
A shocking lesson! Pigeon connoisseur from Japan - The Story of Lai Ming-luan (2)

author:Hidden Dragon Pigeon Language
A shocking lesson! Pigeon connoisseur from Japan - The Story of Lai Ming-luan (2)

★ Turning point in 1980

In 1980, it was a memorable year in Lai Minghun's life, his brother became a soldier, and everything in the loft had to be planned and executed by one person, including participating in the races, at this juncture, Lai Mingzhuo made a major decision, he gave up all other work, devoted all his time and energy to pigeon racing, and became a professional pigeon racing player.

In this year, he competed in five clubs, won a home run, and competed in two clubs in Taichung, one won the first and second prizes (one per day), the other won eight pigeons in the 20th class (including the first and second prizes), and the two clubs competed in the same month in a row, sending 10 pigeons to Taipei Luzhou for two pigeon races, each with 5 pigeons, one of which won the fourth place and the other sixth prize.

In total, the bumper harvest of 1980 brought abundant resources to his professional start, and he could make further investments in this huge bonus.

Also in 1980, Huang Zhenyuan, the enlightened teacher of the Longmen pigeon loft, led two well-known Japanese fanciers to visit his loft, and the Japanese man's rigorous and serious attitude towards pigeons still deeply affects Lai Mingzhuo.

Here's the thing, at that time he had a total of 30 racing pigeons competing in two branches of Taichung, one with 10 and the other with 20, politely asking visitors for guidance.

One of the Japanese, who picked a male and a female from each of the two branches and asked him to look at the other pigeons, replied, "That's enough." He thought that these were already the two most promising pigeons in his loft, and the hens were better than the males, the hens were perfect pigeons whether they were raced or bred, the cocks were also very good pigeons, but there were small shortcomings, not as comprehensive as the hens, the result of the race, the selected hen won the overall first prize, and the was the seventh prize.

Of course, such a result shocked Lai Minghao, the Japanese first came to his loft, did not understand what kind of pigeon he raised, but could pick out the so-called good pigeons among thirty pigeons.

What are the characteristics of a good pigeon? What are the secrets to identifying a good pigeon?

Anyone who raises pigeons is eager to discover a set of methods for identifying pigeons, through standardized or fixed models, you can accurately choose good pigeons, if you get this set of secrets, will it not save money and trouble to buy breeding pigeons? Lai Mingzhuo thought the same thing.

Along with the Japanese came Dr. Lin Cai, the mentor Huang Zhenyuan led three guests from the entrance to the door cold, visited the pigeon loft, watched the pigeons express their views, and then left with a gust of wind, delaying about a cup of tea before and after, which was a natural outpouring of experience.

The Japanese ordered a hen and a male and two pigeons in their loft and asked him to look at a few more, but replied that this was enough, and said: The hen is a rare and perfect pigeon, not only good for racing, but also for breeding value; cocks are also good pigeons, but there is a little flaw in the throat, and it is probably not so prominent when encountering special difficulties.

It was so coincidental, as if everyone was telling a story after the race, the hen won the first prize, and the slowed down in one of the Ogre days, and won the seventh prize, when the competition cabinet was raised separately between male and female, and these two were the best performers in the same cupboard, how could this not make Lai Mingzhuo angry?

After the race, Lai Ming-ho quietly looked at every detail of the Japanese pigeons, comparing the appearance and structure of the two pigeons with the other six pigeons in the top twenty, what was the difference in appearance and structure?

Twenty years ago, as now, the future will continue, Lai Mingzhuo has his own opinion, but he does not reject the Japanese view of pigeon judging, and uses this champion hen as a standard model for future breeding.

(The Japanese can suddenly pick out the two best pigeons from a group of strange pigeons, because if he is not soaking in the good pigeon pile all day, he has seen a lot of good pigeons, which is easier to do for people with good image memory ability, strong observation and summary ability, the reason is also simple, although the names of modern pigeons are different, but the source is inextricably linked, plus the fast pigeons of various distances, most of them have a certain fixed form, of course, there is a charm that is difficult to describe in words.)

As the late Mr. Wang Lao said, "As long as a pigeon has all the conditions in place, then even if he does not know his ancestry, his origin will not be bad." This is the reason why Elder Wang dared to use the skyfall, but it should also be emphasized that he uses only a few heavenly falls, and the selection criteria can be described as very strict. )

An incident will inevitably help me, the experience of the Japanese, to open up the tactical application of Lai Mingzhuo's insertion pigeon selection, but also to define the stage selection criteria, and to guide Lai Mingzhuo into the unfathomable field of pigeon racing.

When appreciating pigeons, the body structure is the most important: including wings, muscles, bone structure - all aspects must meet the standards set by Lai Mingzhuo for himself, the bloodline is not the most important, but not indifferent to the bloodline, but in the second place, the bloodline is the initial basis for seeking a good pigeon, but the final trade-off still has to meet his standards. (At that time, Lai Mingju's breeding pigeon was Hirsken.) von Ler, crossed with locally bred pigeons of the same breed)

Perhaps more or less influenced by the Japanese, for a period of time, Lai Mingju will pay special attention to a certain part of the pigeon when selecting pigeons, but now he is no longer limited to a certain part of the pigeon, he believes that judging the merits and demerits of pigeons, this kind of thing everyone's standards will not be the same, is subjective, is based on experience and feeling, as to whether the race can be won, not only depends on the quality of the pigeons, but also on the physical strength and emotions before the race, especially the latter, there is no standard, usually rely on the intuition of fanciers.

In any case, pigeon selection must be strict. According to his past racing practice, 30% of the pigeons in a season of racing were finally eliminated by him, the so-called active elimination is the pigeons that have been put on the turpi ring, as long as they do not meet the requirements in the process, they will be caught away from the loft, this practice has also caused questions, is the means too big or fierce? Wouldn't it be a mistake to kill?

A shocking lesson! Pigeon connoisseur from Japan - The Story of Lai Ming-luan (2)

Chu Shijian

(Pigeons are group animals, so raising pigeons emphasizes "group potential", pigeons are "infected" with each other and learning ability is very strong, I remember the recent sharing of the "Tibetan Dragon Pigeon Handbook" there is a sentence "Don't spoil a pot of soup because of a grain of mouse shit!") This sentence appears at least three times, pigeon breeding, to the weak to stay strong is always the theme, but also throughout the process of pigeon breeding.

Here I especially want to let everyone know about the "story of the orange king Chu Shijian cutting down 37,000 orange trees", the pursuit of yield is one of the contents of the fruit farmer's concern, but sometimes in order to balance the quality, they have to start with their own hard-working fruit trees, and the pigeons are more heavy and weightless things, which is worth weighing. )

Because it is not a good breeding pigeon you can not raise, can not reach the healthy standard you can not match, the eggs are not smooth enough you can not stay, not lively and healthy young pigeons you will not hang the race ring, the previous requirements are so harsh, and the young birds are still in the development period has not yet been fixed, or only temporarily poor, the pigeon will not check the pigeons, why take the initiative to eliminate, Lai Mingzhuo admitted that its own pigeon selection standards are not absolutely flawless, if the selection of pigeons is really so simple, as long as you help the selection of pigeons can not finish, and why bother to personally stand on the front line, Scared?

Although I have strict requirements since the beginning of the breeding pigeons, but some things are very clear to everyone, spend a lot of money to buy their favorite breeding pigeons, may not be able to play, all aspects of the situation are up to standard to match, may not produce very satisfied young birds, even if this batch of young birds are enough to compete in the level, the variables of going out to train are too many, some of them are in a state of physical stagnation after the net, some of them bring back strange problems after getting off the pigeon car, leaving these abnormal pigeons in the race loft, just increasing the danger of healthy pigeons, if there is no insertion, There is no need to think about it at all, "catch it", the game is about the result, and the final goal cannot be ruined because of small things.

He knows that many people will not agree with this approach, and he knows that it is not the most perfect, but he still insists that only the pigeons that meet his criteria have the opportunity to compete, that is, only the group points are obtained and he will let it compete, a pigeon that cannot even be used in the insertion group, even if the results are flying, the benefits are very limited, and it is better to take care of the whiteboard pigeons than to concentrate on the key pigeons, which is his strategic trade-off.

To be continued...

Commentary: Lin Xuguo

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A shocking lesson! Pigeon connoisseur from Japan - The Story of Lai Ming-luan (2)

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