
Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

author:Writer Wang Tianxiang
Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

At the station of the reconnaissance platoon, the acting platoon commander of the reconnaissance platoon and Zhao Yue, the deputy platoon commander, were discussing the leakage of secrets mentioned in the 140th chief's report. In the reconnaissance platoon, the only people who knew that they were going to Qinglongzhai to raid the bandit Zhu Yeqing information were Zhang Hu, Zhao Yue, the three squad leaders and the guide Lao Zhou. What can be excluded are Zhang Hu, Zhao Yue and the three squad leaders. The problem focused on the guide Lao Zhou. However, it was Lao Zhou who joined that terrible "eyeliner", so what time did Lao Zhou use and what method did he use to inform Zhu Yeqing?

Also, Zhao Yue's idea of repaying his gratitude is serious, because Lao Zhou once saved Zhao Yue's life under the mouth of a python, so Zhao Yue didn't believe that such a good person was the eyeliner of the bandit Zhu Yeqing.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

The discussion couldn't go on, so Zhang Hu had to ask another question: after analyzing all kinds of signs, the person who had been warning the reconnaissance platoon to "be careful of the corpse gang" was a mute girl. But Zhao Yue didn't believe that the dumb girl could call the police for the troops, and resolutely denied it: impossible.

Zhang Hu asked: Why is it impossible?

Zhao Yue wrenched his fingers and said: First, the dumb girl is the owner of Zhu Yeqing, how can she call us to the police? Second, she is a woman, how dare she go into the woods alone in the dark to report to us when the corpse gang comes? Third, the time from the time we met the corpse gang in the evening to the time we pounced on Qinglong Village was very short, and our marching speed was extremely fast, and ordinary people couldn't keep up at all, not to mention that she was still a woman! What's more, it is impossible for her to surpass us and rush back to Qinglongzhai in advance.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhang Hu said happily: Amazing! Meng Zhang Fei can also say one, two, three in one go.

Zhao Yue: Thank you for your compliment! However, you're afraid that you're confused by the dumb girl's solution to the madman's grass poison, right?

Zhang Hu tapped his palm with the shaft of the arrow and said, "But this arrow is exactly the same as the nine arrows hanging on the wall of the dumb girl, and it adds up to exactly ten arrows with this one." You know, it's impossible for a hunter to buy nine arrows.

Zhao Yue said: She may have bought ten at the time, but later lost one. Also, of course, the crossbow arrows sold by craftsmen are all the same, which is not surprising.

Zhang Hu pondered and said: I still doubt the relationship between the dumb girl and this crossbow arrow.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhao Yue asked: What is the basis for your suspicions?

Zhang Hu analyzed while thinking about it: That night, I heard her sneezing in Qinglong Village, which was very similar to the sneezing sound when we met the corpse chaser gang at night.

Zhao Yue questioned: Sneezes are similar? Ho! Resemblance is not the same!

Zhang Hu said firmly: I think the difference between the two sneezes lies in the difference in the size of the voice.

Zhao Yue retorted: Even so, it can't be sure that it's a dumb girl. It would have been impossible for her to just shoot arrows in the woods and return to Qinglong Village quickly without knowing it. Unless she can fly, there is another secret passage on the Qinglong Cliff.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhang Hu tightened his brows again, and thought in his heart: You Lao Zhao don't know, my wild bird righteous brother Mingzhu can fly, and that is the light skill of the Xiaoxiang faction that flies as fast! If the dumb girl is the righteous brother Mingzhu who has light skills, he can do this distance, so he said: Lao Zhao, I deepened my suspicions from the second point you said.

Zhao Yue was a little surprised: Platoon commander, do you really suspect that there is a secret passage on the Qinglong Cliff?

Zhang Hu corrected: I am the acting platoon leader. went on to say: If there is no other secret passage, why would Zhu Yeqing come and go without a trace? Why didn't anyone in the stockade find him in or out? You must know that as long as they show up on the mountain road, they will not escape the surveillance of the villagers. This is the custom of the people of Qinglong Village, and it is also their responsibility and obligation.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhao Yue scratched his head and said: This is a mystery. Belch...... You mean, Zhu Yeqing descended the Qinglong Cliff from the secret passage, and then escaped in disguise as a corpse chaser?

Zhang Hu looked at the warning words "Be careful of the corpse gang" on the shaft of the crossbow arrow, nodded and said: Yes! But I also think that the person who sent the letter in the woods that night was referring to the corpse chaser gang that we met.

Zhao Yue was not strong, but asked: Why?

Zhang Hu analyzed: Think about it, when the loud sneeze suddenly sounded that night, what was the first reaction of the master who drove the corpse?

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

After Zhang Hu's reminder, Zhao Yue remembered the strange scene of the corpse chaser he saw that night-

As soon as the sneeze came out, the footsteps of the corpse chaser master stopped abruptly, and the sleeves of the wide black corpse chaser robe seemed to shake suddenly, but the string bell fell to the ground with a "bang".

Then, the corpse chaser glanced swiftly towards the place where the sneeze sounded, and suddenly Mimi uttered out loud a short incantation that no one understood.

After a while, the white paper lantern in his left hand began to turn in circles and silently shine around, and his right hand, which was shrunk in the sleeve of his robe, seemed to be holding something, and the wide sleeve of his robe moved closely with the lantern in his left hand, as if it was a Tai Chi technique.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

The big bull-like eyes of the corpse chaser turned in the light, as if a jackal had stopped running and suddenly noticed something suspicious, raised its head and stretched out its nose to sniff around......

Zhao Yue thought back to this and said: Hmm! In retrospect, the corpse chaser's movements were a bit eye-catching, as if they were an overreaction of a person trained in martial arts when he encountered danger.

Zhang Hu said: Your judgment is very correct!

Zhao Yue questioned again: However, I heard that one of the most important quality conditions for corpse chasers in Xiangxi is to be able to do martial arts. It's only natural to look at it that way.

Zhang Hu continued to enlighten: Even so, what is abnormal about the movements of those two zombies?

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhao Yue recalled the scene of encountering the corpse gang at the foot of Qinglong Mountain that night: after the two zombies heard the crisp sneeze, they also stopped abruptly, but they stood diagonally in a back-to-back position, and their stiff arms seemed to be shaking rapidly, and then they turned their heads slightly, peeking at Siye with the light......

At that time, the master who drove the corpse immediately took back the lantern, picked up the string of bells, and then shook it in the air, making a loud, slapping sound. Then a wolf howl roared in the forest: safe and sound, happy God to open the way! The two zombies immediately withdrew their fighting stance and followed the Necroderm as they strode forward......

Zhao Yue thought back to this and seemed to suddenly realize: It's fucking weird! How can a dead body react as quickly as a living person? And will it be like we are fighting on the battlefield, back to back?

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhang Hu continued to inspire: If you look back again, are those two zombies actually like corpse chasers, shaking and shrinking their arms when they hear the alarm, as if they are pulling out weapons?

Zhao Yue immediately frowned and recalled-hearing the sneezing, the two zombies also stopped abruptly, but they stood diagonally opposite each other in a back-to-back position, and their stiff arms seemed to be shaking rapidly...... Hurriedly said: Yes. It's a lot like digging out a weapon!

Zhao Yue said as he tried to make a movement and asked: Do you suspect that those two zombies are dressed as living people?

Zhang Hu said with certainty: Yes.

Zhao Yue frowned and asked: But, who can pretend to be a corpse chaser?

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhang Hu said: Bandits. This has a precedent in the history of Xiangxi.

Zhao Yue said: However, the bandits in Xiangxi have been almost wiped out by us...... Hey! I see, you are still suspicious of Zhu Yeqing, they are exactly three people.

Zhang Hu nodded.

Zhao Yue said: However, according to the escape time of Zhu Yeqing provided by the dumb girl for us, at that time, they should have stayed away from the woods a long time ago.

Zhang Hu said: Can't Zhu Yeqing hide during the day and walk at night? Or did he do something else after he escaped from Qinglong Village?

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhao Yue immediately didn't know how to answer: This ......

At this time, in the Cangyanling Savage Cave, Zhu Yeqing, Niu Wu, and He Sanmao were still discussing the dumb girl.

Niu Wu said sincerely: Master Long, I think this dumb girl is very military strategic.

Zhu Yeqing admitted: That's it! If you don't have the ability, can you be my adjutant?

Niu Wu continued: I think that if it weren't for the urging of the dumb girl, maybe we would have been blocked by the communist army's reconnaissance platoon to the old camp of Qinglongzhai this time!

He Sanmao added: The dumb girl's best trick is to teach the three of us to use the corpse gang as a trick to escape.

Zhu Yeqing nodded and said: Yes! This trick can ensure that we can travel freely throughout Xiangxi.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Niu Wu exclaimed: Even the reconnaissance platoon of the communist army, I'm afraid I wouldn't have imagined that we would become a corpse gang and run rampant in Xiangxi!

Zhu Yeqing said: This trick of the dumb girl is called surprise, and there is a chance that we will attack it again to ensure that we still eat and drink spicy.

He Sanmao pinched his gurgling belly with his hand and said: Master Long, as soon as you mention this fragrant and spicy drink, my five temples (belly) will rebel. It's time for us to find a way to pay our respects. If I still rely on drinking mountain spring water, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on. Let's find a village to eat!

As soon as he said this, the stomachs of the three men seemed to be inspired, and they gurgled in unison.

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

Zhu Yeqing actually poofed, unscrupulously released a long hungry fart, habitually touched the left residual ear, thought about it and said: Sanmao, judging from the current situation, do you still dare to go into the village to eat? Isn't that self-defeating?

Niu Wu sniffed his nose and said, "Master Long, your fart doesn't stink anymore." There is really no incense in the temple of the five gods (no food in the stomach)! No matter what you think, you have to send the Five Temples first!

Zhu Yeqing said: You can't stay in the mountains, and you can't go to the villages.

He Sanmao said: Wouldn't that be starving to death?

Niu Wu hurriedly said: Sanmao, how can you starve to death with Master Long? These days, we have stone chickens, baby fish or something, don't we also burn several to eat?

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

He Sanmao said: Fifth brother, don't mention this. I didn't even have salt, and I was sick to my stomach. Now I feel sick even thinking about it, and I want to vomit.

Zhu Yeqing said: Silly son, you can't starve to death. Follow Master Long and me, there is naturally a way to live.

Niu Wu complimented: I knew that Long Ye had a way!

Zhu Yeqing smiled proudly and said: Go! You two stupid sons put me in a zombie outfit, tuck up the guys (weapons), and go down the hill right away. Let's find a place to spend the time in the heat of the Five Temples! Lao Tzu is so hungry that I can't stand it! As he spoke, he stood up and walked out of the cave first. (To be continued)

Xiangxi corpse 064: Zhang Hu analyzed that the dumb girl called the police, but Zhu Yeqing said that the dumb girl was his adjutant

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