
The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

author:Yu Qing
The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

Emperor Naruhito

The Japanese emperor system is unfamiliar to anyone, and the cohesion of the former Japanese emperor who could drive all the Japanese people crazy with just one face is terrifying.

Especially during the war of aggression against China, the so-called emperor was able to mobilize the youth of the whole country to participate in the war with a single order.

During the period of resistance against Japan on the mainland, the Japanese invaders said nothing more than "long live the emperor," and the most we said when we were invaded was to wish him "the loss of his children and grandchildren" at an early date.

But the most amazing thing about Japan's emperor system is its continuity, so far, Japan has had 126 emperors and sat firmly for thousands of years, even so, decades have passed since the last war, and that "blessing" seems to be true.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

A major member of the Japanese imperial family

At present, the number of members of the entire Japanese royal family is not as good as an ordinary big family, and in the past 56 years, only one baby boy has been born to the royal family, which is not born to Emperor Naruhito today, and the Japanese imperial family is in danger.

This "hope of the whole village" is today's Prince Yuhito, and the only heir to the future Japanese imperial family.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years


The decline of Japan's imperial population has also been accompanied by boos, not only because the people feel little hope for the future royal family, but also because it is too expensive to feed an emperor.

The imminent "extinction" of the Japanese royal family is not alarmist, and the now incumbent Emperor Naruhito of Japan has been quietly working for the successor of the imperial family since taking over the throne from his father in 2019, but has never had a son.

On the other hand, Emperor Naruhito accidentally became a daughter slave and gave birth to three daughters, and now that he is old, it is probably unrealistic to want children again.

Not having a son is a great shame for the Japanese imperial family, and there is a rule in the Japanese imperial family, also known as the "Imperial Family Model", which clearly states that if the daughter's family marries or marries, it will be regarded as giving up the royal status.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

Many people will say that if Emperor Naruhito's daughter marries a man who is also a member of the imperial family, will she not only preserve her royal status, but also hope to become the next empress?

But in fact, there are only 17 people left in the Japanese royal family today, although it is not the first time that close relatives of the Japanese royal family have married, but such a close relationship, even the unmarried son may not be to blame.

Therefore, Emperor Naruhito's three daughters did not help the future of the Japanese imperial family in the slightest.

But just when he was worried, his younger brother Prince Fumihito's side delivered good news that forty-year-old Princess Kiko gave birth to Yuhito, the first male member of the Japanese imperial family in 56 years.

Although he was not the flesh and blood of Emperor Naruhito, he still pinched a sweat, because in Japan, if Emperor Naruhito had no children to inherit the throne, the throne would automatically fall to his younger brother Prince Fumihito.

But Prince Fumihito has entered old age, so the throne is bound to inherit the newborn Prince Yuhito, so Yuren's arrival is an urgent solution for the Japanese imperial family.

But they were happy too early, and Yuren's child was "different" from ordinary children no matter how he looked.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

When giving birth to Youren, Princess Ji Zifei can be said to have suffered a lot, because she is an advanced maternal age, and many inflammations and complications have followed.

More importantly, when Ji Zifei was in the seventh month of pregnancy, the situation in the abdomen was very complicated, and if she waited until the 10th month to give birth, she was afraid that it would be too lucky, so Ji Zifei chose to give birth by caesarean section in advance, so Yuren was also a premature baby.

Although Yuhito's birth was not smooth, the forced rendering of the Japanese royal family was surprising, and after Yuhito's birth, no one paid attention to the physical condition of Princess Kiko, an advanced maternal age, and all the royal family members focused on this child.

This excessive attention also foreshadows the fact that Yuhito's future heir to the throne is also a good fortune for the Japanese imperial family, and the economic benefits brought by Yuhito's birth to the imperial family are as high as 150 billion yen.

This is equivalent to the entire Japanese people raising funds to celebrate the birth of the crown prince, so as soon as Yuren landed, it caused many Japanese people to be dissatisfied.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

And Yuren's grandfather, Emperor Akihito, was even more overjoyed, and the emperor's face was gone, and taking Yuren was a tour of the mountains and water.

But in fact, what is more difficult for the Japanese people to accept is the excessive packaging of Yuhito by the imperial family and the media.

Interestingly, Yuhito, who is not yet ten years old, has been promoted as a child prodigy, and although it is a happy event that there are successors, the Japanese imperial family has also done everything to consolidate its position.

Successive emperors have undergone extremely demanding education and training as children, and Yuhito, as a single seedling, is obviously on the other side, and the Japanese imperial family does not expect much from him, and the only expectation is to live healthily.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

Let's look at how the Japanese imperial family packaged a child less than ten years old as a "generation of heavenly pride".

To sum up in the words of the Japanese media, that is, Yuren this child has no other advantages, that is, smart, well-read at the age of 6, can create his own prose, and at the age of 8, he can build a steel machine more than 3 meters high and equipped with traffic lights.

If you don't know why, it's really easy to be intimidated by this sky-high praise, and others don't think this is the contemporary Iron Man?

In fact, only the feet know that the shoes are big, and the Japanese people seem to be dissatisfied with the child's performance.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

First of all, he wrote prose at the age of 6, as the saying goes, "listening, speaking, reading and writing", "speaking" ranked first, "writing" ranked last, and then look at Youren, in front of people, a sentence should be said in three parts, no one believes that the article was written by him himself.

Such packaging is really an insult to everyone's intelligence, not to mention, Yuhito once leaked cowardice in front of the media, looking at the photo of Emperor Naruhito and calling his father, which made Prince Fumihito, who was standing next to him, really unable to hold his face.

His own son can't tell who his own father is, it's just funny, you know that a 6-year-old child, even his own father is stupid and can't tell a little too much.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

It can be seen that Yuren did not receive much education in the royal family, but experienced a lot in eating, drinking and playing.

In addition, let's talk about building machinery at the age of 8, which is ridiculous to say, 8-year-old Yuren walks shaking, can he still build a 3-meter-high machine?

And Yuren was confirmed that his test results were all taken by gunmen for the exam, and in reality, he couldn't even check the number at the age of 8, and he was not as good as the children of ordinary Japanese people.

Mathematics is the foundation of physics, and addition and subtraction within ten are difficult, so if you want to figure out mechanical circuits, wait for a few decades.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

So some people will ask, how did Yuhito, as a descendant of the Japanese royal family, become so dumb and stupid? How did the Japanese imperial family become so declining that it pinned its hopes on the not-so-smart Yuhito?

This is very related to the mainland, during the Tang Dynasty, Japan's Emperor Dunin actually admired our Chinese nation very much, especially at that time the Tang Dynasty was famous all over the world, and Emperor Dunin was a little fan.

He was curious and in awe of the land of China, marveling at how such a vast land could be so well governed.

As a result, Emperor Dunin almost copied the culture and institutions of the Tang Dynasty, including the rules within the Tang Dynasty's imperial family.

But over time, within a few generations of the Tang Dynasty, a major event of Wu Zetian's usurpation of power occurred, and the Li family suddenly became the surname Wu, which was actually just a drop in the ocean in the history of the mainland, but Japan was distracted.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

In order to extend the reign into thousands of generations, it was necessary to ensure the purity of the imperial family, so the Japanese imperial family made changes to the Tang system, they only allowed authentic royal personnel to inherit the throne, and others were not eligible.

Just like the ruling Emperor of Wu Zetian's time, although she is a woman, unlike Wu Zetian, she is a member of the authentic imperial family and married her uncle Emperor Tenchi at the age of 13.

This also means that this blood relationship only exists within the imperial family, that is, the marriage of close relatives, and since then, Japan has continued this tradition, and all the marriages of members of the imperial family are digested internally.

And the Japanese imperial family did not shy away from this matter, but also felt very honorable, and declared to the outside world to maintain the purity of the imperial family.

But people who understand science know how risky it is to marry close relatives, which will increase the incidence of genetic diseases in offspring, and will also increase the risk of genetic mutations leading to reduced IQ, severe child malformations, affecting children's fertility.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

However, the custom of marriage between close relatives of the Japanese royal family has been insisted on for hundreds of years, which is why to this day, including Yuren, who was born recently, there are only 17 people in the entire Japanese royal family, which is more precious than giant pandas.

I don't think Emperor Atsuhito could have imagined that although the throne has been passed down for thousands of years, it is the country with the longest throne in the world, but he picked sesame seeds and lost watermelons, and the Japanese imperial family is currently withering, and a male ding was born in 56 years.

It wasn't until Emperor Akihito, born in 1923, married Michiko, the daughter of a commoner, that this vicious circle was broken.

But unfortunately, the evil consequences of the marriage of close relatives did not fall on Akihito, nor did it fall on Naruhito's head, but on Yuhito.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

Some Japanese people found that Yuren was dumbfounded every time he appeared, walking like a seventy-year-old man, and short in stature, much lower than his peers.

Although Wen Ren and Princess Ji are not close relatives and have worked hard to change the genes of the royal family, can hundreds of years of "inheritance" be cracked and cracked?

Yuren's appearance is really hard to trust, whether he can carry the girder after his father "returns" is really hard to say, and in such a state, it is difficult to say whether Yuren will have a next generation.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

You must know that Yuhito has no brothers, and if he can't complete the inheritance, then Yuren will really become an endangered species of the Japanese imperial family, and he is likely to become the last emperor of Japan.

In fact, this is also the wish of the people, Japanese civilians have long sneered at the emperor system, in addition to the people to meet the royal family's face project, but also to "provide" to feed the royal family, which makes many families who are not rich worse.

Japan's imperial expenses are divided into three parts: the court, the inner court, and the imperial family.

The place where the imperial family lives is called the Imperial Palace, and the Imperial Palace where the Emperor of Japan lives covers an area of 17 hectares, with gardens and water systems, and the annual maintenance of the Imperial Palace reaches 5 million yen.

There are thousands of rooms in the entire Imperial Palace, thousands of electronic devices, and the annual Internet cost of the Japanese Imperial Family is as high as 20 billion yen.

Not counting the emperor's special proclivities, 1,700 servants are needed for farms, cellars and other places in the Imperial Palace alone, plus dozens of the emperor's personal maids and doctors, and these people's expenses are fixed expenses of the imperial family.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

"Courier Weekly" once revealed the tip of the iceberg of Japanese royal consumption, Emperor Naruhito's youngest daughter Aiko has a handbag of at least 30,000 yen, Yuhito, as the most favored imperial grandson, the consumption level must be only a lot more.

Basically, every time Yuhito attends a public place, the clothes he wears are different and valuable, and any coat is at least 40,000 yen, and a good silk clothes cost hundreds of thousands of yen.

And Yuren casually celebrates a birthday, and throws a party for millions of yen, which really costs money like water.

So where does this money come from? Of course, in the pockets of ordinary Japanese people.

According to statistics, the entire imperial family spends 60 trillion yen in taxes in a year.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

And Yuren is already a teenager, it is the time to spend money, and his education cost is far more than ordinary people, but in this way, the royal family members are still a little dissatisfied, thinking that the royal family should not be given a spending limit, and Yuren's tuition should be funded publicly.

Looking at the fact that it was no one else who proposed this idea, it was Yuren's biological mother, Princess Kiko, of course, it is understandable, who doesn't want to save more money.

Don't look at the fact that the Japanese people have little money in their hands, but the Japanese royal family members are very rich, and Emperor Akihito has publicly donated 15 million yen to fund the reconstruction of the disaster area, which is only the tip of the iceberg in his pocket money.

And the income of the royal family can be said to be very stable, there are no taxes, deductions, it is completely net profit, and the Japanese commoners are frantically "sucking blood" every year.

It is estimated that a Japanese commoner earns at least 600 million yen a year to reach half of the income of the Japanese royal family.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

Emperor Akihito

This is why the Japanese people do not have a good impression of this dumb-headed Yuren, according to statistics, less than 10% of the people support Yuhito as the future emperor, which can be regarded as an unprecedented support rate.

Many Japanese people are currently speechless, spending so much money every year to support the royal family, just to cultivate this.

Not only that, but Yuhito, the future emperor, is different from his father's generation, because he is a single seedling, and he has been specially taken care of in many ways.

For example, Yuren's desk does not allow advantageous objects, including pencil knives, all pencils are sharpened by servants and then used for him, Yuren has lived for more than ten years and has never seen what a knife looks like.

Once, a servant caring for Yuhito accidentally dropped a utility knife on Yuhito's desk, and within hours the police arrested him for threatening the life of the future emperor.

Such protection can be said to be quite comprehensive, even if you fly with your biological father, Prince Fumihito, for fear that someone will assassinate and injure the royal family's little treasure by mistake.

But don't look at Yuren's usual expressionless face, scolding people may even be afraid of himself, scolding all over the world at the age of 15, the servants, teachers, and even his cousin Aiko were not spared.

According to the royal servant, Yuren is very willing to play poker with them, but he can't even tell the cards apart, as long as he feels that no one "releases water", the little prince opens his mouth to be a Japanese "national essence".

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years

In public, he also does not give the royal family face at all, muttering in his mouth alone, and constantly complaining.

In order to let Yuren blend into the crowd, the royal family specially equipped him with a group of "escorts", but they did not communicate at all, on the grounds that the escort students could not understand Yuren's "unique" language, and Yuren was half a beat slow every time, so anxious that he often patted the table to express his dissatisfaction.

The sour and smelly Yuren is always slow and dirty, such a quality is not yet an adult, if he becomes an adult, it is not a fool of himself.

Now that Yuhito is 16 years old, in the face of the "tragic situation" of the Japanese imperial family, the Japanese government is also actively thinking about countermeasures and has proposed two plans.

One of the plans is to wait for Yuhito to grow up and adopt a child who could be the offspring of a distant cousin of the royal family.

It's funny, and the Japanese cabinet thinks like this means giving up on Yuhito altogether.

But in contrast, the second option is more reliable, that is, to let the daughter of the current Emperor Naruhito, Aiko, inherit the throne and become the next empress, but this comes at a price, Aiko will not be able to marry until she is fifty years old, and she will not be able to abdicate until there is a suitable heir.

The "bloodsucking worm" of the people, the Japanese royal family is afraid of extinction, 16-year-old Yuhito is the only male in 56 years


Whatever the plan is suitable, the Japanese cabinet is somewhat stretched, and the emperor, as Japan's spiritual leader, although it costs some money and has no future, the Japanese cabinet still does not want the emperor to really "extinguish".

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