
When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Gourmet Gewu

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"Thin as the first bamboo shoots, as slender as the moon. The green skin opens the white meat, and the fragrance is between the teeth and teeth". Banana is a fruit that everyone often eats, sweet and delicious and the price is not expensive, the mainland is one of the earliest countries to grow bananas, and it is also one of the first countries to cultivate banana varieties. It is no exaggeration to say that the world's major banana varieties were brought abroad from China.

Bananas planted in the mainland can be traced back to the Warring States period more than 2,000 years ago, and in the Jin Dynasty, bananas were more popular.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

Bananas are known as the "King of Happiness" because of the nutrients they contain that can effectively relieve mood and reduce our fatigue. In addition, bananas are extremely valuable for eating, as they are rich in protein, carbohydrates, crude fiber, carotene, niacin, and a variety of vitamins, as well as minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Although bananas are highly nutritious, there are still many tips for choosing when buying bananas. Why do some people always buy high-quality bananas for six or seven yuan a catty, but they don't taste as good as the bananas for ten yuan and four catties on the stall? This is due to the fact that people have not mastered the selection skills. If you want to buy fresh and high-quality bananas, just avoid these 4 types! When connoisseurs buy bananas, smart people will turn around and walk away when they see these 4 kinds of bananas!

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

1. Unripe bananas

Identification Method:

Unripe bananas, whose rind tends to be bright green, are hard and inelastic to the touch. Even though the color of the banana has begun to turn yellow, the ends of the banana are still greenish, and when you peel it off, you will notice that the flesh is white, and you will feel that the taste is jerky and unsweet. This is because unripe bananas contain a lot of starch, which is not only difficult to digest and absorb by the human body, but also has a high content of tannins, which can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause discomfort once ingested.

Purchase suggestion:

When you are picking bananas, you should give preference to bananas with a golden brown skin and a few black spots. These bananas are usually ripe, and their flesh is soft, sweet, and easy to digest, giving you a great taste experience.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

2. Overripe bananas

Identification Method:

If the banana is overripe, the skin will be blackened and even soft and rotten. When touched with your hands, it feels soft and weak. When peeling these bananas, you will see that there may be dark spots on the flesh, and the taste will become too soft and rotten, and even give off a fermented smell. Not only does an overripe banana lose its taste, but its nutritional value is also lost as it is overripe.

Purchase suggestion:

It is recommended that you choose a banana with a uniform skin color and no visible dark spots. These bananas are ripe and fresh, reaching the desired level in terms of taste and nutritional value, and will bring you a satisfying eating pleasure.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

3. Frozen bananas

Identification Method:

The skin of a frozen banana will be visibly dented or wrinkled, soft and collapsed, and there is no elasticity at all. After peeling, the flesh may be stained with water or change its color abnormally. Frozen bananas not only taste terrible, but may also contain harmful substances to the human body.

Purchase suggestion:

When buying a banana, you must carefully observe whether the skin of the banana is smooth and flat, and whether it feels full and elastic. Avoid bananas with dented or shrunken skins to ensure you get the best quality bananas.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

4. Spray the banana with chemicals

Identification Method:

Some unscrupulous traders may use chemicals to make bananas look more appealing. Bananas that have undergone this treatment usually have an overly shiny skin, an unusually bright color, and even a pungent chemical odor.

Purchase suggestion:

You should choose a banana with a natural appearance and uniform color. For those bananas with too bright skin and unusually bright color, we should be highly vigilant and resolutely refuse to buy them. When buying, you may want to get close and smell the smell of bananas, which should have a natural fragrance.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

Comprehensive advice on buying bananas

1. Observe the color: Prioritize bananas with golden skin and a small number of black spots. These bananas are just the right amount of ripeness, with a good taste and flavor.

2. Feel test: Gently pinch the banana with your fingers, and choose a moderate soft and hard. If it feels too soft, it may be overripe, and if it is too hard, it may not be mature.

3. Weigh the weight: Choose a moderately weighted banana, too heavy may mean too much water, too light may not have enough flesh.

4. Check the skin: The skin of the banana should be smooth and flat, with no visible dents, dark spots, or traces of chemical residues.

5. Smell the smell: Normal bananas should exude a natural sweet smell, if you smell a pungent chemical smell, you should decisively abandon the purchase.

And if you buy a lot of bananas at once, you can also make them into a variety of delicious dishes.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

1. Banana bread


Bananas: 3 (be sure to choose ripe bananas, which have a strong aroma and sweetness)

Eggs: 2 (fresh eggs to make the bread fluffy)

Cake flour: 200 grams (to ensure the fineness of the flour to ensure the softness of the bread)

Caster sugar: 100 grams (according to personal preference for sweetness, it can be increased or decreased appropriately)

Butter: 100 grams (melt into a liquid state in advance so that it can blend well with other ingredients)

Baking powder: 1 teaspoon (to help the bread swell and make its internal tissues more loose)

Salt: 1/4 teaspoon (to enhance the overall flavor layering)

Ground cinnamon: 1/2 teaspoon (optional to add a unique flavor to the bread)

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself


1. First, place the ripe bananas in a bowl and press them into a fine puree with a spoon or fork. Next, crack in 2 eggs, add caster sugar, and stir well until the three are completely combined to form a fine paste.

2. Then, slowly pour in the pre-melted butter, stirring as you pour, so that the butter is fully combined with the previous mixture to achieve a uniform state.

3. Next, sieve the powder. Sift cake flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon (if optional) through a sieve into the mixture. Then, using a spatula or blender, stir gently until all the ingredients are well mixed and a delicate batter with no dry powder particles.

4. Carefully pour the batter into the pre-greased bread mold. Be careful not to fill the batter more than eight minutes full of the mold to avoid spilling during baking.

5. Preheat the oven to 180°C in advance. Place the mold with the batter in the preheated oven and bake for about 50 minutes. To ensure that the bread is baked just right, a toothpick can be inserted into the center of the bread for testing. If the toothpick is pulled out without any sticky substance, it means that the bread is baked; If there is still an attachment on the toothpick, you need to extend the baking time appropriately.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

2. Banana pancakes


Bananas: 2 (ripe, such bananas are easier to puree and have a sweeter taste)

Eggs: 2 (fresh and crack-free to ensure the texture and quality of the pancakes)

Cake flour: 100 grams (to ensure the fineness and softness of the flour)

Milk: to taste (adjust according to the consistency of batter)

Sugar: to taste (adjust sweetness to personal taste)

Butter: to taste (to add aroma and prevent sticking when pan-frying)

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself


1. Place the ripe bananas in a bowl and puree them with a spoon or rolling pin. Then, crack in 2 eggs and stir well.

2. Next, gradually add an appropriate amount of milk and stir at the same time until the mixture becomes a homogeneous liquid state.

3. After that, sift the cake flour into the above liquid while adding the appropriate amount of sugar according to personal taste. Then, stir with a blender or spatula until a fine, particle-free batter is formed. Pay attention to the consistency of the batter, so that it flows smoothly but not too thin.

4. Place the pan on the stovetop over medium-low heat. Add a small amount of butter and once the butter has melted and evenly distributed across the bottom of the pan, spoon in an appropriate amount of batter.

5. Quickly turn the pan so that the batter spreads evenly on the bottom of the pan to form a thin and uniform round pancake. Keep the heat low and fry slowly until the edges of the pancake begin to set and small bubbles appear on the surface.

6. At this point, carefully turn over with a spatula and continue to fry the other side until both sides are golden brown and cooked through.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

3. Banana shakes


Banana: 1 stalk (ripe to ensure the sweetness and texture of the shake)

Milk: 200 ml (the amount of milk can be adjusted according to personal preference to control the consistency of the shake)

Ice cubes: to taste (add according to personal preference for how cold the shake is)

Honey or sugar: to taste (optional, adjust according to individual sweetness needs)

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself


1. First, peel the banana and cut it into even slices so that it is easier to stir into a delicate shake later.

2. Next, place the sliced banana slices in a blender and add 200ml of milk.

3. If you prefer a cooler texture, you can add the right amount of ice cubes according to your personal preference.

4. If you don't feel that the banana and milk are sweet enough, you can also add an appropriate amount of honey or sugar to increase the sweetness.

5. Finally, start the blender and blend all the ingredients until smooth, particle-free, and you're ready for a creamy, sweet and savory banana shake.

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself

4. Banana chocolate bar


Bananas: 2 (ripe to ensure soft and glutinous taste)

Dark chocolate: 100 grams (choose high-quality dark chocolate, the cocoa content can be selected according to personal taste)

Peanut butter or almond butter: to taste (optional to add rich texture and flavor to the banana chocolate bar)

When buying bananas, the smart man saw these four kinds of bananas and turned around and left, and the fruit seller: I don't eat them myself


1. First, peel the banana and cut it in half. In this way, the processed bananas are more convenient for subsequent operation and consumption.

2. Next, prepare a container and heat 100 grams of dark chocolate over water. During the heating process, the chocolate is constantly stirred so that it is evenly heated until it completely melts into a smooth liquid state.

3. Then, use chopsticks or a bamboo skewer to insert half of the cut banana one by one so that it can stand upright.

4. Holding chopsticks or bamboo skewers with bananas in them, slowly dip one end of the banana into the melted chocolate and rotate the banana to make sure the chocolate wraps evenly around the surface of the banana. After that, place the chocolate-coated banana on a plate lined with oiled paper.

5. If you want the banana chocolate bar to have a richer taste, you can spread a layer of peanut butter or almond butter on the surface of the banana before the chocolate has fully set.

6. Finally, refrigerate the chocolate-coated bananas and allow the chocolate to fully set.

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