
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord

author:In the dream, Jiangnan Old Wei

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Also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. The main color of the iris is blue-purple, there is a "blue demon" reputation, iris because the petal shape is like the tail of the iris and called, there are blue, purple, yellow, white, red and other colors, the transliteration of its genus name is commonly known as "Alice", Alice in Greek mythology is the rainbow goddess, she is the messenger of the gods and mortals, the main task is to bring the souls of good people after death, through the rainbow bridge between heaven and earth to bring back to heaven. #Headline##Gold Powder Community# #花 #

Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord
Share the picture, the top iris iris is also known as: blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., iris genus about 300 species, native to central China and Japan, is the national flower of France. Iris lord

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