
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board

author:Qujing Pearl River Network

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Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board

Good summer taste - Nazhang red fungus

The natural climate and soil conditions of Nazhang Town, Malone District, have bred many varieties of wild mushrooms with good taste and high quality, such as bluehead fungus, dried bacillus and milk pulp mushroom. However, red fungus is a good summer taste unique to Nazhang.

Nazhang red fungus is mostly grown in Puqi Village and Yangtian Chong Village, the top of the fungus is vermilion, the stalk is light red, the fungus red pigment is soluble in the soup, and the color is bright. Bacteria contain a variety of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements required by the human body, with blood nourishment, strengthening the body, skin care, anti-cancer and other effects, especially suitable for pregnant women, children and other groups of people to eat, maternal anemia or milk reduction, children's indigestion and other special therapeutic effect, is a unique "tip of the tongue delicious" na zhang.

Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board


In order to avoid some unexpected situations after eating wild mushrooms, it is recommended that the general public do not pick, sell, buy and eat wild mushrooms that they are not familiar with, especially wild mushrooms with bright colors or mildew. When cooking and processing wild mushrooms, do not eat them cold, do not mix and process multiple varieties, fry and cook thoroughly before eating, and try not to drink alcohol after eating mushrooms.

Source: Micro Malone

Office of Food Safety Committee of Qujing Municipal People's Government

Issued an early warning announcement on the prevention and control of toxic wild fungal poisoning in 2022

(No. 5 of 2022)

The rainy season is coming, all kinds of wild mushrooms in our city have entered the peak growing season, and the poisoning of wild mushrooms by self-collection and miseed will enter a high incidence period, in order to effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of wild mushroom poisoning incidents and protect the health and life safety of the people, the following early warning announcement is hereby issued:

First, beware of eating highly toxic wild mushrooms by mistake, do not pick, do not buy, do not eat wild mushrooms that you are not familiar with, especially wild mushrooms with bright colors, mildew or young and difficult to identify.

Second, when cooking and processing wild mushrooms, be sure to fry and cook thoroughly, do not mix and eat cold, mix and process not many varieties of wild mushrooms, do not eat the remaining wild mushrooms, and do not drink alcohol when eating wild mushrooms.

Third, school canteens (including childcare institutions), unit canteens, construction site canteens, tourist scenic spot feeding units, pension institution canteens, hospital canteens, rural collective meals, conference collective meals and other key units must not process edible wild mushrooms in principle, and strictly prevent the occurrence of mass poisoning incidents.

Fourth, catering business units should strictly control the procurement of good wild mushrooms, and must not buy, process and sell toxic and unfamiliar wild mushrooms; It is necessary to strictly implement safe cooking and processing methods such as boiling water boiling and floating, stir-frying and cooking thoroughly, and leave samples for future reference; It is necessary to establish an emergency plan for wild mushroom poisoning, familiarize yourself with and master the disposal methods, and ensure the safety of consumers' consumption.

Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board

5. After eating wild mushrooms, if there is dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, irritability, hallucinations and other suspected food poisoning reactions, you should immediately go to a medical institution for treatment.

What should I do if I am poisoned by eating mushrooms?

1. Vomiting: Induce vomiting as soon as possible in the case of a poisoned person's clear consciousness. You can use your fingers to press the base of your tongue to cause vomiting. It can be repeated many times, try to vomit out the food in the stomach to reduce the absorption of toxins.

2. Immediate medical treatment: immediately after poisoning to the regular hospital for treatment, it is best to carry the remaining bacteria samples, in preparation for identifying the type of bacteria, determine effective treatment measures and judge the prognosis

Sixth, market supervision departments at all levels should increase the supervision of all kinds of catering service units, agricultural (collective) trade markets, and wild mushroom trading markets, market operators and food producers and operators should strictly implement the main responsibility for food safety, strictly prevent wild mushrooms of unknown origin from being listed and sold, and ensure the entry of wild mushrooms.

Health departments at all levels should give full play to the comprehensive coordination role of health education, prevention and control, and emergency treatment, conscientiously study and judge the situation of prevention and control, increase emergency treatment preparations, open a "green channel" for medical treatment, strengthen the publicity of emergency treatment and identification knowledge for wild fungal poisoning, and minimize deaths.

Eighth, medical institutions should do a good job in the preparations for emergency treatment of food poisoning, once the occurrence of edible wild mushroom poisoning incidents, in the first time to carry out poisoning personnel treatment, for the accidental consumption of Amanita fungus, sub-thin fold red mushroom and other highly toxic wild mushroom poisoning patients and critically ill patients, to timely directly transfer to the tertiary general hospital with the ability to treat, and strive for the golden time for treatment. While treating patients with wild fungal poisoning or suspected patients, they should promptly report to the local health department in accordance with regulations. Where the health department deems that it is related to food safety, it shall promptly notify the market supervision department at the same level.

9. All townships (streets) should make full use of radio, television, newspapers, mobile phones, the Internet and other media to widely publicize the knowledge and methods of correctly identifying and eating wild mushrooms, guide the masses not to trust the so-called "folk experience", and improve the people's food safety literacy.

X. All levels and departments should strengthen emergency duty, smooth information channels, and ensure early detection, early reporting, early diagnosis, and early treatment of poisoning incidents; It is necessary to strengthen coordination and linkage, improve the level of emergency response, and ensure the safety of the people's diet.

This is hereby announced.

Office of Food Safety Committee of Qujing Municipal People's Government

May 11, 2022

Source: Office of Food Safety Committee of Qujing Municipal People's Government

Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board
Red umbrella umbrella white pole pole, Malone has a kind of wild red fungus that eats super punctuality that will not lie on the board

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