
065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

author:Writer Wang Tianxiang
065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

In accordance with the instructions of the 140 th Commander, the reconnaissance platoon held a big discussion on "how to seize Zhu Yeqing" during the rest and recuperation of the Yuanling garrison. Zhu Yeqing's activity patterns, social relations, escape methods, and the direction of his movement have all become key topics of discussion among the soldiers of the reconnaissance platoon.

Zhang Hu and Zhao Yue conducted in-depth discussions on Zhu Yeqing's "eyeliner" in the reconnaissance platoon.

★ Is the night caller a mute girl?

Zhang Hu asked Zhao Yue, the deputy platoon commander, a question: Lao Zhao, you said, can the night walker who called the police before entering Qinglong Village be a dumb girl in Qinglong Village?

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Without waiting for Zhao Yue to answer, he continued: I think, that day, the dumb girl followed all the way down from Qinglongzhai to see how Zhu Yeqing escaped and what she did along the way, but suddenly met our PLA reconnaissance platoon in the woods, so she hurriedly took measures and reported to us to the police?

Zhao Yue's head shook like a rattle, and he said simply: Did the dumb girl call me to the police? Ripping bird eggs, Arabian Nights! She is in the same boat as Zhu Yeqing, and will never follow Zhu Yeqing before calling us the police. If she meets us, she can only call the police to Zhu Yeqing! Besides, she doesn't look like someone with such good martial arts.

In fact, since being entangled by the big python in Qinglong Village, Zhao Yue has not had any good feelings for the dumb girl.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

As the old saying goes, love the house and the black. In real life, people don't hate the house and the black! To be precise, Zhao Yue hates pythons! Although the mute girl later generously detoxified the scout platoon and secretly gave away the secret recipe for breaking the Gu, it did not fundamentally change his opinion of her "being in the same stream as Zhu Yeqing".

So to this day, when he mentions the dumb girl, he still feels that his neck is a little breathless. He unconsciously touched his neck and thought: The platoon commander is afraid that he has fallen for the magic of this beautiful mute woman!

Zhang Hu continued to analyze: That night in Qinglong Village, when the mute girl went to close the waterwheel outside the village, I found that on the pillar of the waterwheel, there were two eight-character warnings to warn us.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhao Yue asked: Warnings? What warnings?

Zhang Hu said: Zombies are rampant, be careful of Gu!

Zhao Yue: Zombies are rampant, be careful of Gu? This careful Gu can be regarded as a point. But what does it mean that zombies are rampant?

Zhang Hu said: Zombie rampant refers to the corpse gang! I saw that the warning font of the watermill was the same as the font on the crossbow arrow book that evening. Thinking about the meaning, it seems to refer to the corpse chaser. So I think that the corpse gang is Zhu Yeqing in disguise. The people who sent the letters in the woods and left the books in the mill were all mute girls!

★ Did Zhu Yeqing escape in disguise as a corpse chaser?

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhao Yue asked: Do you guess that Zhu Yeqing disguised himself as a corpse gang to escape, what is the strong basis?

Zhang Hu said: It has been more than a year since the liberation of Xiangxi, and there are militia teams standing guard in every village, but Zhu Yeqing has escaped from Qinglong Village for so many days, but he has not left a trace. Don't you think that's weird? Could it be that they hide in the mountains and old forests all day long without eating or drinking?

Zhao Yue nodded: That's a problem.

Zhang Hu continued: In the past few days, I have learned from my guides and fellow villagers that in Xiangxi, there are two major gangs in history that are both free and special. Unrestrained.

Zhao Yue said anxiously: Don't sell the guanzi and talk away, let's talk about the basis!

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

★ Can Zhu Yeqing disguise himself as a caravan?

Zhang Hu corrected solemnly: I am the acting platoon leader! went on to say: Xiangxi traffic is blocked, and the first freedom is the horse gang. The daily necessities of the mountain people in Xiangxi depend on the transportation of the horses and gangs over the mountains and mountains. Although the caravan had a relatively good income and was widely welcomed by the mountain people, they trekked through mountains and rivers, braved the wind and rain, wore the stars and the moon, and were ready to be plundered by bandits at any time. Many of the caravans either died of illness on the way or were killed by bandits. Therefore, those who dare to be a horse gang must be brave, resourceful, and well-informed.

Zhao Yue nodded and said: That's the case. But what does this caravan have to do with Zhu Yeqing?

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhang Hu said: If the bandits report through the caravan, or infiltrate the special industry of the caravan, then it will be very easy for them to wander?

Zhao Yue hurriedly said: It makes sense. We should focus on the caravan!

Zhang Hu said: However, since the liberation of Xiangxi, the problem of the management of the caravans has been rapidly strengthened -- in order to prevent the bandits from looting, the anti-bandit reconnaissance platoons in various localities often send soldiers to accompany the caravans to and fro with the caravans, and this move naturally restricts the bandits' infiltration into the caravans.

Zhao Yue said: That's right! That is to say, it is unlikely that Zhu Yeqing will infiltrate the horse gang.

Zhang Hu said: Yes! Now even without the escort of the PLA short-distance caravans, they are more organized than in the past. They carry road slips issued by the local government with them.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

The road notes indicate where the caravan came from and where it went, the number of horses, the names of the personnel, and other natural conditions. It's like a pass. Every time they go to a mountain pass or village, the People's Liberation Army and militia who are checking the bandits must check the instructions on the road before they can be released. Therefore, it is difficult for bandits to blend in with the caravan now. Zhu Yeqing didn't dare to cause this trouble easily.

Zhao Yue: Yes, yes! But according to your analysis, it is unlikely that the caravan will be used by Zhu Yeqing, what do you still say he does? Let's get to the point!

Zhang Hu said: Look at you in a hurry! Isn't this just analyzing with you while eliminating useless clues and leaving useful things!

Zhao Yue slapped his forehead: Hey! Look at me, I forgot the method of elimination you used to analyze problems.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

★ About the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhang Hu said: Another special industry is the corpse gang. The corpse gang industry is eerie and mysterious. Although this profession is respectable because of its mystery and horror, it is also popular.

Zhao Yue said: We have been taught, but why?

Zhang Hu said: This line of work should be able to make the bones of relatives who died in other places return to their hometowns, so they are feared by the people of Xiangxi.

Zhao Yue said: This analysis also makes sense.

Zhang Hu also said: The common people think that the masters who drive out the corpses all have excellent skills, so they can drive the zombies away. Therefore, in Xiangxi, whether it is a high-ranking official or a merchant traveler, all of them will retreat when they encounter a corpse gang on the way to make way for them. For this reason, there is a folk song of the four monsters in Xiangxi that is passed down orally by the common people.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhao Yue: Ho! I didn't expect you to get so much information in just a few days! Let's talk about your four monsters in Xiangxi, how are they weird? What do these four monsters have to do with bandits?

★ The four monsters of the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhang Hu wrenched his fingers and chanted: The living smell the gong and let the dead.

Zhao Yue raised a finger and said: This is the first blame. When people hear the sound of the gong, they have to avoid it in advance. This gong is the yin gong struck by the corpse chaser gang.

Zhang Hu pulled off the second finger: the villagers listened to the gong and shut down the dog.

Zhao Yue also raised a second finger and said: This is the second monster. We've seen it too.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhang Hu: Outside the wall, he specializes in building zombie roads.

Zhao Yue stretched out his third finger and said: This is the third monster. We have also seen it at the foot of Qinglong Mountain. The corpse chaser took the special zombie road outside the village. What about the other monster?

Zhang Hu knocked down the fourth finger: the living opened a corpse shop.

Zhao Yue curled his thumb and stretched out four fingers and said: This is the fourth monster. Then he repeated the chanting: the living listen to the gong to let the dead, the villagers listen to the gong and shut the dog, the foreign specializes in building zombie roads, and the living open corpse shops. However, the fourth monster of the zombie shop opened by this living person has not been seen yet. Do zombies also have an inn to rest in?

Zhang Hu didn't answer, but just asked: Are these four monsters interesting?

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhao Yue said: These four monsters are indeed strange. It's no wonder that no one can get close to the corpse chasers, so they can't know the ins and outs of their origins!

Zhang Hu smiled bitterly and said: Can you close your bird cage tightly? Your old bird is flying again!

Zhao Yue slapped his mouth: Hey! Look at my beak, I accidentally forgot to close the bird's door. Just pay attention in the future. The platoon commander continued! Don't let me run out of the old bird, scare your analysis.

Zhang Hu said: The corpse gang has a unique freedom of activity in Xiangxi, and it doesn't care about the four things, that is, the officials do not search, the bandits do not rob, the checkpoints are not checked, and passers-by do not stop them. Even now, when the districts are divided and ruled, the militia in Xiangxi still respects and stays away from the corpse gang, and does not investigate or ask.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhao Yue repeated Zhang Hu's words: Officials don't search, bandits don't rob, checkpoints don't check, passers-by don't stop. It seems that in Xiangxi, these Bird Chasing Corpse Gangs do enjoy absolute freedom.

★ The corpse gang is the freest and safest in Xiangxi

Zhang Hu said: If Zhu Yeqing wants to flow freely, then he may be the safest and most effective means to play the corpse gang.

Zhao Yue hurriedly said: According to your analysis, it is very possible. What should we do?

Zhang Hu said: I believe that the focus of our anti-bandit reconnaissance platoon in the next step should be to grasp the activities of Zhu Yeqing and other remnants through reconnaissance and investigation of the corpse-chasing gang, so as to seize the opportunity to capture them.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhao Yue: Yes, yes, yes! The chief has said that the most dangerous place is the safest place. Zhu Yeqing's best choice may be to play the corpse gang. Because this industry is too special in Xiangxi, it is too conducive to circulation.

Zhang Hu said: Yes! The Corpse Chase can openly walk all kinds of roads without suspicion, without inspection and restrictions, and can also eat and drink and sleep blatantly, and then openly fool around, and move to where he wants to go in broad daylight under our noses.

★ Garrisoned in Hejiaping

Zhao Yue became excited: Platoon commander, what are you going to do next?

Zhang Hu corrected: I am the acting platoon leader. Then he said: We immediately reported to the chief and asked the reconnaissance platoon to leave Yuanling and garrison Hejiaping. There is the main road from Yuanling to Chenxi and Yongshun.

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Zhao Yue hurriedly said: I agree with your opinion, immediately transfer to Hejiaping, and focus on reconnaissance and corpse gangs!

★ Zhu Yeqing received a message from the flying pigeon again

Ganyan Cave.

Zhu Yeqing and Niu Wu and He Sanmao have just walked out of the Savage Cave. Suddenly, a pigeon hovering in the top of the jungle fluttered and landed on Zhu Yeqing's shoulder. Zhu Yeqing hurriedly held the pigeon in his hand and looked at it, handed it to Niu Wu and said: Silly son, this is the pigeon that Master Long released for the pangolin yesterday, let's see what good news is coming from the pangolin?

Niu Wu agreed, hurriedly took the pigeon, untied a small goose feather tube from its leg, and poked out a small piece of tissue paper with a thin branch, which read: The reconnaissance platoon is about to arrive in Hejiaping!

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

Niu Wu said: Master Long, it's not good. We've bumped into someone's gun, so let's move somewhere else!

Zhu Yeqing said: Silly son, as the saying goes, the place under the lamp is the darkest. I want to see how capable this reconnaissance platoon of the Eighth Road is, and it can identify the identity of my Dragon Master!

Niu Wu said: Master Long is wise, but this time and that time, now is not the past. Now that we are weak, it is better not to take this risk!

Zhu Yeqing said disdainfully: Silly son, the strong dragon does not suppress the head snake. I don't believe that he, a reconnaissance platoon on the Eighth Road, can pay attention to this corpse gang all over Xiangxi and across several provinces?

Niu Wu: Master Long's opinion, Niu Wu is too worried! (To be continued.) Read more)

065 of Xiangxi Chasing Corpses: Zhang Hu judged that the way Zhu Yeqing was running away was the Xiangxi Corpse Gang

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