
CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

author:Woodcutter who loves chopping wood

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CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

Zhao Baole is a famous domestic cross-talk actor, host, and national first-class screenwriter, who has hosted the programs "Wonderful Ten", "Gather Together", "Meet you", "Influential Dialogue", as well as CCTV Spring Festival Gala, CCTV Spring Festival Opera Gala, etc.

In addition, in many major TV evenings on CCTV, he performed acquaintance programs such as "Paging", "Let's Try It", and "Not Necessarily".

Behind the career scenery, Zhao Baole also has countless ups and downs and tears. His wife was an ordinary female worker in a cotton spinning factory, and before Zhao Baole became famous, the two slept in the office with a door panel as a bed.

In the face of this bumpy experience, Zhao Baole is most grateful to two people, one is Feng Gong and the other is Ni Ping, because they have changed the trajectory of Zhao Baole's life. However, along the way with his wife, there are hardships and warmth and tears.........

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet


Zhao Baole, born in 1958 in qingdao, Shandong Province, to an ordinary family, his father is good at playing the piano, is a Peking Opera ticket fan, often at home to play and sing.

Because of the influence of his father, this also made Zhao Baole familiar with Peking Opera at a young age, and all the singing sections of the various characters in the "model drama" of Peking Opera at that time, Zhao Baole could imitate it in a similar way and sing it completely.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

Looking at the talented son, his father also worked hard to cultivate, and even sold the only leather coat in the family, and used the money to buy back a phonograph, so that Zhao Baole could learn drama with the phonograph "model play".

It is precisely because of his father's meticulous cultivation that the young Zhao Baole has a great interest in Peking Opera, and even now, Zhao Baole has a special interest in Beijing drama.

After entering junior high school, Zhao Baole not only liked Peking Opera, but also developed a strong interest in cross-talk and Allegro books.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

After graduating from middle school, Zhao Baole was arranged to work in a tobacco and sugar shop as a salesman, because he was a man, so the physical work of the porterage was basically all contracted by Zhao Baole.

Unwilling to accept the status quo, Zhao Baole used his spare time to go to night school to study literary creation, and with amazing talent, Zhao Baole also published some poetry, prose and music works.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

At its peak, Zhao Baole also served as a correspondent for more than 20 newspapers across the country, such as "Mass Daily" and "Times Life Daily". In the most year, more than 260 articles were published in newspapers and periodicals across the country.

At a staff show held in Qingdao, Zhao Baole created a cross-talk that won the first prize, which also made the Qingdao Qu Art Troupe throw hydrangeas to this self-taught youth.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

In 1979, 21-year-old Zhao Baole successfully entered the Qingdao Quyi Troupe and became a professional cross-talk actor in the Quyi Troupe, which is a full 10 years, traveled all over Shandong and Jiangsu, and also changed the trajectory of his life.

Because of his talent, Zhao Baole not only performed on the stage, but also produced fine works in creation, which also made him often appear on the literary and artistic programs of Qingdao Television Station, and he was often invited to perform by major government agencies.

At that time, Zhao Baole could be said to be smooth sailing, although he was a little famous at that time, but there was not much money.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

As he grew older, Zhao Baole also went through several loves, but in the end he did not end up in the end, although he was very famous in Qingdao, but he did not meet the right person, so that near thirty, he was still a single youth.

At that time, Zhao Baole was also deeply nagged by his family and relatives and friends, after all, it would be very difficult for men to get married after thirty years, so whenever Zhao Baole returned home from a performance, he would be urged to marry.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet


In the early 1980s, Zhao Baole was invited by the chairman of the trade union of the Third Cotton Spinning Factory in Qingdao to spend the New Year at home, and in the home of the chairman of the trade union, Zhao Baole also met love.

Among the invitees was Wang Yizhou, an ordinary female worker in a cotton mill. Seeing the celebrity Zhao Baole in Qingdao, Wang Yizhou was not restrained and greeted him politely, while Zhao Baole did not dislike wang Yizhou because he was an ordinary female worker in the factory.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

Although it is in someone else's home, but the crowd is very lively, Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou played particularly relaxed, making dumplings together, watching TV, eating sugar officials...... ......

Sugar officials are a specialty of the north, sweet and sticky, and will be eaten in the twenty-three homes of the Wax moon. And Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou, who were chatting happily, were immersed in eating, drinking and having fun, and did not think about other places, and they did not know that this sugar official would glue the two together and love for a lifetime.

Watching Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou chatting very hily, the chairman of this trade union also had the idea of matching them, after all, Zhao Baole's age has indeed reached the age when it is time to get married.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

Therefore, after the party was dispersed, he found Zhao Baole and asked him: How is this girl Wang Yizhou?

Zhao Baole answered truthfully: Not bad, is an excellent good girl.

Immediately, the chairman of the cotton mill's trade union elaborated on the idea of matching the two people, asked Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou, and all they said was: If he thinks it is okay, I have no opinion.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

Therefore, Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou talked about love. Their way of falling in love is completely different from others, not the type of love, nor the type of the wrongdoer, but the type of friend, the two are together, and there will always be endless words.

Interestingly, the two men didn't care that the other had several exes, and even after breaking up with them, they were still in touch with them and were good friends. After falling in love, Zhao Baole will introduce his ex-girlfriend to Wang Yizhou, and Wang Yizhou will also introduce his ex-boyfriend to Zhao Baole, and several people have also played to become good friends.

Not only that, but the two also acted as matchmakers, matching each other's exs and becoming a couple of lovers. It's a big surprise to face the way they get along and their friends, and of course, the heart is big enough.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

In 1985, after Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou fell in love for a few years, they entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Because the economy was very tight at that time, the two did not hold a wedding, but the two families got together for a meal. After marriage, Wang Yizhou also followed her husband and lived with her in-laws and mother-in-law.

A year after marriage, the two gave birth to a son, which made the whole family very happy, and Zhao Baole was full of motivation in creation.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet


In 1987, Zhao Baole created a series of radio sketches for Qingdao People's Radio, "Tintin", which happened to be heard by Feng Gong.

At that time, Feng Gong, partnered with Liu Wei, was active on the stages of Tianjin and Beijing, became a celebrity in the cross-talk industry, and even entered the Work of the China Broadcasting Art Troupe.

After hearing the radio sketch "Tintin", Feng Gong felt very good, he found Zhao Baole, and after a conversation between the two, whether it was interests or ideas, they were similar, which also made the two become friends.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

During the conversation, Feng Gong suggested that Zhao Baole return to Beijing with him and adapt the radio sketch "Tintin" into a series of TV skits.

In the face of Feng Gong's suggestion, Zhao Baole went from Qingdao to Beijing. Soon after, the TV comedy short film "Happy A Q", written by Zhao Baole and starring Feng Gong, was broadcast in CCTV prime time and caused a strong response across the country.

Knowing that Zhao Baole was very talented, Feng Gong recommended Zhao Baole to the art troupe, and with the repercussions caused by this short play, Zhao Baole was also successfully seconded to the China Broadcasting Art Troupe, mainly to do planning and writing.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

At that time, Zhao Baole was talented in creation, and even his performance was deeply loved by the audience, and the Qingdao Qu Art Troupe was reluctant to let this talent leave, but in order to pursue a broader stage, Zhao Baole still insisted on going to Beijing.

It was only because of the secondment that the Qu Art Troupe stopped paying his salary, and Zhao Baole had to pay a secondment fee of 300 yuan every month.

At that time, Zhao Baole's son was only one or two years old, and Wang Yizhou had to work in a cotton mill in three shifts. In the face of such a situation, Zhao Baole is under considerable pressure both mentally and economically.

In particular, this monthly secondment fee of 300 yuan is even more headache for Zhao Baole. Fortunately, Feng Gong, who took him to Beijing, stood up, lobbied for him everywhere, and waived this secondment fee for him, but when there was no way, Feng Gong also paid the secondment fee for Zhao Baole out of his own pocket.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

Not long after, in order to support her husband's work, Wang Yizhou also chose to quit his job in a cotton mill and came to Beijing to find a temporary job.

Because the couple was very hard, and it was not long after they arrived in Beijing, it was very difficult economically, and it was a headache for the two people in terms of housing, fortunately, the leader of the Radio Art Troupe understood and lent them an office, which was changed by a warehouse in the dormitory courtyard of the Ministry of Culture.

During the day, people used to work, and when everyone left work at night, Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou put down the door panel, and four bricks were laid under a corner, and the two slept on the door panel.

Such a harsh environment makes the two people also suffer, especially in the winter, because there is no heating, the cold is not good. Coupled with the narrow door panel, this makes the two dare not turn over, had to hug and sleep together, which also enhances the relationship between husband and wife in disguise.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet


Because of his creative talent, during the art troupe, Zhao Baole was closely associated with television, and every year at the Spring Festival Literary and Art Gala of CCTV, Zhao Baole's works would appear.

In 1992, CCTV and the China Broadcasting Arts Troupe jointly organized the program "Yiyuan Landscape", which is a comprehensive cultural program that integrates cross-talk sketches, interviews with famous artists, music and dance.

Because of the need to write and plan, Feng Gong directly recommended Zhao Baole. However, as a temporary worker in a broadcasting art troupe, it is very difficult to transfer to CCTV, and Zhao Baole also has to solve the problem of household registration.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

At that time, it was difficult for Beijing to enter one person, let alone a family of three, which required special approval indicators. When going through the formalities for entering Beijing, Zhao Baole encountered many setbacks, and the family's files were still in the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television, and they had not been resolved for a long time.

In desperation, Zhao Baole thought of Ni Ping, because of the show, the two met several times, plus at the same time Qingdao hometown, Zhao Baole wanted to please Ni Ping and let him help.

At this time, Ni Ping, like a sister of CCTV, is not only the professional host of "Variety Show", but also the simple and natural host of the spring evening all year round, and in various large-scale evenings, she is an extremely important program host.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

For Zhao Baole to find Ni Ping's help, this makes his wife Wang Yizhou also have some worries, after all, Zhao Baole and Ni Ping are not deep friends, and the two are not related, why should she help.

Zhao Baole is also well aware of this, but now his situation is too bad, in a dilemma, it is better to try than nothing.

Therefore, Zhao Baole went to the CCTV gate to find Ni Ping, and when waiting for Ni Ping, Zhao Baole was very worried in his heart, he did not know whether he would be rejected if he was so abrupt.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

When Ni Ping heard about Zhao Baole's predicament, she picked up the phone without saying a word, called the relevant leaders, and said: Zhao Baole is a rare talent, I know him, he has been doing behind-the-scenes work for a long time, and often gives advice to programs such as "Variety Show" and "Art Garden Landscape".

Ni Ping's phone call, the next day, the indicator instructions came down, Zhao Baole family of three have a Beijing hukou, which makes them very happy, but also very grateful to Ni Ping.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

For this bumpy experience, Zhao Baole said with emotion: My life is good, and I have met a noble person to help.

After arriving in Beijing, Zhao Baole helped him the most, feng gong and Ni Ping, but these two people had never eaten a meal from them, and the others were none.

And Zhao Baole has always remembered the kindness of the two.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet


In 1993, Zhao Baole was officially transferred to CCTV and served as a column writer and producer of the program "Art Garden Landscape".

Opportunities are often left to those who are prepared. Because of the long-term creation and practice, Zhao Baole has a very deep artistic foundation, especially the program "Art Garden Landscape", which has opened up a broad vision for Zhao Baole, and the only thing waiting for him is to perform on stage.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

In 1994, there was a party that needed to be performed, and the organizer contacted Shi Shengjie to perform through Zhao Baole.

At that time, Shi Shengjie was difficult to answer because he did not have a partner. For this, Zhao Baole asked Shi Shengjie: What do you plan to perform?

Shi Shengjie replied: "Mr. White Character".

Zhao Baole said: I have watched that show, I will, I will come and partner.

In the face of Zhao Baole's self-recommendation, Shi Shengjie was very surprised and asked: Are you okay?

Zhao Baole said: You have to try it.

In this way, the two stood on the stage, and the performance on the stage was very tacit. Because of this rescue, Zhao Baole also stepped onto the stage of cross-talk.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

As a newcomer in the cross-talk industry, Zhao Baole not only has to rehearse new programs, but also performs, which can be said to be busy and lacking in skills, but he is very fulfilling and happy.

Recalling that experience, Zhao Baole could not help but say with emotion: 1995 was our busiest year, this year began on New Year's Day, rehearsed 7 consecutive cross-talks, not only on the New Year's Day party, but also on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala performance and major evenings, this year, we simply rushed and climbed over.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

With the frequent cross-talk performances, this also made Zhao Baole more and more famous in the cross-talk industry, but he also made a major decision, choosing to develop into the hosting industry and broaden his artistic path.

Hosting and performing are different professions. Actors only need to complete their own performances, but the host is different, not only to control the process of the program, but also to take care of the audience, is a need and all aspects of the need to have good communication in the industry.

Although Zhao Baole believes that he does not have the youthful beauty of idol hosts or the calm and sharpness of news anchors, he has organic wisdom and humor, coupled with years of stage performances and planning and creation, and is full of confidence in mastering different types of programs.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

In 1998, after successfully hosting Shanghai Oriental Tv's "Happy Wheel", Zhao Baole began to transform from a cross-talk actor to a TV host.

With wit and humor, Zhao Baole was able to host the stage like a fish, successively hosting CCTV variety channels "Wonderful Ten", "Meet you", international channels "Get Together", "Chinese Literature and Art", Xiqu Channel "Fan Club", "Pear Garden Stage" and other programs.

Although these are all different types of programs, there are interviews, variety shows, operas, literary and artistic topics, etc., but Let Zhao Baole learn a lot of knowledge and broaden his "drama path".

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet


Seeing Zhao Baole standing on the hosting stage, some media asked him: You said so well, why did you come to host the program? Is he laid off?

Zhao Baole said with a smile: I am laid off and transferred to re-employment, cross-talk is my lifelong pursuit, I will not abandon the original profession, but being a host can also bring joy to the audience, now it is not without a good paragraph, I can also bring joy to the audience as a host.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

Once, in Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV to participate in the "Duo and Female Host Shanghai Finals", Zhao Baole was arranged to play a skit, as one of the hosts Bai Yansong could not be present due to special circumstances, half an hour away from the live broadcast, which made the director very anxious, Zhao Baole stepped forward.

At that time, the director gave him a thick line book, so many lines, so that Zhao Baole was also directly dumbfounded, and he felt some drumming in his heart. After watching it twice, Zhao Baole appeared on the scene.

Because of his many years of experience in writing and hosting, he finally successfully completed the task. Afterwards, the director of Shanghai Oriental Satellite TV said to him: Pernod, you are not only a good actor and a good host, but also our good friend.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

In addition to cross-talk and hosting, Zhao Baole also dabbled in the filming of film and television dramas, participating in film and television dramas such as "Happy Family", "Meet Bar", "Waiting Hall", "Woman's Heart", "Six Groups of Serious Cases" and so on.

Slowly, Zhao Baole became a popular celebrity, and the gap between him and his wife Wang Yizhou became wider and wider, but the two did not have a little estrangement, but more love each other.

In the face of Zhao Baole, Wang Yizhou gave her husband enough freedom, she was convinced that her husband loved himself and loved this family, no matter how famous he was, he would not ask too much.

Even after many years of marriage, the two still have endless topics to talk about, and when they meet Zhao Baole to rest, the two can still talk at the bedside until two or three in the morning.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

As Zhao Baole's wife, Wang Yizhou has paid a lot of hardships and efforts, kept the family in order, understood her husband's busyness, and supported his work.

Wang Yizhou, who also trained his son very well, was admitted to Peking University and also studied as a graduate student at Peking University.

In the face of his wife, Zhao Baole said happily: Many things on Yizhou's body are exactly what I lack, and we call this complementary advantages.

CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

For her husband, Wang Yizhou also said: Baole's personality is particularly straightforward, to have something happy, many people will hold it, but he will not, but sometimes it is inevitable to be happy, every time he encounters this, he will inadvertently remind him.

In Zhao Baole's view, he can achieve such great achievements, in addition to the help of those nobles, the biggest hero is his ordinary female worker wife, if there is no support from his wife, how can he have his own today, the most correct decision in this life, is to marry an ordinary female worker wife.

In this regard, Zhao Baole said: A person may meet three people in his life, one is the person you love the most, one is the person who loves you the most, and the other is the person who works with you for a lifetime.
CCTV host Zhao Baole: marry the wife of an ordinary female worker, have a son after marriage, and a family of three is happy and sweet

In June 2022, Zhao Baole and Wang Yizhou have been married for 37 years, and they have been foaming at each other for decades, and the family of three is happy and sweet, and the days are full of taste.

In fact, the happiest person is only one person you have met, who is both the person you love the most, the person who loves you the most, and the person who has been with you for a lifetime. If you turn your back on her, you live in vain, nothing...............


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