
"Newborns" at Singapore Zoo

author:Bright Net

A chimpanzee cub (left) with its mother at the Singapore Zoo on Feb. 22. Animals managed by the Singapore Wildlife Conservation Group gave birth to more than 700 babies in 2018. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Deng Zhiwei)

"Newborns" at Singapore Zoo

This is a photo of a baby-toothed coconut cat cub (right) and its mother at the Singapore Night Zoo on Feb. 22. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Deng Zhiwei)

"Newborns" at Singapore Zoo

Two sloth bear cubs move at the Singapore Night Zoo on 22 February. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Deng Zhiwei)

"Newborns" at Singapore Zoo

This is a black-crowned macaque cub (center) photographed at the Singapore Zoo on February 22. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Deng Zhiwei) Statement: This article is reproduced for the purpose of transmitting more information. If there is a source labeling error or infringement of your legitimate rights and interests, please contact the author with the proof of ownership, we will correct and delete it in time, thank you. ( Source: Xinhuanet)

"Newborns" at Singapore Zoo

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