
You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature


The natural world refers to the unified objective material world, an objective reality that exists outside consciousness and does not depend on consciousness. It includes both the material world known to man and the unknown to man, from particles to the universe. It is in the midst of eternal movement, change and development, systematic, complex and infinitely diverse, constantly recognized and transformed by man's consciousness.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

The "non-main cattle" originally grew in South Africa and are the main mammals in South Africa, hence the name "non-main cattle". Its main feature is that the hair often covers the eyes and the mouth is purpled. The classic look is a cool long hair cape.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

Smiling squid resemble cartoon piglets

Scientists have found a petite and cute squid at the Cabrio Aquarium in Southern California, which looks like a chubby cartoon piglet. What is even more amazing is that the little squid has a smiling and squinting face, which is so cute that experts believe that this is caused by the unusual arrangement of skin pigments.

The happy fat squid, scientifically known as helicocranchia pfefferi, was caught by an ocean-going fishing vessel in the Pacific waters between Los Angeles and Catalina Island. The "smiley squid", which is the size of an avocado, is found at a depth of 100 meters underwater. Squids are accustomed to filling their bodies with water, and they have light-producing organs behind their eyes.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

The mixed-race lamb looks similar to a panda

A black Jacob ewe at Tru Farm in Launeston, Cornwall, England, gave birth to a baby lamb that stunned the owner, Stephen Beit, because although it had a "white face", it had two dark circles and black ears, looking like a panda mixed in with the flock! The Bates simply named the lamb "Panda." According to the owner of the farm, the lamb grew into this shape because it was a hybrid of a black ewe and a white Texel ram.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

Mexican walking fish

The Mexican blunt-mouthed salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum), also known as the hexagonal dinosaur or Mexican walking fish or Mexican water monster, is found only in one lake in Mexico and is an amphibian with the order Cynodontidae. Famous for its peculiar cries, it is a popular amphibian and is also known as the "cutest animal in the world".

Hexagonal dinosaurs are well known as "juvenile mature" species of amphibians (from birth to sexual maturity and spawning, they are in the form of juveniles). The larvae live in the water all their lives and also lay eggs in the water. They have the ability to regenerate most of the limbs on the body, and their varied body color is also one of their charms, and it is said that there are more than 30 species around the world. Commonly seen are common body color, albino species (black eye), albino species (white eye), golden body color (white eye), and all-black individuals. It is currently facing extinction due to pollution and habitat destruction.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

Shenzhen found cute strange fish with a similar face

A strange creature was found in Shenzhen, resembling a human face. The creature is oval in shape, the size of an ostrich's egg, and its mouth and eye-like organs are constantly bubbling out of the water, and after a period of time out of the water, it shrinks to the size of an egg. It is reported that this is a pufferfish, a pufferfish, which is poisonous.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

Dalian Bay seashore is now "terrifying fish head" mouth about 1 meter

Near the seashore of Dalian Bay in Ganjingzi District, a mysterious "fish head" was found. In the distance, there was indeed a "monster" lying on the beach, grinning with teeth. Standing 10 meters away, you can smell a fishy smell. At close range, the "monster" is actually a "fish head", about 3 meters long, with a large bone behind it. The "fish head" has a mouth of about 1 meter, a pointed top, and a fin length of about 1 meter. The reporter noticed that the back of the "fish head" seemed to be neatly cut, leaving cutting marks on it. At the edges, the meat is still very thick and flows with butter.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

Mysterious spider looks similar to "Peking Opera Face"

When the scientific researchers inspected, they found a new kind of "Peking Opera Face Spider", whose living habits, body shape color, weaving webs and other aspects are similar to the Indonesian "Molujia Cloud Spider" thousands of miles away. The abdomen is oblong oval, the shoulders are conically protruding, and the back is embellished with white, brown, green, black, light yellow and red markings, which is a new genus of cloud-spotted spiders found in the reserve, resembling peking opera faces, so it is temporarily named "Peking opera face spider".

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

Transparent fish

In the pontoon section of the Yellow River's Jinan Luokou Pontoon Bridge, a fisherman salvaged a "transparent fish" about 32 centimeters long. The on-site fishermen say it's a bit like silver fish. It is understood that the silverfish family is a general term for a variety of translucent fish. Found in east Asian brackish and freshwater, the body is slender, salmon-like, scaleless or finely scaled, rarely longer than 15 cm, very rare.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

A flower shaped like a bird

On March 19, 2009, a bird-like flower that came out of a strange vine in Xindian Township, Dongxing District, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, attracted people's attention. The vine is more than 100 meters long, thicker than the bowl mouth, the most peculiar thing is that the vine blooms a cluster of small flowers, a cluster of more than ten flowers, purple-blue, each small flower is like a small bird, all amazing.

You must not have seen the strange-looking creatures of nature

Dog Elwood

For Elwood, the crisis and fame in his life stemmed from ugliness. Because of its ugly appearance, it was almost euthanized, but also because of its ugliness, it has now defeated many opponents, ugly the whole field, and won the title of "the world's ugliest dog". Elwood is reportedly a chinese mixed breed dog with a crowned fur and a Chihuahua. Elwood was pitch black, with almost no hair, except for a handful of gray-white hairs strangely erected between his eyes and to the top of his head. Because of its ugly appearance and resembling alien monsters in science fiction films, it is often referred to as "ET" or "Yoda".