
Passwords may become a history, Apple, Google, Microsoft three giants support passwordless technology

Passwords may become a history, Apple, Google, Microsoft three giants support passwordless technology

The big three tech companies say they will adopt features that support passwordless logins for websites and apps.

Author | Yao Yongzhe

If Apple, Google, and Microsoft succeed, we will soon see passwords as relics of the 20th century.

The FIDO Alliance— the Fast Online Identity Alliance— said Thursday that it is working with the three companies to provide password-free technology for websites and apps. Apps and websites can use fingerprint readers, face scanners, and even phones to identify you, rather than logging in with unreliable passwords.

Passwords may become a history, Apple, Google, Microsoft three giants support passwordless technology

"Partnering with the industry to establish new, more secure ways to log in to provide better protection and eliminate vulnerabilities due to password login is at the heart of our commitment to creating the highest security and transparent user experience – all efforts to keep users' personal information safe." Kurt Knight, senior marketing director for Apple's platform products, said in a statement.

Similarly, Alex Simons, Microsoft's vice president of identity project management, said any viable product is more secure, easier, and faster than we use passwords. "The transition to a crypto-free world will begin with crypto-free technology becoming a natural part of consumers' lives," he said in a statement. ”

Google also said it was excited about the day "the world can safely get rid of the risks and hassles of passwords."

The announcement from tech companies and FIDO underscores the industry's efforts to combat never-ending hacking. These hacks have led to issues such as personal information leaks, financial fraud, and security breaches.

Many experts say people prefer to use passwords that are simple but easy to crack and use the same passwords in many websites and apps. This is one of the most important issues that need to be addressed. For this, some people use a password manager. The manager stores passwords on web pages or apps to avoid forgetting them after using complex passwords. Many apps, websites, or companies now also use two-factor authentication, often sending a second temporary password over a phone or app, allowing individuals to enter it in a short period of time.

FIDO wants to reduce all of these efforts to technical standards that application, website, and device manufacturers can trust and rely on. Its announcement was made on World Crypto Day, a special day chosen to encourage people to better protect their accounts and highlight how FIDO technology can make tech products easier to use.


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