
Sister Lan has set off all the way to see her grandchildren, and she will probably be able to meet the children on July 1st

author:Mushroom heads

Sister Lan traveled thousands of miles just to see her grandson!

Oh, dear friends, today I would like to bring you a warm and somewhat twisty story. Our Sister Lan, this spirited old man, has been very busy lately! Why? Because she's going to visit her grandchildren!

Sister Lan has set off all the way to see her grandchildren, and she will probably be able to meet the children on July 1st

Guess how long it will take for Sister Lan to meet the children? That's right, it's July 1st! Think about it, how many things the elderly have to prepare in advance for this moment, clothes, toys, snacks, everything. Moreover, Sister Lan also specially opened a live broadcast to share her feelings with us. She said that although she was very tired on the road, the thought of seeing the children made her heart bloom.

Sister Lan has set off all the way to see her grandchildren, and she will probably be able to meet the children on July 1st

No, two days ago, Sister Lan also talked on the phone with her little grandson Jiujiu. The little guy was so happy on the phone that he kept yelling for his grandmother to come quickly. Hearing this, Sister Lan's heart was warm, and she couldn't wait to fly to the children immediately. However, for some special reasons, Sister Lan and the children had to meet at a "third-party" location. This is really enough toss, but Sister Lan said that as long as you can see the child, you are not afraid of anything!

Sister Lan has set off all the way to see her grandchildren, and she will probably be able to meet the children on July 1st

Think about it, our Sister Lan is so old, and she has to toss so much, it's really distressing. However, this also shows that we Chinese attach importance and concern to the family. No matter how far away or difficult it is, find a way to reunite with your family. This kind of emotion can't be bought with any amount of money!

Sister Lan has set off all the way to see her grandchildren, and she will probably be able to meet the children on July 1st

Then again, the kids are really sensible. Although they are young, they all know that grandma is not easy, and they all hope that grandma can come early. This kind of family affection is really touching. Therefore, we also have to cherish the time with our families, spend more time with them, and care more about them.

Sister Lan has set off all the way to see her grandchildren, and she will probably be able to meet the children on July 1st

Finally, let's cheer and cheer for Sister Lan! I wish her a safe and smooth journey to meet the children. I also hope that each of us can cherish every minute and second with our family like Sister Lan!

Alright, that's all for today. If you have anything to say or ask, you can leave a message in the comment area! Let's talk about family life and share life together!

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