
Compared to the intricacies of the blue-green factory and Xiaomi, Apple is really simple, just two products: digital series and SE series. Huawei is also quite simple now

author:European technology

【Apple's simple and clear, you have to serve】

Compared to the intricacies of the blue-green factory and Xiaomi, Apple is really simple, just two products: the digital series and the SE series.

Huawei is also quite simple now, in addition to Mai Mang and Imagination, there are three series.

One a year, one hit all, Apple's simple and clear, you have to serve.

Compared to the intricacies of the blue-green factory and Xiaomi, Apple is really simple, just two products: digital series and SE series. Huawei is also quite simple now
Compared to the intricacies of the blue-green factory and Xiaomi, Apple is really simple, just two products: digital series and SE series. Huawei is also quite simple now
Compared to the intricacies of the blue-green factory and Xiaomi, Apple is really simple, just two products: digital series and SE series. Huawei is also quite simple now
Compared to the intricacies of the blue-green factory and Xiaomi, Apple is really simple, just two products: digital series and SE series. Huawei is also quite simple now
Compared to the intricacies of the blue-green factory and Xiaomi, Apple is really simple, just two products: digital series and SE series. Huawei is also quite simple now

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