
"Three Kingdoms: The Beginning was Forced Out of the Mountain by Liu Da'er" will chase good articles in the near future, and the more you look at it, the more you go up

In 207 AD, Liu Bei burned Xinye with a fire, but unbeknownst to him, this act completely angered a person.

On the sheep gut trail near Shinno, Bai Feng carried a broken package, holding several copper plates in his hand, and kicked the stones on the side of the road as he walked.

"Liu Bei of Niang Xipi is a dog thief, and Zhuge Liang of that dog day is really a pair."

"I'm planning to raise myself here for a long time, the two kings and eight calves, you forced me."

Bai Feng was not an indigenous native of the Three Kingdoms period, as early as a year ago, Bai Feng was still a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom, and when he woke up, he lay in a thatched hut and became a flat-headed commoner in the Three Kingdoms period.

To put it bluntly, Bai Feng is a crosser.

A person who already knows the current trend of the whole world and has modern memories can not be mixed up in such a backward era as the Three Kingdoms.

Coupled with the fact that Bai Feng is naturally lazy, this idleness is idle for a year.

This kind of don't have to worry about all kinds of loans, every day to eat, drink and have fun days Bai Feng has not passed enough, Liu Ear came, stuffed a few copper plates for each of the Residents of Xinye, and had to pull everyone to escape.

The people of Xinye were all grateful to Liu Da'er, but Bai Feng almost didn't spit it out, the money he saved this year to buy a mansion, a few copper plates sent himself?

Liu Da'er's impassioned speech made Bai Feng roll his eyes, the typical MLM leader, his original moist little life, will soon be burned by this MLM leader, and now the home is gone.

Bai Feng was more and more angry the more he thought about it, and he threw the package in his hand on the ground:

"Wang Ba calf with the surname Liu, I originally just wanted to live a peaceful life, not to tamper with history, you can pour good, give me a drive to kill, OK, out of the mountain!"

In fact, when Bai Feng first came, he had considered the direction of the future, but the three facts of the current competition for hegemony really made Bai Feng uninterested.

Boss Cao is suspicious by nature, and he can't figure out that one day he will suddenly cut himself off, and there are still people. Wife Cao's "good name", no matter how psychologically it is said, is a bit perverted.

The big-eared thief is a typical pyramid scheme leader, full of benevolence and morality, but in fact it is bad.

Sun Jian and Sun Ce were short-lived ghosts, not to mention, after Sun Hundred Thousand was just a landowner, how did Sun Hundred Thousand's nickname come about, Bai Feng could not be clearer.

But now it seems that although Boss Cao's side is a little dangerous, it is better than entering the pyramid scheme organization and the landowner's family.

"System, I choose Cao Cao!"

Thinking of this, Bai Feng's ass was on the ground, and his heart moved.

"The system is waking up..."

A cold female mechanical voice sounded from Bai Feng's ears.

Bai Feng did not come with his bare hands this time, just woke up from the thatched hut, Bai Feng's ears were surrounded by the sound of the system, but it was not directly activated, but always asked Bai Feng to choose the power to attach.

Otherwise, Bai Feng would not have to choose one of the three parties at all.

Although the system was not activated, it could mobilize some of the modern knowledge at will, and Bai Feng easily relied on this knowledge to become a small rich man in Shinno.

Unfortunately, all this was ruined by the pyramid scheme leader Liu Da'er.

"Liu Bei Zhuge Liang, who was killed by heaven, you don't let Lao Tzu feel better, and Lao Tzu won't make you feel better!"

"Ding, the system activation is successful, the host successfully selects Cao Cao's forces, and the Hongtu Three Kingdoms system has been activated and is being bound..."




"Ding, the system binding is successful, and the host has successfully selected the Cao Wei forces as dependent forces."

"Ding, the host's exclusive Cao Wei force package is opened."

"Ding, start to strengthen the quality of the host itself."

The sound that had not sounded for nearly a year suddenly chattered in Bai Feng's ear, and Bai Feng felt a little dizzy in his brain.

Soon, a stream of heat filled Bai Feng's body, and the originally weak body suddenly became kong wu and powerful, and Bai Feng obviously felt that his body had produced a qualitative leap.

"The reinforcement is complete, does the host check the current physical fitness?"

Bai Feng's mind moved, and he directly chose yes.

"Host Name: White Maple."

Age: 20 (100 or above)

Strength: 90 (max 100)

Wisdom: 96 (out of 100)

Agility: 30 out of 100

Charm: 100 (out of 100)

Charm: 100 (out of 100)"

Bai Feng skimmed his lips, "This agility value is also too... Sure enough, the charm endurance is full, and I am still sharp. ”

After saying that, Bai Feng couldn't help but glance down.

"It seems to be a lot longer than before..."

"The task system is turned on, and the task has been changed to a hidden task due to a one-year delay in the host turning on the system.

Mission Content: Gain Cao Cao's trust, enter Cao Cao's camp for the first time, Mission Rewards: Alternate Attribute Points × 10,000, Legendary General Li Yuanba × 1, Legendary Armor Dragon Scale Armor × 1, open the system store. ”

A cold mechanical female voice interrupted Bai Feng's thoughts.

"Ten thousand attribute points?! And legendary generals and armor? ”

Bai Feng saw the corner of his eye twitch when he saw the task reward.

Let's not talk about how useful Li Yuanba is with such a superb marshal-level figure, just to say that these ten thousand attribute points, all the attributes have not become superhuman?

Postponing activation for a year can actually open hidden tasks, but how can attribute points be given so much? Isn't the full point 100?

The system is afraid of burping itself, come up and give yourself a legendary armor, not a weapon.

Before Bai Feng also played the game about the Three Kingdoms, 90 strength is already a first-class fierce general, not to mention that in addition to his agility, his attributes are almost full.

In any case, the life of opening and hanging on to yourself is about to start.

Bai Feng rubbed his hands and looked at The New Wild City behind him.

Boss Cao, here I come.

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