
Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?

author:Dr. Geng Kop

Smoking can induce cancer, which has been recognized worldwide. That is why the World Health Organization has designated cigarettes as a class of carcinogens.

As we all know, smoking is closely related to lung cancer, because cigarettes release nicotine, benzopyrene, tar, radioactive elements, etc. during the process of burning, which are strong carcinogens.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?

Tobacco smoke will stimulate the respiratory tract, destroy the cilia in the respiratory tract, make sputum difficult to discharge, easy to form chronic bronchitis, chronic lung and other diseases, which carcinogens greatly improve the incidence of malignant tumors of the lungs.

Smoking increases the concentration of carbon monoxide in the body, affects the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin, and leads to chronic hypoxia in the body. Carcinogens will also destroy the endothelium of blood vessels, gradually forming various cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis and so on.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?

Smoking not only damages their own health, but also has a higher concentration of harmful substances in second-hand smoke, which is more harmful to the health of the surrounding population

The latest data show that the number of smokers on the mainland exceeds 300 million, and the number of deaths due to smoking exceeds 1 million every year. In recent years, the tobacco industry market has quietly spread to the student body, which has a negative impact on the healthy growth of adolescents.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?

Fortunately, with the popularization of health knowledge, everyone attaches more and more importance to physical health, some people have begun to make up their minds to quit smoking, and many old smokers have begun to turn their eyes to "tea smoke", thinking that tea smoke is less harmful to the body.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?


What is tea smoke?

Tea smoke is to smoke tea as tobacco.

The appearance, smoking method, taste, etc. of tea smoke are similar to traditional cigarettes, but do not contain nicotine, claiming to have the effects of "substitute tobacco" and "smoking cessation", and are known as "healthy smoke".

Drinking tea is some functional active ingredient in tea, such as tea polyphenols, etc., through soaking, dissolving and diffusing into water, after people drink, through the digestive system to absorb, play a corresponding role.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?

If the tea leaves are burned, the tea polyphenols in the tea leaves, caffeine, etc. will be destroyed, and the carbon monoxide, inhalable particles, etc. released after the tea is burned are inhaled into the lungs, which are harmful to the human body. That is to say, under the condition of combustion, these healthy functional active substances contained in the tea will be burned off and turned into smoke.

Many people think that tea smoke is less harmful to the body, but in fact, tea smoke is also smoke, which will also endanger physical health.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?

Although there is no nicotine in tea smoke, tar will be produced during the combustion process, and tar, also known as coal paste, is corrosive. When smoking tea smoke, tar will attach to the respiratory tract and lungs of the human body through breathing, and long-term inhalation can stimulate the respiratory mucosa, resulting in bronchitis.

In addition, tar can reduce the elasticity of lung tissue, which may cause or aggravate emphysema, and carcinogens in tar may also increase the risk of lung cancer.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?


Which is healthier, tea or cigarettes?

Compared with cigarettes, tea cigarettes are more harmful. There are more than 70 kinds of harmful chemicals in cigarettes, and tea cigarettes have not been shown to produce harmful chemicals, so the harm is smaller than cigarettes.

Many old smokers began to smoke "tea tobacco", which is healthier, tea cigarette or cigarette?

And cigarettes are more addictive than tea cigarettes, quit is very difficult, purine alkali in tea smoke can make people concentrate, although there is also a certain degree of addiction, but less harmful than cigarettes.

In general, whether it is tea smoke or cigarettes, there is a certain harm to the lungs, it is recommended to stay away!