
Zhang Huqun | the "reliable" people who came out of Linru Town one by one Guo Jin in my mind

author:Literary artist

The "reliable" people who came out of Linru Town tied up Guo Jin in my mind one by one


Zhang Huqun | the "reliable" people who came out of Linru Town one by one Guo Jin in my mind

Who dares to believe that a cultural person in his 20s, who has met and met well, has only been friends for a moment in his nearly 40 years of existence, but he has maintained a close friend and close friend relationship for nearly a lifetime by relying on the interaction between the little literati and his works. He is Mr. Guo Jinhui, the former vice chairman of Pingdingshan City, who has just retired and is now the editor-in-chief of "Zhiquan Liuyun". Speaking of him, the distance of hundreds of kilometers between the two places is all in the memory of more than 30 years in his mind.

From 1985 in the last century, the "Yuxi News", sponsored by the former Luoyang Prefectural Committee, recruited people with lofty ideals and cultural people from all over the district to report to the editorial office of the newspaper at No. 7 Yuanxing Office Road, Luoyang City, and the west room on the first floor of the prefectural committee. At that time, Comrade Guo Jinsuo was only a staff member of the cultural station in Linru Town (present-day Ruzhou City, Pingdingshan City) in the same district, but when he was just in his 20s, relying on the uneven writing experience of a famous cultural person, he was recognized at a glance by the late Luoyang District Cultural Federation of Former Deputy General of the newspaper, Ma Fengchao, founder of Yuxi Small Novel, and other leaders. At that time, he always aspired to be a "reliable" person all his life to encourage himself. Life always opens a door for aspiring people at all times. After that, he was selected and hired by the former Linru County Federation of Literature and Literature, and then entered the present-day Pingdingshan City Federation of Literature, and later published many literary works with a lot of money, and was elected as the director of the Pingdingshan City Federation of Literature and Culture and the vice chairman of the Municipal Writers Association. However, no amount of political garland can bind this fierce horse-like man with a strong heart. He was at ease to be the chief editor of the literary and artistic writing of "Zhiquan Liuyun" as his sacred duty. In recent years, with the film's reputation in the industry, he has also become a well-known newsmaker. Regarding his life, personality and achievements, although he has not interacted for decades during this period, he has long known a thing or two from major media reports. When he was young, he was studious, lived a difficult life, chased literature fiercely, perseverance was extraordinary, had a great influence, and was famous in the Central Plains. During the period, when he participated in the "Rushing Stream" literature class sponsored by the Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature, he searched for a patient in the huge mountain city, and brought a heavy gift to a house for the elderly, making a special trip to visit a former literary friend, which made the other party move the five bodies to the ground, which will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

Zhang Huqun | the "reliable" people who came out of Linru Town one by one Guo Jin in my mind

After Guo Jun became famous in one fell swoop, he always acted as "reliable", never became popular as soon as he became famous, and never nurtured people with culture, was reserved and heavy, and won a lot of close friends. Although he made great strides in his life, he was only more than 60, which can be described as a book equal and full of fame. But if you get closer, he says nothing, never. Interacting with him, thinking about what articles he has written, what awards he has won, what major influences, etc., Jane is more difficult than ascending to the sky! I was repeatedly disappointed. When he learned that he had frequently interacted with and worshipped the late Henan famous writer, the ancient Ruzhou Jun Xu Shen, he once washed his face with tears and wept silently. It shows the depth of his feelings.

Ended the misunderstanding of Guo Jinshuo's boss, and helplessly emptied. This is his nature, a character I will never be able to chase!

About the author

Zhang Huqun | the "reliable" people who came out of Linru Town one by one Guo Jin in my mind

About author:ZHANG Huqun, male, joined the company in May 1980, and loves writing all his life. Although I don't leave a word, my heart is always happy. More than 1,500 articles have been published by media above the market, and more than 20 awards have been won by the city or above. Now retired to support his family. Write a little to pass the time.

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