
Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

author:Erudite Listening Library
Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?
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Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

In the summer of 2018, a costume drama "Yanxi Raiders" swept the entire Chinese entertainment industry like a whirlwind. Wu Jinyan, a rookie actor who plays Wei Yingluo in the play, instantly became the new favorite of the audience with his smart eyes and distinctive character personality.

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly. Just a month after Wu Jinyan stood at the peak of her career, an unexpected turmoil pushed her into the whirlpool of public opinion.

In August, CCTV's China Movie Channel, known as the "Six Princesses", released a rare sharp Weibo post that accused Wu Jinyan of "playing a big name".

The turmoil has not subsided, and Wu Jinyan has sparked heated discussions because of the exaggerated battle of bringing 30 bodyguards and 6 assistants to the event. Since then, her career seems to have pressed the pause button, and she has not been able to step into the crew for 27 months.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

Even if a new work is launched later, it is difficult to reverse the decline, but it has been questioned because of acting problems.

During this low period, Wu Jinyan's love life unexpectedly became the focus. Her relationship with Hong Yao, a supporting actor in "Raiders of Yanxi Palace", was exposed, which sparked more discussions about her professional attitude.

In 1990, Wu Jinyan was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, a city known as the "Land of Abundance". From an early age, she showed a keen interest in dance and an extraordinary talent.

At the age of ten, Wu Jinyan took the first step to chase his dance dream - he was successfully admitted to the High School Attached to Beijing Dance Academy. It was in this prestigious temple of the arts that she began a grueling and fulfilling career in ballet training.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

Dance not only shaped Wu Jinyan's elegant posture, but also gave her a unique temperament. With her outstanding dancing talent and hard training, she quickly made a name for herself in the school and was known as the "little princess" of the ballet world.

However, behind the glamour on the stage are countless falls, injuries and persistence. Wu Jinyan showed tenacity that did not match his age, and even if he was injured, he always dealt with it silently alone, and never complained to others.

However, fate is always full of drama. Frequent injuries eventually forced Wu Jinyan to face a difficult choice - to give up his beloved ballet career.

This decision was undoubtedly a huge blow to her young man.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

At this crossroads in his life, 19-year-old Wu Jinyan made a bold decision - to transform into an actor. This choice may be due to her love for performing arts, or it may be because she has taken a fancy to her physical advantages.

Regardless, she was determined to make a name for herself in this new field.

With extraordinary perseverance and talent, Wu Jinyan was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy. The transition from ballet dancer to actress was not an easy task, but she showed amazing adaptability.

During his studies, Wu Jinyan began to take on various roles and silently accumulated experience. Although these roles don't get much attention, for her, every performance is a valuable learning opportunity.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

From stage to screen, Wu Jinyan proved in his own way that as long as there is determination, transformation is not impossible. This experience not only exercised her will, but also laid the foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry.

Although she started late, her love and dedication to art has never changed. This kind of perseverance and hard work will eventually bear fruit one day in the future.

In Shanghai in 2016, on an ordinary night, Wu Jinyan, who was filming for the TV series "The Bells of the Bund", inadvertently ushered in an important moment that changed the trajectory of her life.

Late that night, when she finished a day's filming and tiredly followed the assistant director into a fast-food restaurant, she didn't realize that the gears of fate had quietly turned.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

In this ordinary fast food restaurant, Wu Jinyan met the famous producer Yu Zheng. This seemingly accidental encounter was actually carefully arranged by Yu Zheng.

Through the introduction of friends and the viewing of some photos and videos, Yu Zheng became interested in Wu Jinyan. He was attracted by Wu Jinyan's "energetic" temperament, and thought that this trait was rare in today's entertainment industry.

At that time, Yu Zheng was casting for his new work "Chao Song", and the important role of "Daji" has not been found a suitable candidate. In his list of considerations, Wu Jinyan and another actor, Yuan Bingyan, are both popular candidates.

Although Yu Zheng hopes to sign both at the same time, he has to make a difficult choice due to financial constraints.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

After an in-depth conversation with Wu Jinyan, Yu Zheng was impressed by her potential and unique temperament. In the end, he made the decision to sign Wu Jinyan. This decision not only changed Wu's career, but also opened the door to success.

After joining Yu Zheng's team, Wu Jinyan ushered in the first peak of his career. In "Song of the Dynasty", she played the triangle alone, although this drama did not cause much repercussions, but Wu Jinyan's performance still received a certain degree of attention.

Yu Zheng has high hopes for Wu Jinyan and has always been committed to choosing the most suitable role for her.

In this process, Yu Zheng found that Wu Jinyan's temperament matched amazingly with the heroine "Wei Yingluo" in the new drama "Yanxi Raiders" he was preparing. Both have that fearless, uncompromising spirit.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

In order for Wu Jinyan to better interpret this role, Yu Zheng put forward strict requirements for her, including further weight loss, strengthened physical training, and even learned how to maintain an indifferent and dismissive expression.

During this period, Wu Jinyan had to complete a special "homework" every day - to write down his true feelings and performance reflections. Despite the harsh requirements, Wu Jinyan did not back down.

She is well aware that this play contains a huge opportunity for self-breakthrough, so she devotes herself to it.

This encounter with Yu Zheng became an important turning point in Wu Jinyan's acting career. It not only opened the door to success for her, but also strengthened her determination to develop in the entertainment industry.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

However, opportunities and challenges coexist, and whether Wu Jinyan can seize this opportunity still needs to be tested by time.

In July 2018, "Yanxi Raiders" swept through the Chinese entertainment industry like a hurricane. With its unique perspective, superb production and exquisite details, this drama quickly became the hottest topic drama of the year.

In this cultural phenomenon, Wei Yingluo played by Wu Jinyan is undoubtedly the most dazzling star.

With the role of Wei Yingluo, Wu Jinyan has become the new darling of the entertainment industry. Her eyes full of spirituality, as well as the perseverance and fearless spirit shown in the play, have deeply attracted countless audiences.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

Wei Yingluo's image seems to be a clear stream, breaking through the inherent pattern of female characters in traditional palace fighting dramas, showing a new era of female image who dares to love, hate, and resist.

With the popularity of the series, Wu Jinyan's popularity and status have risen rapidly. Advertising endorsements followed, invitations to commercial activities continued, and major media scrambled to conduct special interviews with her.

Wu Jinyan, who was once unknown, became the focus of attention overnight. Her popularity even surpassed many old stars for a time and became one of the hottest new generation of actors at that time.

However, behind this seemingly brilliant success, there are also some potential dangers. Although the audience was attracted by Wu's performance, some industry insiders began to question her acting skills.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

Some commentators pointed out that her performances sometimes seemed youthful and sometimes exaggerated. Although these doubts were overshadowed by the huge heat at the time, they laid the groundwork for future controversies.

What's more, the sudden success seemed to catch Wu Jinyan off guard. She has not yet fully adapted to the responsibilities and pressures that come with becoming a public figure.

This state of affairs was fully reflected in a series of subsequent controversial events.

The success of "Yanxi Raiders" is undoubtedly a pinnacle of Wu Jinyan's career, but it is also a double-edged sword. It gave Wu Jinyan a taste of success, but it also pushed her to the forefront of public scrutiny.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

How to continue to maintain humility and hard work after success, and how to deal with sudden attention and pressure, these have become new challenges that Wu Jinyan needs to face.

As time passed, the aura brought by "Yanxi Raiders" gradually faded, and Wu Jinyan began to face a more severe test. Whether she can continue this success, continue to make breakthroughs in her acting career, or become a short-lived "popular actor", these have become the focus of attention of the audience and industry insiders.

Wu Jinyan's future seems to be full of unknowns and challenges.

In August 2018, an unexpected turmoil pushed Wu Jinyan, who was at the peak of his career, into the whirlpool of public opinion. On this day, the China Movie Channel, known as the "Six Princesses", released a rare sharp Weibo, pointing to Wu Jinyan as "playing a big name".

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

This Weibo quickly attracted widespread attention and became the headline news in the entertainment industry that day.

The incident began with an interview with CCTV that was scheduled to take place. However, the interview fell through a series of missteps. According to reports, Mr. Wu's team changed the location of the interview without consultation, and the arrangement of the new venue was hasty and chaotic, even making the CCTV team bear additional costs.

In the end, Wu Jinyan temporarily canceled the interview on the grounds that the artist had other arrangements. This series of behaviors not only wasted the time and energy of the CCTV team, but also seriously damaged Wu Jinyan's professional image.

The impact of this public criticism on Wu Jinyan was enormous. Not only did it tarnish her newfound public image, but it also made many potential collaborators doubt her professional attitude.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

For a time, "Wu Jinyan playing a big name" became a hot search on the Internet, triggering extensive discussion and criticism.

Surprisingly, however, after this turmoil, Wu Jinyan does not seem to have learned his lesson. Soon after, she took as many as 30 bodyguards and 6 assistants with her to attend an important event.

This over-the-top behavior has once again sparked public discontent, with many beginning to question whether she has lost the right sense of her status.

At the same time, Wu Jinyan's acting career also fell into a trough. After "Yanxi Raiders", she failed to set foot in the crew for 27 months. During this time, she seemed to have disappeared from the entertainment industry, and there were few news reports about her.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

When she finally launched her new works "Heirloom" and "Youth", she encountered word-of-mouth Waterloo. Audiences and critics have pointed out her acting problems, and "Wu Jinyan's poor acting skills" even became a hot topic for a time.

This series of events not only affected Wu Jinyan's career development, but also made her face a severe career crisis. From a sought-after rising star to a controversial actor, Wu Jinyan's image has changed dramatically in a short period of time.

In this process, she not only needs to face doubts and criticisms from the outside world, but also needs to carry out deep self-reflection.

How to rebuild public trust, how to improve one's professional ability, and how to respect industry rules while maintaining individuality have all become urgent issues facing Wu Jinyan.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

Her future direction is not only related to her personal career, but also a microcosm of how the new generation of artists in the entertainment industry correctly handles the relationship between fame and responsibility.

At a time when Wu Jinyan's career was at a low point, her personal life unexpectedly became the focus of public attention. Some media broke the news that Wu Jinyan fell in love with Hong Yao, a supporting actor in "Yanxi Raiders".

What's more striking is that the two are suspected to have begun to live together, and their parking spaces in the same neighborhood are even next to each other.

The exposure of this relationship has brought new controversy to Wu Jinyan. Some netizens pointed out that as early as 2019, not long after Wu Jinyan fell into the "big name" turmoil, the two had already been photographed in love with suspicion.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

Although Wu Jinyan denied the relationship at the time, Hong Yao's intimate photos inadvertently posted on social platforms seemed to confirm the authenticity of this relationship.

Faced with the dual challenges of career and love, Wu Jinyan seems to be more inclined to the latter. However, as a public figure, how to balance personal life and professional development became a problem she had to face.

The audience's and fans' expectations for her still exist, and they hope to see a more mature and powerful Wu Jinyan return to the screen.

Wu Jinyan's future direction is interesting. Will she be able to learn from past controversies and recast her public image? Can her acting skills be substantially improved? How does she stay true to herself while meeting the public's professional expectations of an actor? The answers to these questions may only be given in time.

Wu Jinyan: After being exposed to playing a big name, she is still equipped with bodyguards and assistants to attend the event, how big is she?

In any case, Wu Jinyan's experience provides a thought-provoking case for how the new generation of artists in the entertainment industry deal with the relationship between fame, love and career development.

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