
In the Thai hotel, go out and put 20 baht at the bedside, and the room girl will give you a "surprise" in the evening

author:Brother is not handsome but very bad 82517086

There is a saying that life is precious, love is more expensive, and if it is for freedom, both can be thrown away.

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Now there are many people who pursue freedom, and many people are very clear about their life plans, and they are constantly planning where they want to go, which is why tourism in many countries is now very hot.

In the Thai hotel, go out and put 20 baht at the bedside, and the room girl will give you a "surprise" in the evening

The favorite tourist destination for Chinese tourists should be Thailand in Southeast Asia.

According to incomplete statistics, millions of tourists enter Thailand every year, and over the years, Thailand's tourism industry has been vigorously developed, of course, this is also because Thailand has very rich and characteristic tourism resources.

In the Thai hotel, go out and put 20 baht at the bedside, and the room girl will give you a "surprise" in the evening

Whether you want to enjoy the island, eat delicious food, or enjoy the Buddhist atmosphere, you can do it here, and you can also see the unique species of shemales in the world.

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Since you are out for fun, whether at home or abroad, the problem of accommodation is inevitable.

In Thailand, with the development of tourism, the hotel industry is also growing, and these hotels will also take measures to attract the attention of foreign tourists, such as adding Thai decorative elements to the interior of the hotel.

You should also know that staying in Thailand also needs to abide by some unspoken rules, such as no smoking, gambling, including playing mahjong in the hotel.

In the Thai hotel, go out and put 20 baht at the bedside, and the room girl will give you a "surprise" in the evening

In addition, if you can put a 20 baht tip on your bed or pillow when you go out during the day, you will be pleasantly surprised at night.

These tips are reserved for the cleaning staff, who will clean the room exceptionally clean, making it more pleasing to the eye when visitors return, without this tip, then the room cleaning is not satisfactory.

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