approaching, and Pengpeng began to be admitted to the hospital to make final preparations before the operation.

The great sin that Cao Lei had said before also came. For a whole week, Pengpeng had to get up at 5 o'clock every day, inject mobilization agent, and after a few days, Pengpeng's small arm was full of needle eyes.

After that, the doctor also drew 60 ml of peripheral blood stem cells from Pengpeng's body. To put it in layman's terms, it is to draw blood from one arm, extract stem cells, and then the blood flows back to the body from the other arm. Such a toss, the taste must be uncomfortable, and what is worse is that Pengpeng can't even find the place where the needle is placed on one of his arms, and can only be punched in from the ankle bone.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

How painful is this needle? It hurts dozens of times more than a small toe hitting the wall. Seeing these large and small tubes inserted in Pengpeng's body, the blood in his body flowed from this side to that side, and Zhang Lin on the side couldn't help but shed tears. However, Pengpeng's strength surprised her, and the "faucet" that had been ridiculed by children did not cry at all.

Doesn't it hurt? Of course it hurts! In Pengpeng's words, there had never been any kind of pain worse than this before, but this time he could hold back, and he had to hold back, because he said that he had been chanting incantations in his heart all along, and kept saying that he would hold back, otherwise he would not be able to save his father.

With the active cooperation of Pengpeng, the preoperative preparation work was carried out smoothly. Finally, the day of surgery came.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Pengpeng needs to draw 800 ml of bone marrow blood in a general anesthesia state. Pengpeng later said that in fact, he was very scared at that time, because he had never experienced it, and he didn't know whether it would hurt to draw bone marrow, but he was not so scared when he thought that his father had done it.

Zhang Lin waited anxiously outside the operating room, and she prayed that the operation would go well.

The Ji people have their own heavenly appearance, and Zhang Lin's prayers have been fulfilled. 800 ml of bone marrow blood was successively injected into Cao Lei's body with Pengpeng's fresh vitality, and the operation was a complete success.

To be born again is to be born again!

Cao Lei has been reborn!

Looking at his son's fleshy little face, Cao Lei cried in front of his son for the first time. He always thought that Pengpeng was still a small child, but this child gave him a second life.

Pengpeng recovered quickly after the operation, and Cao Lei's recovery was even more surprising. Under normal circumstances, bone marrow transplant patients will recombine hematopoietic stem cells after 14 days, but Pengpeng's hematopoietic stem cells are very vigorous, and Cao Lei has begun to generate self-generated stem cells on the ninth day after surgery.

The whole family thought it was a miracle that Pengpeng and Cao Lei recovered so quickly. Perhaps, God will always take more care of those who have suffered for a long time. How much pain there was, now more gratitude. Cao Lei has a new understanding of life, and he feels that every breath is so beautiful.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Cao Lei said that before getting sick, he always felt tired of being alive, and now he feels that being alive is the greatest happiness! Today, The Cao Lei family has returned to its former calm. Zhang Lin zhang luo family meals, Cao Lei continued to methodically cultivate the body, PengPeng still likes to be naughty at school, and when he returns home, he is forced by his mother to play the violin, it seems that he is still the innocent child who does not understand the world.

But one thing is different from before. The first thing Peng Peng did after returning home was no longer to watch TV and eat snacks, but to first run to the room to visit his father, and then play a few games of chess with him, the family was happy and harmonious, and warmth was everywhere.


There used to be an old saying: "Children are sent by Heaven to collect debts from their parents." If anyone's child is naughty, the parents will always laugh at themselves and say, "Oh, it's really my past life!" ”

In the face of children's troublemaking, many adults often say: "Adult things, children do not mix!" "Adults always feel that children don't understand things, don't know the sky is high.

But the story of Cao Lei's family allows us to see that a child may sometimes be braver and stronger than an adult. It is precisely because of their simplicity and ignorance that their small bodies erupt with amazing powers that adults cannot imagine, and this power is the most precious thing in the world.

In order to save his critically ill father, the 8-year-old boy ate wildly and gained 20 pounds in 2 months

Later, Cao Lei always said to others, our children are not here to collect debts, but to repay their kindness! Yes, Pengpeng spared no effort to fatten up and save his father, his courage was admirable, he experienced the great pain that children of the same age could not understand at all, and endured the weight of life that children of the same age should not bear. We have reason to believe that after experiencing the storm, this family will have rainbows everywhere in their future life path!

If there are any touching deeds full of positive energy around you, welcome all the friends to actively leave a message in the comment area and pass on the love!

I am the Phantom of Shi Hai, and I am following me to praise history.

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