
To solve three meals and build a bridge of hearts, the Hongkou Branch "Helping the Elderly Pioneers" responded to more than 2,200 requests for help from the elderly
To solve three meals and build a bridge of hearts, the Hongkou Branch "Helping the Elderly Pioneers" responded to more than 2,200 requests for help from the elderly

"Everyone needs solitaire for condiments and daily necessities." "Tomorrow morning I will help you buy it, and at noon I will give it to you together with today's things." "Please ask the leader of the building what the old man in the doorway needs?" In the past two days, every morning at 7 o'clock in the morning, there will be several messages popping up in the WeChat group of the residents of Lane 60 of Balin Road, so that the residents' worries about the materials have disappeared a lot. And the publisher of these news is her, the volunteer leader of the group, Dong Rui, a police officer at the Quyang Road police station.

At the Quyang Road police station, Dong Rui, a police officer known as "Sister Dong against the epidemic", and the members of the "Pioneer Team for Helping the Elderly" of the police station have always cared about the lives of the elderly in need in the jurisdiction, solved the problem of "three meals a day" for the blind couple, found a place for the elderly who could not rely on their sons, and built a "bridge of hearts" for the 95-year-old mother and 70-year-old son isolated in two communities. "My mother and in-laws are also in their 90s, and I myself am a police officer who is close to retirement and will also join the ranks of the elderly, so I can better understand the mood and needs of these elderly people." Taking good care of them and giving the elderly and their families peace of mind and rest assured is also an important part of epidemic prevention and control. Dong Rui, 57, said.

To solve three meals and build a bridge of hearts, the Hongkou Branch "Helping the Elderly Pioneers" responded to more than 2,200 requests for help from the elderly

"A police officer and a good regimental commander"

In addition to the measures to help the elderly at his post, as a resident of Quyang District, Dong Rui also cares about the elderly in his community as if they were family. The proportion of elderly residents in Lane 60, Balin Road, where Dong Rui lives, is relatively high, and 41% are over 70 years old. In the face of the epidemic, residents of elderly communities have inherent disadvantages in material procurement. Worried about the living conditions of the elderly in the community, Dong Rui, a resident of Lane 60 of Balin Road, stood up and carried the chai rice oil and salt of more than 500 people in the community on his shoulders. The owner's grandmother's family ran out of salt, the west uncle oil was gone, and during the epidemic period, Dong Rui went back and forth between the supermarket and the community to make up for the shortcomings in the residents' daily necessities. As the volunteer leader of the community on Lane 60 of Balin Road, wearing a large white, holding a thick shopping list in one hand and carrying all kinds of residents' needs in the other, this is Dong Ruiyin's shape in the minds of residents. As an internal police officer at the Quyang Road police station, she also has to handle the food and drink of more than 100 police officers who are fighting in the front line of the station every day.

"Officer Dong, it's really hard." Zhou Apo, who lives alone, has been receiving door-to-door attention from Dong Rui because she cannot shop online. Zhou Apo casually mentioned the demand, Dong Rui also recorded one by one, after the purchase of personally sent to the door. "She's a police officer, but she's also our good regimental commander."

To solve three meals and build a bridge of hearts, the Hongkou Branch "Helping the Elderly Pioneers" responded to more than 2,200 requests for help from the elderly

Our haircut became her top priority

In this sealed spring, the hair of many residents has also encountered "barbaric growth", especially some elderly people, because it is inconvenient to wash their hair, and it is more difficult to clean their hair as soon as they grow. Although the three thousand troublesome threads on his head did not hinder life, they cast a layer of black on his mood.

Dong Rui, who discovered this situation, immediately organized the workers and attendants of the police station to cut the hair of the surrounding residents free of charge, and under the premise of doing a good job of epidemic prevention registration in the early stage to ensure the prevention and control of the epidemic, in the early morning of May 6, Dong Jie and the barber took the haircut tools early and came to the community of Lane 60 of Balin Road to cut hair for the residents who had been registered in the early stage.

The scene was orderly, and the barber neatly cut clean and fresh hairstyles for the residents. "The haircut service is too timely, cut the hair, instantly refreshed" Residents who cut their hair at the scene said, "We have a haircut, this small thing, I did not expect to become the top priority of Officer Dong." ”

A bag of rice, a bottle of medicine, a greeting video from a family, a free haircut... The usual inadvertentness has become a source of strength to awaken hope at this time. Since the beginning of the epidemic prevention and control work, more than 300 party members and police officers of the Hongkou Public Security Bureau have set up 9 "pioneer teams to help the elderly" to continue to care for and care for the elderly in the jurisdiction and help solve their basic living guarantees and daily necessities supply. During the period, paired with 1635 elderly people living alone and widowed in the jurisdiction, responded to more than 2200 requests for help from various "elderly-related" in a timely manner, and provided more than 3200 people with various types of help such as food delivery, medical delivery, and medicine delivery for the elderly, Dong Rui and her comrades-in-arms used love to make the years unharmed.

Author: Zhou Chen

Correspondent: Choi Soon-sung

Editor: Wang Jiayi