
Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

Original | Pregnancy

Yesterday, a video blew up the pregnant mother group.

Many mothers cry after reading it: when they think of their babies who have died prematurely, their hearts ache so much that they can't stand it.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

The content of the video is as follows: On the evening of April 29, a 1.5-year-old baby in Jiangsu Province was stuck in the throat because of food, and the family rushed the baby to the hospital after calling the emergency number.

I thought that after arriving at the hospital, the baby would be treated, but at such an urgent moment, I was stuck in the nucleic acid test.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

After the parents take the baby to the emergency department, the hospital asks them to do the nucleic acid first, and after doing it, they have to wait until the nucleic acid results come out before they can be treated.

In the seven or eight hours of waiting for the results, the baby was not treated....

Parents were helpless to get angry, and the hospital hung up the oxygen inhaler for the child.

After getting the test form, the hospital let the parents transfer, but everything was late, the baby was no longer saved, and his life was forever fixed at 1 and a half years old...

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

As the video attracted attention, the relevant parts also intervened in the investigation, and the official notification: the baby in the video has indeed died, but whether it has been rejected by the hospital due to the report of no nucleic acid, resulting in delayed rescue, is currently being verified.

Pregnant mothers will continue to pay attention to the exact causes of infant death.

As netizens said: at this time, it is necessary to save people first, the throat is to kill people, the life-saving time of racing against the clock makes people wait, if it is true, delay the time for the child to save his life, we must be held responsible to the end!

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

Yes, foreign body stuck in the throat, every minute and second is the child's life and then pass, how can it be delayed, epidemic prevention and control is very important, the treatment of critically ill patients is also very important!

As the news was exposed, netizens were angry and regretful.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

"If the hospital can be responsible, if the child can be transferred in time, if the parents can understand some first aid methods.... Maybe tragedy can be avoided. ”

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

But the tragedy has already happened, what we can do is to call for this 'one-size-fits-all' prevention and control means not to appear again, but also hope that parents with babies at home must learn some foreign body throat emergency response, I hope that all babies can not use, but parents must learn!

The danger of foreign bodies getting stuck in the throat cannot be delayed for a second!

Accidentally eating dangerous food causes choking, and if the danger cannot be lifted in time, the consequences are really terrible.

A 6-month-old baby in Guizhou was stuck in a steamed bun, and his parents were anxiously red-eyed and helpless, but fortunately, there was a nurse on the scene, and only then did he use first aid to save the child's life.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

A 9-month-old baby in Yinchuan, because he swallowed a clothing label, resulting in breathing difficulties, arrived at the hospital after many rescues to relieve the crisis.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

It is really fortunate that the danger can be treated in time, but not all babies have this luck.

A 1-year-old boy in Guizhou, due to the accidental eating of melon seeds, melon seeds into the airway, when sent to the hospital has been poisoned into a coma, the doctor rescued for more than 70 minutes, but also failed to save the child.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

The emergency doctor wrote a duty diary after the first aid, and she reminded all parents: Please do not feed children under the age of five nuts such as melon seeds, peanuts, and walnuts.

In Fuzhou, Jiangxi, a girl less than one year old, who choked on a plastic foreign body by mistake, choked her throat and went to the hospital, and the child had no vital signs.

Zhoukou, Henan, an 8-month-old baby boy, was stuck in the throat trachea by an apple, unable to breathe, and the parents urgently sent the child to the hospital, but when the child arrived at the hospital, the child was no longer able to do it.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

In a kindergarten in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, a child was suddenly choked during meals, but because he was not found and rescued in time, the child eventually died.

This is not just a news case, this is a vivid child's life is passing, children are using their lives to wake up the alarm bell for everyone: pay attention to the danger of foreign body entrapment, but also to feed safely, but also to know the correct first aid!

Foreign body throat jam, is the first cause of injury death in children under 5 years of age!

According to statistics: in 2017, the number of children under 5 years old in China died of airway foreign bodies was 6896, and the mortality rate was 8.57/100,000, which was the first cause of injury deaths among children under 5 years old.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

In the past 2 years, the news of death due to suffocation of airway foreign bodies is also endless, and I believe that many parents have seen the news of their children dying of suffocation due to airway foreign bodies.

But even so, many parents and caregivers of their children do not know how to give first aid.

To wake up all parents is to wake up the alarm: babies under 3 years old, chewing function is not perfect, coupled with narrow esophagus, trachea, esophagus adjacent, it is easy to be choked or choked by food.

Once the child is choked up and can't breathe, the consequences are really terrible.

Hypoxia for 10 seconds – the child loses consciousness.

Lack of oxygen for 30 seconds – your child will have convulsions.

Lack of oxygen for more than 1 minute – your child will stop breathing.

More than 3 minutes – the child will cause edema of brain cells.

More than 6 minutes – your child's brain and other vital organs will be irreversibly damaged!

Such harm is unbearable for every child and family.

And the correct first aid can save the child's life at the moment of danger, because when an accident occurs, many times it is too late to send the hospital for rescue, and the golden rescue time is only 5 minutes!!!!

Heimlich first aid is recognized worldwide as the standard method for rescuing patients with tracheal foreign bodies, children of different ages have different operating methods, and every parent must learn and master.

The right first aid can save your child's life at a critical time!

On April 13, 2021, a baby in Zhejiang was choked while eating sugar, and the father saved the child with the Heimlique method.

On November 13, 2021, a 1-year-old baby in Shaanxi Was stuck eating an apple, and his mother used the Heimlich First Aid Method to save the child.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

Therefore, the correct first aid is very important, if the baby is choked, parents must be able to respond correctly, the following three points must be kept in mind:

1. Do not use the wrong rescue method

(1) Do not use your hands to cut - unless the thing is not stuck deeply, the child can spit it out through vomiting, otherwise it is a waste of rescue time, and it may also push the shallow foreign body into the depths.

(2) Do not feed water - if the child is choked by food that is easy to swell, do not feed water, food will swell after absorbing water, it is easier to block the throat, and it will aggravate the suffocation situation.

(3) Do not pat the back - do not pat the back in the child's upright state, the incorrect way of patting the back will shake the foreign body, it is likely to make the foreign body block the trachea more tightly.

2. Correct treatment of foreign bodies (esophagus) in the digestive tract

For foreign bodies in the digestive tract, the most important thing is to figure out what your baby is eating.

If what you eat is sharp, relatively large, and toxic, you must immediately take your child to the hospital, do not use your hands, do not blindly let your child swallow, and do not blindly induce vomiting.

3. Respiratory foreign body (trachea) should be rescued immediately

Respiratory foreign bodies are the most dangerous and most serious, if the trachea is completely blocked and cause suffocation, people may be gone in a few minutes, so parents must know the correct first aid.

Heimlich first aid is recognized worldwide as the standard method for rescuing patients with tracheal foreign bodies, children of different ages have different operating methods, and every parent must learn and master.

@ Yihe Health recorded a detailed video of the Heimlich first aid method, explained by dr. Lin Han alchemist of pediatrics, many people who have watched this video have said that this is the clearest video about airway foreign body first aid, and I hope that every parent and caregiver can follow the following video to learn:

Video source: Yihe Health

A few key points are highlighted:

(1) If the child is choked, can cough, breathe, cry, and talk, this means that the trachea is not blocked (at least the trachea is not completely blocked), do not use Heimlich first aid.

The correct approach is: encourage the child to cough and discharge on his own, if he cannot discharge, go to the hospital at the first time, and try to comfort the child during this period.

(2) Airway obstruction can not breathe, can not speak, face and lips are blue, to be rescued immediately, using the above Heimlich first aid method.

(3) Do not be overconfident in your first aid knowledge, parents should also call the emergency phone when rescuing, if only the mother or a caregiver is around, open the mobile phone hands-free, while first aid while calling for help.

(4) The first aid method is not something that can be learned by reading it again, but it should be practiced! Get hands-on! Be hands-on!!!

Prevention is greater than anything, and protecting children must keep two points in mind!

In the first news case above, some netizens broke the news that the baby was stuck in the throat by eating melon seeds, and wanted to say to all parents that the first aid method is very important, but prevention is more important.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

To avoid choking when babies eat, parents should be wary of high-risk foods and avoid dangerous feeding habits.

1. Blacklist of high-risk foods that are easy to choke children

(1) Ribs, apple pieces, melon seeds, and whole grapes are not foods that infants and young children can eat.

(2) Nuts. No.1, which causes suffocation, at any time, do not feed a whole nut to a child under the age of 5, eat it, grind it into powder or small pieces and eat it again.

(3) Jelly. Slippery jelly is easy to suck into the trachea when swallowed, coupled with the tension of the jelly itself and the characteristics of easy deformation, once the main trachea is blocked, the situation will be very critical.

(4) Candy. Hard candy is hard to bite and smooth, easy to choke on the throat, soft candy has toughness that is difficult to chew completely, and it is easy to block the respiratory tract.

(5) Round fruit. Grapes, cherries, longan, etc., children are easy to swallow the whole thing, is a high-risk choking food, must be safely handled and then given to the child to eat.

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

Round fruits should be safely treated before being given to children

(5) Large pieces of food. Too long noodles, large pieces of meat, if the child does not chew enough, it is easy to be choked.

(6) Sticky foods. Sticky foods such as tangyuan and rice cakes are easy to stick to the throat of children, and they cannot swallow or spit out, and if they do not come out in time, they will also hinder breathing.

(7) Boneless fish and meat. This type of food is not only at risk of being choked, but also of scratching your child's esophagus.

2. Do not do high-risk feeding behavior

(1) Do not force feeding when the child is crying. When the baby is crying, the parents forced feeding can easily cause the child to inhale food into the trachea, causing the child to have difficulty breathing or suffocation, which will seriously threaten the child's life.

(2) Do not eat while walking. Your child's swallowing function needs to be slowly perfected, and once your child is distracted while eating, it is easy to be choked.

(3) Do not make children laugh when eating. Don't make your child laugh when you eat at any time, and don't joke about your child's life.

In the child's diet, we must put a good safety off, do not force the child to eat, and do not feed the child indiscriminately.

The last thing to say is that during the epidemic period, it is necessary to abide by the anti-epidemic regulations, but special affairs should be handled, especially for the safety of life, and I hope that such tragedies will not happen again.

It is also hoped that all parents and childcare providers can learn the necessary first aid knowledge, and hope that every child can grow up healthily.

Click to see, let more people see the importance of first aid, and make the tragedy less!


Image source @ Yihe Medical @ Star Video @ Drawer Video

Baby card throat sent to the emergency, nucleic acid-free report rejected: life is forever fixed at 1 and a half years old

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