
The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

author:Dr. Xudong chats

#爱乐养生 #

Introduction: Diet on the impact of physical health is very large, to a certain age, the body of various organs gradually decline, gastrointestinal function is the same, gastrointestinal function weakened, it is easy to appear constipation problems, long-term constipation is easy to induce the advent of diseases, will have an impact on normal life.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation


The dangers of long-term constipation!

1. Increase the risk of cardiovascular disease

Long-term constipation is easy to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, constipation when defecating needs to be forced, easy to increase abdominal pressure, resulting in accelerated contraction of the heart, not only easy to increase blood pressure, but also easy to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, and even serious problems such as blood vessel rupture or cerebral hemorrhage.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

2. Toxin accumulation hurts the liver

Once constipation occurs, the toxins and garbage in the intestine will continue to be absorbed by the large intestine, if these substances are stuck in the body for a long time, it is not only easy to damage the intestine, but also prone to liver damage, with the passage of time, the toxin will slowly spread to multiple organs of the human body, inducing organ lesions.

3, causing obesity

Long-term constipation Long-term constipation Food residues will accumulate in the body, and once these residues are repeatedly absorbed, it is easy to make the body fat.

People with long-term constipation, the lower limb edema looks particularly puffy, long-term constipation is easy to make people sit still, and the mood will change.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

4, the mood becomes worse

People with long-term constipation are not in a good mood, usually particularly irritable, but also accompanied by symptoms of neurasthenia, constipation is easy to make the nervous system disordered, irritability and insomnia and dreams and other related symptoms.


The "stool pusher" of the intestine, bananas are not in it, insist on eating every day, help you relieve constipation

When many people have constipation problems in life, they will first think of eating bananas, thinking that eating bananas can play a role in alleviating constipation, because bananas contain dietary fiber, and dietary fiber can improve the peristalsis speed of the stomach and intestines, and to a certain extent, relieve constipation.

However, many merchants in order to make bananas sell a good price, usually spray some ripening agents on bananas, so we must polish our eyes when buying bananas, if you find that the skin of bananas is a little green, hard, do not buy again, this kind of banana is likely to be bananas with lyogens added.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

Often eat ripe bananas, not only can not alleviate constipation, but also affect the peristalsis speed of the intestine, and even cause damage to the digestive system, some ripe or unripe bananas into the human body is easy to aggravate the problem of constipation.

In fact, in addition to bananas can alleviate constipation, the following foods to relieve constipation effect is more obvious, may wish to try it.

- Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit is rich in nutritional value, which is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which help to strengthen the immune system and achieve laxative effect.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

- Apple

Apple is a common type of fruit in life, but also a low price of a fruit, constipation people may wish to improve by eating apples, apples in the dietary fiber and vitamin content is rich, appropriate consumption to help improve the rate of gastrointestinal peristalsis, especially constipation patients, can eat apples to promote bowel movements.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

- Kiwifruit

In order to better achieve the balance and reliability of beneficial bacteria in the body, timely supplementation of vitamin C is particularly critical, kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C content, reasonable intake can supplement nutrition for the body, but also can make the operation of the intestine more smooth.

Vitamin C is a very key nutrient in the body, which can improve constipation to a certain extent and enhance gastrointestinal function. Compared with other fruits and vegetables, kiwi fruit and vegetables have the highest vitamin C content, so it is also known as the "VC king", and each 100 grams of kiwi fruit contains about 65mg of vitamin C, which is much higher than other fresh fruits.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

- Sweet potatoes

Sweet potato is also a good food for laxatives, sweet potatoes also have the title of long knife push fecal machine, because sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, not only to achieve the purpose of weight loss and weight loss, but also to improve the peristalsis speed of the stomach, promote rapid excretion of feces, go out to alleviate constipation and other undesirable problems.


In addition to diet, what other ways can you relieve constipation?

1. Hydrate

During constipation, it is difficult to drain the stool dry and hard from the body, so timely hydration is particularly critical, drinking more water can make the stool soft, insist on drinking 8 glasses of water every day, try to avoid drinking sweet drinks, and drink less alcohol, in order to make the feces soft and slowly excrete.

2. Increase dietary fiber intake

Constipation patients may wish to eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, dietary fiber can improve the peristalsis speed of the stomach and intestines, and it will be smoother when defecating, the lack of dietary fiber in the body, defecation will become difficult, and it is easy to appear abdominal swelling and pain.

The "fecal pusher" of the intestine was found, the banana is not included, insist on eating, help you relieve constipation

3. Exercise regularly

Regular physical exercise is also very critical, regular exercise can not only burn calories, but also balance the digestive tract, so that bowel movements become more regular, constipation patients can stimulate gastrointestinal function through running or fitness, the stomach and intestines run more smoothly, no problem can be alleviated.

In addition to walking, jogging, cycling is also good choice.

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