
Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

author:Bagua Courtyard

There are many beautiful actresses in the entertainment industry, but like Liu Yifei, the temperament is luxurious and sexy, which can be described as very few.

Looking at Liu Yifei from a distance, I feel that the other party is like a classical beauty coming out of an oil painting.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

It is precisely because of such a good appearance and unique temperament that the "little dragon girl" played by Liu Yifei in "Divine Eagle Hero" can become a classic, and it is still unforgettable to us.

However, Liu Yifei, who has such a beautiful appearance, said in an interview that she was the ugliest at home.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

At first, everyone thought that this was just a kind of modesty, but after the photo of Liu Yifei's mother Liu Xiaoli was exposed on the Internet, everyone understood that what Liu Yifei said was not false.

Liu Xiaoli is graceful and graceful, her face is beautiful, and she looks somewhat similar to Liu Yifei, but she is more mature and elegant than Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

Due to proper maintenance, when Liu Xiaoli and Liu Yifei stand together, they are not like mother and daughter, but more like a pair of sister flowers, which also makes netizens feel the strength of Liu Xiaoli's beauty genes.

So with such a good look, what is Liu Xiaoli's past like?

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

In 1959, Liu Xiaoli was born in Heilongjiang to a family of cadres.

Being born in such a family allowed Liu Xiaoli to concentrate on learning her beloved dance while others were still running for material things.

At the age of 11, Liu Xiaoli's beauty can already be seen, and she was successfully admitted to the Wuhan Song and Dance Theater.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

In 1976, after graduating from the theater, Liu Xiaoli chose to work in the song and dance troupe and officially began her career as a dancer.

In the song and dance troupe, Liu Xiaoli met her first husband, An Shaokang.

An Shaokang is a professor at Wuhan University, who looks like a talent and has a very elegant temperament.

In addition to refining his studies, An Shaokang's favorite thing is to come to the Song and Dance Theater to watch dance performances, and it is precisely because of this that the two have the opportunity to meet.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

In fact, before officially meeting Liu Xiaoli, An Shaokang was already a loyal dance fan of hers, and later with the help of Liu Xiaoli's colleagues, he finally had the opportunity to meet his goddess.

After the two met for the first time, An Shaokang began to pursue Liu Xiaoli.

Because the two have similar identity backgrounds, plus the young people have a common language, Liu Xiaoli also has a good feeling for this talented professor.

So after spending some time together, with the support of both parents, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

After getting married, Liu Xiaoli wanted to focus on her career, and the child's matter would be solved in a few years, and An Shaokang, who loved Liu Xiaoli deeply, did not have any opinion on this.

In the third year of their marriage, Liu Xiaoli gave birth to the crystallization of the love between the two and was a lovely daughter.

An Shaokang was very happy about this, and specially named this child An Feng, hoping that this child could grow up freely and unrestrained like the wind in the future.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

Since the birth of her daughter, Liu Xiaoli has devoted all her energy to the development of her career, and in 1994, at the age of 35, Liu Xiaoli was directly named a "national first-class dancer" with the role of Mrs. Xiang in "Chu Yun".

If this trend is followed, as long as Liu Xiaoli continues to dance and win the title of "well-known dancer at home and abroad", it is sooner or later.

Unfortunately, while her career is getting more and more prosperous, the marriage has lit up a red light due to her negligence.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

In the face of Liu Xiaoli's dedication, at first An Shaokang felt that there was nothing, but his parents were not happy, they felt that Liu Xiaoli's family was not good at showing her face outside.

However, Liu Xiaoli did not pay attention to the views of the second elder, and still went out early and returned late every day.

Looking at the worse and worse expressions on his parents' faces, An Shaokang also slowly had an opinion on Liu Xiaoli.

So in 1997, the "imitation couple" that everyone once envied finally signed their names on the divorce agreement.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

Soon after the divorce, she changed her daughter's name to Liu Qianmiko, bent on raising her daughter to become a professional dancer.

When Liu Qianmeizi was 10 years old, in order to give her children a better education, Liu Xiaoli chose to bring her daughter to the United States, which also allowed her to know her second husband.

Liu Xiaoli's second husband, a Chinese-American lawyer, was able to leave her hometown to live in the United States with a child, and this lawyer provided a lot of help during her time.

After dating for a while, the latter two naturally got married.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

On a mundane afternoon, 14-year-old Liu Ximizi told Liu Xiaoli that she wanted to become an actress.

For her daughter's dream, Liu Xiaoli was initially opposed, because as a dancer, she has also been exposed to the entertainment industry and knows the complexity of the entertainment industry.

But looking at her daughter's expectant eyes, Liu Xiaoli had to agree to consider it.

On the other hand, after Chen Jinfei learned that Gan's daughter wanted to be an actor, he not only gave Gan's daughter a good stage name - Liu Yifei.

He also immediately asked their mother and daughter to return to China, and stressed: If you want to act, you must return to China quickly, and you must be famous as soon as possible.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

Speaking of the fate of Liu Yifei and his father Chen Jinfei, it originated from a "false shout" when Liu Yifei was 5 years old.

At that time, Liu Xiaoli took Liu Yifei to the banquet, and the young Liu Yifei recognized the wrong person at the banquet and directly shouted "Daddy" to Chen Jinfei.

Turning around to see this cute little girl, Chen Jinfei agreed without even thinking about it.

It was because of this "daddy" that Chen Jinfei went to communicate with Liu Xiaoli and said that he wanted to recognize the child as a dry daughter.

The two were friends, which is also a good thing, Liu Xiaoli did not think much about it and nodded her head in agreement, and it was this time that she nodded, laying the groundwork for the subsequent development of Liu Yifei's career.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

In 2002, with the support of her father Chen Jinfei, Liu Xiaoli returned to China with her daughter and sent her to Beijing for further training to lay the foundation for her future acting career.

After graduating from the training class, An Feng successfully became a student of the Beijing Film Academy, and at the same time received an invitation from the crew of "The Golden Powder Family" to play a supporting role called Bai Xiuzhu.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

With this invitation, An Feng officially began his acting career.

At the same time, Liu Xiaoli also changed her daughter's name from An Feng to Liu Yifei.

After the completion of "Golden Powder Family", Liu Yifei subsequently starred in "Divine Eagle Hero", "Tianlong Eight Parts" and other works, which were unanimously praised by the audience.

Liu Yifei also became the youngest winner of the Golden Eagle Award in history.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

In the years of filming, Liu Yifei often needed to go to different crews, filming day and night every day, and had no time to care about other things.

And Liu Xiaoli is worried about the complexity of the entertainment industry, her daughter can't cope with it, she can only become a nanny, always accompanying her daughter's side, helping her deal with everything except acting.

It is precisely because of Liu Xiaoli's protection that Liu Yifei has been able to be safe and sound in the crew over the years.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

During the filming of "Divine Eagle Hero", a group actor took advantage of Liu Yifei's lack of attention and secretly bullied her.

At that time, Liu Yifei was only 17 years old, and she didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing, just when she was ready to swallow her anger and swallow when nothing had happened, Liu Xiaoli noticed the different color on her face.

Under her mother's repeated questioning, Liu Yifei could only say things completely.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

Knowing that her beloved daughter was actually molested, Liu Xiaoli's anger in her heart can be imagined, and she immediately stopped all the group performances, and said angrily: If you don't find out who did this today, no one will want to leave.

Seeing that things were about to make a big fuss, the deputy director could not sit still at that time, and went forward to communicate with Liu Xiaoli, wanting to do peace and old things, and let this matter be gently revealed.

As a result, as soon as the assistant director's voice fell, Liu Xiaoli slapped him with two slaps.

These two slaps were very powerful, and according to the recollections of the group performances at that time, the entire crew heard the sound.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

Obviously, these two slaps shocked everyone, and the group performers did not dare to speak, obediently letting Liu Xiaoli check one by one.

However, after checking everyone, they still couldn't find the adulterer, and Liu Xiaoli's mother and daughter could only eat this secret loss.

After being reminded of this matter, Liu Xiaoli began to follow her daughter's side inseparably, in case something similar happened again, and once Liu Xiaoli appeared, no male could get close to Liu Yifei within three meters.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

After having the protection of her mother, Liu Yifei finally successfully completed the filming of "Divine Eagle Hero".

Liu Xiaoli was very busy in China, and also made her ignore her husband who was far away, so her husband sent her a divorce agreement.

The husband's reason for divorce is that the husband and wife have been separated for a long time and have no feelings.

Liu Xiaoli knows that she is sorry for others, but considering her daughter's career, Liu Xiaoli is unlikely to return to the United States in the short term.

Therefore, after thinking about it, she still signed her name on the divorce agreement and returned to singleness.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

After the divorce, Liu Xiaoli put all her time and energy into her daughter and her daughter's career development.

It is under the care of Liu Xiaoli that Liu Yifei's career development can become more and more prosperous, and she has the reputation of a "fairy sister", and she herself is also known as "Tianxian Mother".

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

To this day, although Liu Yifei has rarely appeared in front of the camera, but the mainland entertainment industry still has her legend, this time starring in "Dream Hualu", as soon as it started broadcasting, it scored 8.8 points in a certain petal, setting a record for the highest opening score of a certain valve of a domestic drama in 2022.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

Although the fame is very large, Liu Yifei is not complacent because of this, and when filming, no matter what role, she does her best.

When you are not filming, you can live your life with peace of mind, and do not overexposure yourself, which is rare.

The reason why Liu Yifei is like this is completely inseparable from Liu Xiaoli's words and deeds.

Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Xiaoli: a national first-class dancer, married twice and divorced twice, looks more beautiful than her daughter

From giving up her career to giving up her marriage, Liu Xiaoli spent 33 years carving her daughter into a piece of beautiful jade.

Compared with the star mother who treats her children as cash cows in the entertainment industry, Liu Xiaoli is only a mother who is bent on helping her daughter realize her dream of being an actor, and uses her wholehearted love to escort her daughter.

Liu Xiaoli, the original national first-class dancer, is now just what everyone calls "Liu Yifei's mother".

Losing his name is a small matter, and it is most important to help his daughter realize her dreams.

She never complained about her own efforts, and heaven did not give her the ruyi langjun from the beginning to the end, but gave her a daughter who was unparalleled in the world.

How could this not be the fulfillment of a life? There is a sacrifice and a gain.

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