
Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

author:Red Tiger Fitness

Since the "Iranian Hulk" Sajad. Garyby with "British Hulk" Martin. After the cancellation of Ford's boxing match, many fans were surprised and disappointed, because the conflict between the two Hulks began in 2018, and the boxing match between them was also a good thing, with several twists and turns, and when the two finally met, they saw that the boxing match was about to be held, but at the last moment, Martin. Ford cancelled the race again, citing health and safety measures. For Martin. Ford's exit, iran's Hulk said it would sue his opponent for default.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

Although Martin. Ford's debut in boxing hasn't happened yet, but he expressed interest in mixed martial arts (MMA) and, in fact, Martin. Ford, who signed a contract with the Polish MMA promotion company KSW a few years ago, is currently actively training at the gym and has dropped to 140 kilograms to improve his speed, endurance and explosiveness in preparation for his MMA debut.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

Although, martin ford's MMA debut opponent has not yet been revealed, but martin. One of the opponents Ford mentioned is the world's strongest man (WSM) Maris Pujanovsky, who is also currently playing under the KSW umbrella, and the same family, Marius will be Martin. Opponents for Ford's MMA debut?

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

First, the "nightmare" Martin Ford

Martin Ford, born on 26 May 1982 in Birmingham, England, loved a variety of sports as a child, his best sport was cricket, and he hoped to make a career out of it, but after an injury during a training session, his cricket dream was shattered.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

At the age of 20, Martin Ford went to the gym and began strength training, and after several years of training, Martin's original bamboo pole-like figure suddenly became a formidable "Hulk", which made Martin more and more fond of bodybuilding and became a bodybuilder, nicknamed "Nightmare".

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

With a height of 2.03 meters and a peak weight of more than 160 kilograms, Martin Ford eats 8,000 calories a day to maintain his huge body shape, spends more than $300 a week on food, and exercises four times a week for an hour at a time.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

Relying on his influence on the Internet, Martin Ford became a fitness influencer, an online fitness coach, and amassed more than 3 million followers on multiple social media platforms around the world.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

With a unique look and figure, Martin. Ford has also had great success in the film and television industry, starring in: "Boyka: Undisputed" (2016), "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" (2017), "Corpse Control Alert" (2018), "Robin Hood", "Rebel and Accident Man" (2018), "Fast and Furious 9" and so on.

2. Marius: 5-time World Hercules Champion

Maris Pujanovsky, born on February 7, 1977 in Poland, with a height of 1.86 meters and a weight of 142 kg (during the Hercules period), once pulled a 40-ton aircraft forward in the Hercules competition, which was breathtaking and was praised as "the strongest man in the world". Marius is a 5-time World Hercules Champion and currently ranks first in the world in terms of the number of World Hercules titles.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

Mares has been interested in sports and fitness since childhood, starting to practice martial arts at the age of 15, winning the Polish Junior Weightlifting Championship at the age of 16, the Polish Hercules Championship at the age of 22, winning the first World Hercules championship at the age of 25, and winning the world's strongest man (WSM) competition in 2003, 2005, 2007 and 2008.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

Mares is known in the circle of strength for his amazing strength and toned figure, and his three major achievements are: bench press: 290 kg (640 lbs), squat: 380 kg (840 lbs), hard pull: 415 kg (915 lbs). His arm circumference reached 56 cm, his forearm was 45 cm, his bust was 148 cm, his waist circumference was 92 cm, he was muscular, his body fat was low, his body was fit, his physical fitness was excellent, and he stood out from a group of high-fat Hercules.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

In addition to weightlifting and Hercules competitions, Marius is also passionate about mixed martial arts (MMA), and since 2009 he has been active in MMA, nicknamed "Town Three Hills", although the playing style is relatively rough, he believes in "power out of miracles", the current professional record is 17 wins and 7 losses. The most recent match was his comeback on May 28, 2022, when he weighed 116 kg, and he scored a hook in the first leg, KO the former KSW champion, and won five consecutive wins.

Martin. Ford made his MMA debut active fitness, and the opponent will be 5-time Hercules champion Marius?

Look at the resumes of both if Marius is Martin. How do I feel that Ford's opponent in his MMA debut is even more difficult to beat than "Magic Mountain"? After all, MMA is more open than the rules of boxing, closer to actual combat, not only can be used with both hands and legs, but also can use wrestling and ground technology, the risk is greater, and now Maris is more experienced in fighting, technology, ability, experience is more comprehensive, Martin. Did Ford choose him as an opponent to be an "upgrade pack"?

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