
In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

In the world of power and scheming, there is a saying called: "Those who become big things, are informal!" As soon as this statement came out, how many people did whatever it took to obtain the rights, official positions, and thrones they wanted. It is about 1800 years ago, that is, the Three Kingdoms period. It was a piece of history, very wonderful, and the most deceitful. In this period of history, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan have become the most entrants, and they can be said to have deduced Eryu and I to the extreme!

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

First of all, let's take a brief look at Cao Cao, although Cao Cao was not born very well, but his status was higher than Sun Quan and Liu Bei, in today's terms, Cao Cao is a rich second generation, the family has money, but also has power. What about Sun Quan? His life is better, his father and brother laid a foundation for him, he only needs to hold on, and when he has time, he can find a way to expand his power and achieve a career, it is only a matter of time for him.

Through analysis, it can be understood that among the three people cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei. Only Liu Bei's life was the most bitter, why? Although Liu Bei was a registered emperor uncle, since he appeared on the scene, he had never enjoyed the treatment of a day's great Han emperor uncle, but instead lived every day in fear, afraid that Cao Cao would find out that he was abnormal and lose his life at once.

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

In fact, Liu Bei's situation was very embarrassing. Especially before 200 AD, he was even more sloppy, because at this time, although he was concerned about Yu Zhangfei's defense, the world was still very chaotic! If you are not careful, you will be sold by Cao Cao, or Yuan Shu. What to do about this? Liu Bei finally made up his mind to do it himself!

Since the suppression of the Yellow Turban, Liu Bei has served as a brief pastor in Xuzhou. Cao Caofeng also worshipped Liu Bei as a general, but was also wrapped in dumplings by Lü Bu. Of course, the trader behind this scene is Cao Cao. Cao Cao's idea at that time was to make Liu Bei an official, but as an official, you had to do things for the imperial court, so he openly asked Liu Bei to attack Yuan Shu, in fact, he wanted Lü Bu in the rear to exploit Liu Bei's loopholes. At this time, Liu Bei was also choked up enough, not only was the city gone, but even his wife and children were in the hands of others.

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

In other words, it is estimated that the others have long been out of proportion, but Liu Bei took out all the money, exchanged his wife and children back, and also promised to be Lü Bu's subordinate officer and return to his previous position (Xiao Pei), and also said to Lü Bu: "I still go to Xiao Pei and defend Xuzhou by the way." (Understand that when people hear it, it is a stopgap measure.) But Lü Bu didn't think so much, and actually believed Liu Bei's words.

Later, Lü Bu heard that Liu Bei was recruiting soldiers again. Therefore, Lü Bu directly led his troops to beat Liu Bei to the ground, and finally had no choice but to defect to Cao Cao as a short-term perch. Speaking of this, perhaps many small partners have already discovered Liu Bei's brain and language advantages. He has a hypocritical appearance and a loach-like thief on the inside.

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who could really see Liu Bei through!

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

Who can see liu bei through? There were 5 people in total, and 4 of them died of depression, the reasons of which were more or less related to Liu Bei. Who are they?

The first, and the first to discover that Liu Bei was rich in great ambition, was Cao Cao, the founder of Cao Wei. Cao Cao also had the most contact with Liu Bei, as early as the 18th Road Princes' Alliance, he had already discovered Liu Bei's extraordinary, and later had a deep understanding. When cooking wine and talking about heroes, he pointed out in front of Liu Bei that Liu Bei was the last enemy to compete with him for the world. From this point of view, Cao Cao was the first person to see through Liu Bei.

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

In addition to Cao Cao, the second was Zhuge Liang. Speaking of Zhuge Liang, this person must think of Liu Beisan Gu Maolu, when Liu Bei was thirsty for talent, so he visited Zhuge Liang's thatched hut three times, the purpose of which was to invite Zhuge Liang to be used by him and help him plan his strategy. In order to be able to support the Han Room, with three inches of uncorrupted tongue, plus three prayers and nine knocks, Zhuge Liang was finally invited. Zhuge Liang is not a mediocre person, if the boss does not have the ability, he will certainly not go down the mountain. Don't believe it, you changed it to Yuan Shu to ask Zhuge Liang to try it. Kong Ming was strange when he went down the mountain, but Liu Bei was different, zhuge Liang had already discovered that this person had deep ambitions and had the atmosphere of an emperor.

So in addition to Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang seeing through Liu Bei, is there anyone who can see through Liu Bei? Yes! He is the lord of Eastern Wu, and Sun Quan is also! Sun Quanzhizhi was praised by Cao Cao in public, and when he was 9 years old, he personally went to Liu Biao's territory to retrieve the corpse of his father Sun Jian. This courage alone showed that Sun Quan was a different person, and later he inherited the position of his father and brother, ruled Jiangdong, and became the lord of Eastern Wu.

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

At that time, Liu Bei was chased by Cao Cao and had no way out. He came to Eastern Wu and met Sun Quan. In order to be able to repel Cao Cao, Liu Bei cooperated with Sun Quan. And Sun Quan agreed, because Sun Quan also needed a victory in the war to enhance his reputation. Later, Sun Liu's allied forces defeated Cao Cao at Chibi. However, the fruits of victory were almost occupied by Liu Bei. As a result, Liu Bei's ambitions had already been seen through by Sun Quan.

The fourth is a familiar figure, and his topic is also discussed more often by people in the world. He was Lü Bu, but when Lü Bu saw through Liu Bei, there was no way back. Because Lü Bu only saw through Liu Bei at the last moment of his life. Because Liu Bei did not intercede with Cao Cao on Lü Bu's behalf, Lü Bu also scolded Liu Bei as a big ear thief. Unfortunately, at this time, he discovered the true face of Liu Bei, and it was already too late.

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

The last person to see through Liu Bei was no one else. He was the Western Liang general who had been killed by Cao Cao, and "Jin Ma Chao" was also. Ma Chao was killed by Cao Cao of all three tribes, leaving only one from his brother Ma Dai. When Liu Bei attacked Yizhou, Ma Chao had no choice but to surrender to Liu Bei. And Liu Bei is also very relieved to take In Ma Chao, because Liu Bei knows that no matter how cattle you Ma Chao is, you can only mix with me. First, Cao Cao, you can't vote. Second, Sun Quan may also look down on you. Because, when Ma Chao's family was still in Cao Cao's hands, he disregarded their lives. Just imagine, sun quan, who has always regarded etiquette indoctrination as more important than life, will take him in Ma Chao?

After Ma Chao defected to Liu Bei, he was assigned a fictitious post and registered as the "Five Tiger Generals", and after Ma Chao defected to Liu Bei for 7 years, he was depressed and died! In summary, it can be found that among the five people who saw through Liu Bei, in fact, 4 of them were depressed and died. Ma Chao, Lü Bu, Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao. Before Cao Cao died, he sighed that for more than 30 years, only Liu Bei and Sun Quan had not been eliminated. Lü Bu was not to mention, and before he died, he scolded Liu Bei. Ma Chao, too, pleaded with Liu Bei to be kind to his brother Ma Dai before his death. Like Zhuge Liang, before his death, he lamented that his career had not been accomplished, and he was extremely depressed! Only Sun Quan had no complaints, because Lu Xun had already taken back Jingzhou for him, and also let the elderly Liu Bei suffer a big loss, and finally died. This made Sun Quan excited when he thought about it, and it was estimated that it was enough for Sun Quan to blow a lifetime of cattle.

In the entire Three Kingdoms, there were only 5 people who really saw through Liu Bei, and 4 of them died of depression!

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