
Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

The story of the Three Kingdoms, whether from history or literature, from Gaotang to folk, has always been hotly discussed by people, and countless people have been deconstructing, resteclaring, and joking about it, and have been discussing the impedibility of the Three Kingdoms and the topics in it.

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

Recently, a new costume sitcom based on the story of the Three Kingdoms, "Shu Han Restaurant", is being broadcast on iQiyi. The entry point of this drama is quite clever, it compares the country to a business, the birthday of a restaurant, the dispute between the Three Kingdoms has become a competition for the annexation business between three restaurants named Shu Han, Cao Wei, and Dongfang, and these three restaurants all want to bring down each other, they all want to make their own business bigger and bigger, is the theme quite clever?

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

This play uses several key figures in the Three Kingdoms very cleverly, and Zhuge Liang, who was originally resourceful and calm and serious, has become Zhuge Youcai, who still has many ideas but is serious and funny; Sun Shangxiang, who "has a vow to be in the boudoir, and comforts his life to marry the hero of the world", has become a cute undercover Sun Xiangxiang who is lively and clever; Liu Bei, the lord of straw shoes, has become Liu Da'er, the fallen treasurer; Pang Tong, who is equally famous with Zhuge Ge, has become a beautiful spy Pang Feng'er; Guan Yu, who has walked alone for thousands of miles, has become a cute second uncle Guan Haonan The fierce han Zhang Fei became the salty and sweet female Hanzi Zhang Xinting; the heroic and warlike Zhao Zilong became the fashionable and smelly friend of women, Zhao Changsheng, and so on, although it can be seen that some adaptations are very bold, but the big logic and framework are not separated from the story of the Three Kingdoms, such as Liu Da'er is still more popular than the Cao Treasurer who symbolizes Cao Cao, such as the cao wei restaurant that finally Zhuge Youcai promoted the cooperation between Shu Han and the Oriental Restaurant and defeated the Cao Wei Restaurant.

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

Since governing the country and fighting wars is like doing business, then we may as well analyze it from the perspective of business, why is Liu Bei more popular than Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms?

What kind of boss is Liu Da'er? Knowing people well, and treating people sincerely, all employees can be treated as brothers and friends, when they are ready to give up the restaurant to hang themselves, they think of not leaving the mess to the employees, such a caring boss, with a lantern is difficult to find!

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

What kind of boss is Cao Treasurer? Suspicious, distrustful of employees, and fond of insidious means. First of all, sending Pang Feng'er as a spy to the Shu Han Restaurant to wreak havoc is not a glorious act. And during this period, Cao Feng'er was eager to have eyes on Pang Feng'er, asking for progress 10,086 times a day, and completely distrusting Pang Feng'er to let her go. Moreover, there are all kinds of threats to Pang Feng'er, if you don't do a good job, how to do it, try to ask such a boss, who can stand it?

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

One is Liu Da'er, who is as kind and considerate as his big brother and uncle, and the other is the scheming and improper Cao Treasurer, who will you choose as the boss, the answer is naturally clear at a glance. Therefore, a boss like Liu Da'er, even if the business is already in jeopardy, there will still be employees who will follow him with a dead heart, and he has also recruited Pang Feng'er, which is what makes him superior.

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

Therefore, this concept is substituted for the story of the Three Kingdoms, which is the same reason. Liu Bei won in knowing people and good responsibility, cao Cao lost in nature and suspicious, after all, if you get the hearts of the people, you can get the world!

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

But if we start from history, we can also see that Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao in the folk, or because he is grounded.

Cao Cao was not only a famous politician and military expert, but also a famous literary scholar, who could be described as a martial artist of Wenzhi, a hero of the time, and a master of sincerity. Therefore, in the upper class, Cao Cao appeared in a positive image for a long time and received praise from many people. He reformed many of the evil governments of the Eastern Han Dynasty, curbed the mighty and powerful, developed production, and implemented the tun tian system, and also urged the opening up of wasteland, the implementation of the rule of law, and the promotion of frugality, so that the society that had suffered great damage began to stabilize, recover, and develop. Dynasties after the Three Kingdoms often paid attention to the selection of talents as officials from Among Cao Cao's descendants, and the title of Chen Liu of the Cao family was retained until the end of Southern Qi, until the descendants of the Cao clan in the Tang Dynasty were still many socialites, such as the great painter Cao Ba, who was at the same time as the great poet Du Fu.

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

However, in the civilian society, the image of Cao Cao, including Sun Quan, has always been inferior to Liu Bei, for example, Su Dongpo recorded in the "Dongpo Zhilin": "The children in Tuxiang are thin and inferior, and their families are tired of suffering, and they are tired of money, so that they can sit and listen to ancient sayings." When it comes to the affairs of the Three Kingdoms, when Liu Xuande is defeated, there are people who have snot; when he hears Cao Cao's defeat, he sings happily. This shows that during the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a phenomenon of "respecting Liu and degrading Cao". For example, on the posting of the door god, the most of the three kingdoms generals posted by the common people are liu bei group figures, such as the door gods worshipped by the Henan people are Zhao Yun and Ma Chao of the Shu kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period. The door gods worshipped by the Hebei people are Ma Chao, Ma Dai brothers and so on. In addition, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, etc. also often became objects of appearance among the door gods. On the opera stage, Liu Bei Group is also mostly positive characters, and Cao Cao is portrayed as a white-faced traitor. For another example, many industries in China like to find a grandfather for themselves, "pawn industry, fortune telling industry, incense candle industry, silkworm industry, silk weaving industry, pastry industry are all taking Guan Yu as the ancestor", the shoe maker takes Liu Bei as the grandfather, and the pig killer Zhang Fei as the grandfather.

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

Liu's group is really too grassroots and too grounded, not only grounded, their stories are more legendary and inspirational, so it has created in the folk, Liu Bei's reputation is often much higher than Cao Cao.

So to return to our business outlook, Liu Da'er's restaurant is a small restaurant that sells small profits to civilians, while Cao's treasurer may need to have a certain consumption capacity to dare to go to a high-end restaurant, then you say that there are more civilians or more rich people?

Interpreting the three kingdoms business concept from "Shu Han Restaurant": why Liu Bei is more popular than Cao Cao

In short, the story of the Three Kingdoms has its subtleties no matter from which angle it is cut, so if the audience and friends are interested, they can also go to see this "Shu Han Restaurant" to see what subtleties will be when the story of the Three Kingdoms becomes a business

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