
From open sharing to green development - from the sixth Silk Expo to see the new opportunities of the "Belt and Road"


On August 14th, on the banks of the Bahe River in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, the 6th Silk Road International Expo and China's East-West Cooperation and Investment and Trade Fair kicked off. Overseas guests and merchants from more than 70 countries and regions such as South Korea, Thailand, Singapore and merchants from more than 20 provinces in China gathered in the ancient capital of Xi'an to exchange and negotiate around the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". From open sharing to green development, new opportunities are emerging for cooperation along the "Belt and Road".

Ak, an international student from the Republic of Uzbekistan, has been very busy this summer, majoring in international trade at Northwest University, and he works part-time at the Silk Expo Pavilion at the Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center. "The guest of honor of this silk fair is uzbekistan, and I am studying international trade, so participating in the silk fair can not only accumulate experience, but also recommend the good things of Uzbekistan to everyone." Ak, who has been in China for 3 years, has been able to skillfully use Chinese exchanges. On the table in front of him were honey and jams from Uzbekistan, as well as various handicrafts with unique shapes and bright colors.

From open sharing to green development - from the sixth Silk Expo to see the new opportunities of the "Belt and Road"

On August 14, visitors learned about local specialties at the Uzbekistan exhibition area, the guest of honor of the 6th Silk Road International Expo. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yibo

The open and shared development pattern provides development opportunities and space for many foreigners like Acker, and also gives resilience and motivation to regional economic growth. According to data from the Ministry of Commerce, from 2013 to 2021, the cumulative trade in goods between the mainland and countries along the "Belt and Road" will reach nearly 11 trillion US dollars. By the end of 2021, China will build 79 overseas economic and trade cooperation zones in 24 countries along the Belt and Road, with a cumulative investment of US$43 billion and 346,000 jobs for the region.

Economic and trade exchanges have become more and more frequent, and promoting high-quality development has become the consensus of countries along the route. The exhibits such as smart home appliances, new energy vehicles, and photovoltaic modules displayed in the exhibition hall of the Sixth Silk Expo show that "smart" and "green" are becoming new areas of cooperation between countries along the route.

In the exhibition area of the China-Europe Express Chang'an, smart home appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines on the booth attracted consumers to stop and watch. Jin Quanxi, a staff member in front of the booth, introduced that this is a home appliance product that will be put into production of Konka's smart home appliance headquarters project, considering the transportation and logistics advantages brought by the China-Europe express train Chang'an, Konka chose to land the project in Xi'an Port Area.

The China-Europe train that runs by has replaced the camel herd, and in the case of the ups and downs of the global epidemic, it has become the backbone of ensuring the stability of the supply chain and industrial chain, and the changes in the types of loaded goods also show that "green" is becoming a new theme of cooperation among countries along the "Belt and Road".

From open sharing to green development - from the sixth Silk Expo to see the new opportunities of the "Belt and Road"

On August 16, in the Shaanxi Construction Exhibition Area of the 6th Silk Road International Expo, the staff explained the intelligent manufacturing project model. Photo by Zou Jingyi, Xinhua News Agency

"Since the launch of the Chang'an, the cargo category has become more and more abundant, and in recent years, automobiles and photovoltaic modules have been favored by overseas markets." Qiang Dongfeng, account manager of the marketing department of Xi'an Free Trade Port Construction and Operation Co., Ltd., said, "In the next step, we will also consider opening up trains to Southeast Asia to further open up a new pattern of inland opening up." ”

The photovoltaic modules produced by LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. are one of the products exported through the China-Europe express train, and it is also one of the exhibits in the exhibition hall of the Silk Expo. At the 2022 China (Shaanxi) - RCEP Regional Economic and Trade Cooperation Roundtable held on August 14, Chen Daohu, director of policy research at LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., introduced that the company has set up four factories in Malaysia and Vietnam, member countries of RCEP.

From open sharing to green development - from the sixth Silk Expo to see the new opportunities of the "Belt and Road"

On August 16, at the Booth of China Energy Construction at the 6th Silk Road International Expo, the staff inspected the new energy project model. Photo by Zou Jingyi, Xinhua News Agency

Domestic enterprises go out, and foreign-funded enterprises are invited to come in. As green and low-carbon becomes a social consensus, countries along the "Belt and Road" have taken it as a new area of investment.

In the exhibition area of the French-funded company ADEN Energy, investor Mei Yongzheng asked about the company's business content. According to Fu Minxi, a staff member of ADEN Energy, ADEN Energy is a foreign-funded enterprise that provides users with green and low-carbon energy solutions, and its main business is to help enterprises in traditional fields achieve low-carbon green transformation.

"The global energy transition market is very large, and it is also our beautiful vision to promote the smooth realization of green and low-carbon transformation in society." Fu Minxi said.

More than 2,000 years ago, exquisite silk and strong horses were traded and circulated on the ancient Silk Road, building a trade route through the East and the West; Today, more than 2,000 years later, under the guidance of the "Belt and Road" initiative, from special snacks and textiles and clothes to automobiles and photovoltaic modules, a rich range of products build a bridge of co-construction, sharing and win-win results. Today's "Belt and Road" is accelerating towards the "Green Silk Road".

Reporters: Lei Xiaoxiao, Cai Xinyi, Zhang Sijie