
Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

author:Entertainment star-watchers

Venus once asked He Bing:

"No matter how big the wrist returns to the human art, no assistant is allowed,

Labor fees must also be paid according to the standards in the hospital, is this rule still true? ”

He Bing sighed, "Of course, look at how beautiful these big names are outside.

Once you return to human art, you have to be honest,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

People art Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, many people are high in a lifetime, to millions are not willing to shoot,

Only willing to perform a drama of 1500 yuan, we see these people, do not dare to speak more. ”

One of the "lying dragons" of human art is Pu Cunxin,

He Bing commented in the interview:

"It is said that Renyi is a family, and he is the eldest son of this family.

For a family, the eldest son pays the most,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

He took on the most responsibilities and did the most work, and he did it all. ”

As a national first-class actor, he once dominated the big and small screens, dramas,

Dubbed the "Milk Killer",

Become a big star in the sky, the future is bright,

But he resolutely decided to take over the burden of human art,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Put most of your energy into the theater.

It's hard to take the art of people to withstand the impact,

But he suddenly resigned his post and returned to his family,

Slowly disappeared into the public eye, disappeared,

What did "old drama bone" Pu Cunxin go through.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old


Pu Cunxin was born in Dongcheng District, Beijing in 1953.

Mother Jia Quan worked as an executive in the bank,

Father Su Min, whose original name was Pu Sixun, changed his name and surname because he participated in the revolution.

Since the 1940s, he has devoted himself to the drama business.

"Thunderstorm", "Opium War" and "Cai Wenji" are all representative works of Su Min.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

As the first generation of actors in the art of human art,

Dad is both an actor and a director and occasionally a screenwriter.

Song Dandan, Feng Yuanzheng, Xu Fan and many other outstanding actors,

They were all supported by Su Min.

Parents are in the career upswing, busy with work all day,

It is inevitable that there will be some negligence towards Xiao Pu Cunxin,

He and his sister and brother take care of each other.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

When he was two years old, he did not take the pill of epidemic prevention in time,

Yin and yang mistakenly suffer from polio,

fever, body aches, restlessness,

The most serious are signs of paralysis in the limbs,

His parents rushed to take him to the hospital for treatment.

He spent several years in a hospital bed.

He has become accustomed to taking medicine and surgery, but health is still a luxury.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Again and again hope is broken,

By the time he was in elementary school, he was still struggling to walk.

No one wants to play with him,

A nearby child knows his "disability" and looks at him like a monkey,

Pointing, Guangming was shouting "Pu Lame".

Whenever this happened, my brother rushed over like a small cannonball to teach them a lesson.

After winning the battle, I went home and asked him for credit with a muddy face,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

After losing the meal table, you can see the figure of his brother eating madly,

Mom wondered, "Don't you like to eat these things?" ”

The younger brother proudly replied: "I can only grow tall if I am not picky, and I will protect my brother." ”

To prevent muscle atrophy,

His mother took him to exercise every day, and even applied for suspension from work.

Dad is on the go every day to support the cost of expensive treatment,

The two brothers and sisters have become his little protective umbrella,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Looking at this, the resentment and resentment in Xiao Pu Cunxin's heart dissipated one by one.

Endure the piercing pain day after day and stick to the boring exercise.

I don't want my family to worry about him,

He was silent at school and never took the initiative to fight back ridicule and sarcasm.

In physical education class, no matter what kind of sport,

As long as he is grouped, he is the one who has been blasted away,

"Don't have him, don't have him, we're going to lose!"

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

He ran away in shame and sat in the stands of the playground,

My heart was lost, and I didn't know where the road ahead was.

Once walking on the road,

An uncle said doubtfully, "How can this child walk unsteadily?" ”

He reluctantly drew the corners of his mouth: "It's okay, it's uneven." ”

It was passed out as a joke,

"Uneven earth" also became his nickname.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

The titles of "Pu Lame Man" and "Uneven Earth" followed him for three years,

In 3rd grade,

Father found Dr. Rong Guowei of Jishuitan Hospital.

He didn't dare to have too much hope,

As a result, after trembling and doing intact surgery,

His feet can be flattened.

Although there is still a gap with normal people,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

But he was still ecstatic,

Secretly determined to redouble my training efforts,

Run and jump like a normal person.

Time passes day after day,

Pu Cunxin exerted his physical limits and desperately rehabilitated,

Finally there are conditions to pretend not to be seen.

As long as it is related to the legs, he will participate,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Swimming, playing basketball, everything,

Take advantage of the lack of manpower in the students to see the stitches and needles to participate.

Covering up the imperfections of the body, his extroverted nature began to unfold,

Everything in the school is so strong that it makes up for the envy of the past.

Follow Dad to the theater,

A handsome little face captured the love of uncles and aunts,

Often sit under the stage and watch everyone rehearse the performance,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Beautiful female agent, Aunt Zhu Xu smashed the vase, etc.,

All kinds of Western scenery can be seen,

It is the time of material scarcity,

Every time a vase was dropped, Pu Cunxin's heart trembled with it.

He knows the whole theater very well,

Props of knives, guns and sticks are real guys,

It is also a treasure that he loves.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Once a thief suddenly came in the theater,

Auntie returned to the dormitory after taking a shower,

As soon as I entered the house, I saw a black shadow behind the door in the mirror.

The thief was spotted and immediately ran away, running from the fourth floor all the way to the basement.

Rushing to the police, I did not expect the police to hear the Capital Theater as the Capital Airport,

It's too late to toss back and forth,

Wait until you come to the theater,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Just watch the actors each hand a prop gun against the basement door,

The thief was trembling inside and did not dare to move.

Look at the mighty looks of the adults,

Pu Cunxin secretly planted a seed in his heart,

But in the big picture, like the song that sings:

"I have an ideal, a beautiful ideal,

When I grow up, I will be like a worker uncle. ”

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

He dreamed of becoming a member of the workers, peasants, and soldiers.


July 1969,

16-year-old Pu Cunxin, like many young people,

Full of revolutionary enthusiasm and active response to the call of the state,

Volunteered to live in the Heilongjiang Production and Construction Corps, where life is very hard, as a young man,

My mother took my brother to the Henan Huaibin Five-Seven Cadre School,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

My sister went to Inner Mongolia to join the queue and herd sheep in the pastoral area,

Dad was assigned to the May Seventh Cadre School in Nankou, Beijing.

It is very difficult for a family of five to contact alone, and everything can only be on their own.

When he first arrived at the regiment, he was assigned to the stallion to release the horses,

The "war horse" transferred from the former Soviet Union made him particularly novel,

Holding the horse all day and taking care of it was particularly fun.

In an era when people don't have enough to eat,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Feed them eggs, malt, carrots, bean cakes,

In summer, the fur of a horse is like brocade.

He stared at their food and swallowed,

The big knife of the Dou Private Criticism was on the head, and no one dared to steal it.

It was a time of his freedom and freedom.

Others carry hoes to the ground to work, tired and half dead,

He was playing the harmonica to herd horses,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

The horses let go and run wildly,

I can come back at noon and sleep for a while.

Dad received his letters and photos,

After more than a year of anxiety, it finally dissipated,

The worry in the heart turns into the joy of the child's growth,

The reply reads:

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

"The eyes are poor and the wilderness is exhausted, and the chest is white and white,

Think long-term, send your pride with your head held high..."

There is no boy who does not love the dashing on horseback,

The day before he was transferred to the regimental propaganda team,

Run with the horses until it gets dark before you are willing to leave.

There is always a lot of free time to do paperwork,

In the face of the turbulent situation outside,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

In fact, there is not much room for them to play.

It's more about working in the fields.

Summer harvest, autumn harvest, winter busy 3 years passed,

The physical labor that is repeated every day, the mentality and the body cannot be supported,

He began to think: Do you really want to be here for the rest of your life?

Watching the same batch of Zhiqing around them return to the city one after another,

He inquired everywhere, and found the opportunity of the CoventUrean Troupe,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

The General Political Department, the Beijing Military Region, and the Jinan Military Region tried one by one.

With a weak foundation, he rammed around like a headless fly,

I didn't take the exam several times in a row.

It's been a few more years.

Seeing that the great upheaval is coming to an end,

If you can't go back, you have to stay here for the rest of your life,

He temporarily let go of his self-esteem,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Ask the doctor at the regimental headquarters to help write his diagnosis clearly:

A young man who has suffered from polio is not suitable for the alpine region of Heilongjiang.

He stood nervously at the entrance of the hospital of the division headquarters with his diagnosis certificate,

When the doctor saw it, he looked up directly: "Why didn't you come earlier?" ”

With a "pop" stamp, his fate changed.

Not long after returning to Beijing, Pu Cunxin was admitted to the Air Politics Repertory Theatre.

Although he was 24 years old, he was influenced by the top predecessors in the drama industry since he was a child.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

But there was no acting experience at all.

Just entered the drama troupe can only do miscellaneous study,

Play some passers-by every day,

Busy study is also mixed with some tedious work.

He is not discouraged, such a full and hopeful day is the happiest,

Desperately trying to improve, trying to catch up.

When he tried to precipitate, the title of "Son of Su Min" spread wildly among colleagues.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

After the end of the great upheaval, the people desperately longed for spiritual openness,

Hundreds of "Thunderstorms" have greatly boosted my father's reputation, and everyone in the industry is well known.

Since then he has worked harder,

Do your best not to embarrass your father.

The work progressed steadily, and love also came as scheduled,

He and Wan Ping met during a performance and then attracted each other,

Wan Ping entered the Air Politics Song and Dance Troupe as a dancer at the age of 13.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

When the two met, she was already a battalion-level cadre.

And Pu Cunxin is still a small soldier.

But it was the talent in him that attracted Wan Ping's eyes,

Draw a board newspaper, engrave wax paper, print a script,

His busy figure always has a line of sight to follow.

The two have a good feeling for each other,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

He never dared to confess because of the difference in rank,

In the end, it was Wanping who expressed her heart,

This is why they started dating on the premise of marriage.

After a year of falling in love, the two introduced each other to their families,

Soon, an auspicious day was chosen to handle the marriage formalities,

In the cafeteria, they invited their relatives and friends to hold a simple banquet.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

After marriage, the two of you and me,

All day long focus does not leave Meng, Meng does not leave the focus,

A year later their daughter was born and named Pufang.

Because of his childhood experience, Pu Cunxin always believed that children were very fragile.

He took care of his wife's confinement and washed his daughter's diapers.

The couple had a deep affection and became a famous model couple in the group.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Under his meticulous care, his daughter's personality became particularly introverted,

One day when he was 4 years old, Pu Fang had a cold and was not good at infusing fluids in the hospital.

The trainee nurse stuck to the sixth needle to find the blood vessel,

The daughter endured the pain until the last stitch.

Only then did he realize that blind pampering could not give the child better protection.

Since then, he and Wan Ping have implemented the educational model of "tight outside and loose inside".

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Heartbroken for Pufang's growth.

The life of a family of three is plain but happy,

In order to give her daughter a better life,

Pu Cunxin's desire for fame has become deeper and deeper, and he has continuously improved his acting skills.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

His potential was seen by the blue sky wild,

Lan Tianye won the "Golden Lion Award for Chinese Drama",

"Chinese Drama Award", "National Virtue and Art Double Xin Award" Lifetime Achievement Award and many other awards,

He was a colleague of his father, Su Min, for many years.

Watching him patiently polish for many years,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Blue Sky Wild was very pleased and wanted to help his career before retiring.

He was seconded to Renyi by Teacher Lan Tianye from the Drama Troupe,

The peak and most brilliant drama period is created by the actors of the human art,

The actor's roadmanship is where his dream lies,

It felt like he was dreaming, and he was both happy and nervous,

In the first play, he tried his best to show it to the teacher.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

But it's too nervous,

The performance is simple and emotional, and the whole time it is shouting.

The teacher frowned and repeated only one sentence: "No, do it again." ”

The way of performance is problematic from the root,

Over and over again, he couldn't detect the problem.

The actors in the audience stared at him and whispered,

Pu Cunxin stood on top of himself without a place,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

I was secretly determined to start all over again and study and correct it.

Both external and internal causes act at the same time,

Under the teachings of Blue Sky Wild, his potential was developed,

It didn't take long to get on the right path, and his acting skills improved rapidly.


In 1986, Lan Tianye formed the team of the new drama "Qin Emperor Father and Son".

His acting skills have long been honed and mature, but his qualifications are still shallow,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

The teacher tried to defy the public opinion and gave him a chance to evaluate,

The role of Fu Su made him play vividly,

Since then, Pu Cunxin has officially become a drama actor at the Beijing People's Art Theatre.

This is the real blade of his sword.

At 33 years old, he is no longer young, but still in the best period of male actors,

"No small roles, only small actors"

Slowly climbing up from the supporting roles, the characters are not in the amount of fine,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

But when my daughter reaches school age, the cost is getting bigger and bigger,

He followed the advice of his teachers and colleagues and began to venture into the film and television industry.

Successively participated in "Sheng Yue Ru" and "Legend of the Flea on the Drum",

Try to change the thinking of drama acting.

Starring in the feature film "The Last Nobleman" directed by Xie Jin,

In it, he played Chen Yin, the husband of a woman who reunited with a young lover,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

The first time he was slightly shy by a dozen shots around him,

But once the shooting began, he immediately incarnated as "Chen Yin",

Xie Jin, who was originally holding a breath, was very surprised.

The film and television circle opened the door for him, and drama is his inseparable existence.

In the same year, he took over the role of Zhou Ping in "Thunderstorm" from his father.

Bidding farewell to the first edition of "Thunderstorm", which lasted for 35 years,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

It's like the transfer of responsibilities between the old and new generations,

Pu Cunxin stood on the stage of the pinnacle of human art, and the pride in his heart was self-evident.

In 1991, his father Su Ming directed the drama "Li Bai",

He played an important role in it,

The first father-son cooperation was a great success, and dozens of performances were packed.

Became one of the long-term repertoire of the theater,

He also won the honor of the Plum Blossom Award for this play.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Director Xie Jin invited him again to star in "The Bells of Qingliang Temple",

In order to create the role of the Mirror Mage,

He personally studied Buddhism,

Experience life in the monastery, meditate and chant with the abbot every day,

The "Curse of the Past Life" was ripe,

Calming down, pilgrims often recognized him as a true monk.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Broadcast of TV series such as "The Story of the Editorial Department" and "Long Sky Beacon",

The release of movies such as "Blue Kite", "Yunnan Story", "Postman" and so on,

Let him mix his face in front of the audience.

In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", the role of Sun Ce broke through the bones of a group of old dramas,

Make a big impression on everyone.

In "Heroes Without Regrets",

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

He plays Gao Tian, the hot-blooded public security bureau chief who is just and fearless of hardships.

With Gao Tian as the protagonist,

Unfold the story of the police after the reform and opening up,

A series of stories that escort economic development.

It is very consistent with the national conditions and the lives of the people.

Ratings rose after the broadcast,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Won the "Five One Project" award of the Central Propaganda Department, and won a number of awards of the Feitian Award.

Pu Cunxin became popular overnight,

The image of heroism has captured the hearts of three generations of old, middle-aged and young people,

Known as the "Milk Killer",

Become a hot star.

One day, he and his wife were walking down the street,

An aunt came up to me and asked, "Are you husband and wife?" ”

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Looking at Wan Ping, she continued, "Then you can fish." ”

He immediately made his attitude clear: "I fished for you to marry you!" ”

Career has become a family harmony,

Countless job offers made him particularly happy.

Bad news came suddenly,

He's out there attending an event.

My heart clucked, and I suddenly received a call from my wife:

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

"Old Pu, come home soon, something is wrong at home."

He had never seen Wan Ping so flustered,

Hurriedly took the car to rush home, thinking wildly along the way,

But how could he think that it was his younger brother Pu Cunyan who died unexpectedly.

Looking at the grief-stricken parents, the helplessness of the younger brothers, wives and children,

He didn't have time to be sad, so he first comforted his family,

This was followed by a funeral, where the widow and children were to go.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Until all the dust settles,

He really realized that the brother who had protected him since childhood was gone forever.

Holding Wan Ping, she cried bitterly.

Father white-haired people sent black-haired people who could not withstand the blow and fell ill in bed,

He runs to the old neighborhood where his parents live every day,

Carrying my father out to see a doctor and distract myself,

Accompany him to talk about drama, talk about domestic development, parents are short,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Under his care, my father gradually came out of the haze and recovered his health.

He also did his brother's children himself,

As your own child, you generally accompany play and study,

He came to the door with his wife and cared about the condition of his sister-in-law.

After this incident,

What career, what fame he looks at very lightly,

No matter how busy you are, you will also find time to spend with your family.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

In 1998, Pu Cunxin, at the repeated requests of his daughter,

After consulting with his wife for a long time, he decided to give her the opportunity to exercise.

Sending the 16-year-old Pu Fang to the plane to study in the United States,

The daughter became much more cheerful after a difficult early period,

Get ready to read all the way up and see the wider world.

He was relieved and at the same time difficult to rest assured,

But it is not easy to connect thousands of miles apart,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

He had to work double down and want his daughter to spend no money outside.

Movies "Lu Xun", "See the Dragon Unarmored", "Bathing",

TV series "Legend of the Mirror Flower Edge", "Cao Cao and Cai Wenji", "Public Security Bureau Chief" and so on,

Most of them are supporting roles with few roles,

Because Pu Cunxin was entrusted with the great responsibility of the dean of renyi,

Seriously and responsibly, he was seen,

In terms of personality, background, and honor, he is the best candidate.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

But the most glorious years of drama have come to an end,

The heaviest burden to him,

Under the impact of the rise of film and television dramas, movies, and the Internet,

Preserving a pure land of drama was his greatest difficulty.

For the development of human art,

He reduced his work in the entertainment industry and spent most of his energy in the courtyard.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Build the future of renyi with a group of like-minded partners.

In 15 years, he performed hundreds of plays a year.

It is also to create new vitality and vitality for human art,

After surviving the difficult times, victory is at hand.

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

In 2016, his father Su Min died in his sleep at the age of 90.

Even if they have been prepared for all these years,

But when the parting comes, it is still difficult to accept,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Mother Jia Shuo's spiritual qi seemed to go with her father,

Within a few days, the whole person was half emaciated, like a walking dead,

There was only a reaction when he heard about Su Min.

Pu Cunxin followed his mother to reminisce about the past,

Who knows that the mother is more trance-like, and from time to time she is empty.

One day he was cooking as usual,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

The mother suddenly shouted, "Who are you?" Why in my house. ”

He was so frightened that he could not turn off the fire, and took his mother to the hospital.

Cognitive impairment is a precursor to Alzheimer's disease,

The mother was too stimulated and in a very poor mental state.

Summoning the whole family for consultation,

He eventually decided to move in with his wife to take care of his mother.

This battle must be a protracted war,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Pu Cunxin, 63, submitted an application to step down.

Spend all your energy taking care of your mother.

He and Wan Ping set up a camp bed and kept vigil to prevent their mother from running away.

Less than four hours of sleep a day,

His body soon became overwhelmed, and overwork led to fainting.

The daughter knew about this and quickly pulled her son-in-law to come to support,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

After the hardest time,

While guarding his elderly mother, he exercised to improve his physical fitness.

He often told his mother stories about his life alone,

Take her with you to rehearse a play.

During the epidemic, she performed dramas at home to show her,

After unsealing, I took my mother to relive the place where I remembered before,

Many people advised him not to be so persistent,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

His left ear went in and out of his right ear,

Finally in 2021, the mother's condition improved,

Pu Cunxin, who is nearly 70 years old, cries like a child.

In the past two years,

He served as a torchbearer at the Winter Olympics,

The drama "Lin Zexu" was staged at the National Centre for the Performing Arts,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

It was then broadcast on the Internet in line with the trend of the times.

Drama "Foreign Mahjong", Peking Opera "Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang", Documentary "Beidou",

Creative music and dance poetry painting "Remembering Jiangnan" on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala,

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

Drama "Jane Eyre", "Cai Wenji", director's bilingual version of "Hamlet",

Low-key brings many excellent works,

But it no longer appears in the public eye.

Pu Cunxin responded in an interview:

Bereaved in middle age, lost his father in his old age, and now 69-year-old Pu Cunxi is still taking care of his mother and dare not grow old

"It's not that you don't act, it's that you don't have a chance,

Film and television works do not have my job, and the things I act are not watched. ”

In this era of entertainment supremacy,

The living space of the old drama bone is compressed vigorously,

And he is not willing to sell his principles for traffic,

Enjoying an acre and a half of the drama stage is enough.

A lifetime of steadfastness and frankness,

Be loyal and filial to your parents and relatives, and do your best to the audience fans,

In the hearts of the family, it is a big tree and a harbor, and it is a model in the hearts of peers.