
After the railways of Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar go directly to China, will Vietnamese people cry and faint in the toilet?

author:Park buy sesame sauce H2013
After the railways of Cambodia, Thailand and Myanmar go directly to China, will Vietnamese people cry and faint in the toilet?

It is necessary to use military strength to stabilize the South China Sea, use economic means to stabilize relations with ASEAN, and resolutely crack down on Filipino maids and pull and fight against Vietnam.

Since Southeast Asia is a beautiful place, it is necessary to cooperate for a win-win situation. The long-term vision of building a cross-border high-speed rail network connecting the five capitals of Yangon, Bangkok, Vientiane, Hanoi and Phnom Penh directly to China's high-speed rail network must be realized.

The pre-built Trans-Asian Railway itself was designed to depart from Nanning. The meeting between China and ASEAN was held in Nanning. Once Vietnam's Trans-Asian Railway goes to Cambodia and Thailand, Nanning will basically become the Chinese hub of Southeast Asia's railway center.

However, Vietnam actually wants to ask Japan to build a high-speed railway.

The funny thing is that Japan, which also wants to monopolize the benefits of building the Shinkansen from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City, and Vietnam, which also wants to monopolize it, cannot give each other a chance for mutual benefit and win-win results.

Therefore, it is impossible for Japan to build a north-south high-speed railway for Vietnam.

In this way, Vietnam wanted to eat at both ends, and as a result, the US imperialists and Japan did not want Vietnam to eat at the table at all.

In fact, business is a win-win situation, and it cannot be like the United States, Japan, and Vietnam that all want to monopolize for themselves. Otherwise, it is difficult to share and win-win!

Vietnam asked Japan to build a north-south high-speed railway for Vietnam. A few years have passed, and not a single kilometer of new railways have been built in Vietnam, but the cost is rising.

Of course, Vietnam likes to toss as much as it wants. Never pick up that mess of Vietnam's high-speed rail.

Vietnam has no funds, no technology, and it is difficult to acquire land for the construction of high-speed rail.

Vietnam is now cheekily begging China to build high-speed rail, asking for funding and learning Chinese high-speed rail technology.

In this case, Vietnam remained on the edge of the white-eyed wolf country and continued to wait. Do not build railways for the white-eyed wolf country. Play without Vietnam. Remember the farmer and the snake.

In this way, the construction of the China-Laos Railway made Kunming the central hub of the Trans-Asian Railway in China.

Cambodia's canal will be opened again, and there will be no more problems in Vietnam.

If Myanmar joins again, Kunming's position will basically not be shaken. Even if Vietnam is closer, Nanning will have to be in the back row. In this way, it is necessary to do a good job in relations with Southeast Asian countries, with Kunming as the economic center and Nanning as the political center.

Since Vietnam belongs to the grass on both sides, Vietnam's high-speed rail must not be in a hurry, Vietnam also wants technology.

Vietnam and Japan are the same country, and as long as they don't get hurt, they won't give in.

The strategies for governing Vietnam include: the Mekong River cascade dam; China-Laos-Cambodia-Thailand Railway; Funan Canal; Celestial Synthesis Brigade; 5G communication; Control of the power grid.

For the Trans-Asian Railway in Southeast Asian countries, except for Vietnam's, other countries can help!

The China-Laos Railway will have a more brilliant future.

Visa-free with Laos, zero tariffs on trade, and economic integration between China and Laos as soon as possible! Gradually form Laos and China into a community with the free flow of people and goods.

Pull Cambodia another hand and build the China-Laos railway to Sihanoukville, Cambodia, and there is no need to build Vietnam's north-south railway at all.

If Vietnam is in a hurry, you can repair Nanning to Hanoi to Vientiane, and Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City, which is perfect!

The railway from China to Laos and Cambodia will help the development of Laos and Cambodia and enable the people of Laos and Cambodia to live a good life. That's wisdom.

Vietnam has the ability to build a north-south railway, so that Vietnam can find Japan to build it on its own. Don't join the fun.

After changing the geopolitical pattern and the completion of the Funan Canal, Laos and Cambodia have completely become rich.

In order not to be marginalized, Vietnam had to come and buy high-speed rail.

For the same reason, Myanmar will have to follow suit. In this way, the Trans-Asian Railway network will be formed, the economic circle will be integrated with China, and ASEAN and China will be a community of interests.

In this regard, Cambodia's Hong Thi is very sober, and is willing to build highways, railways, and canals for mutual benefit and win-win results with China.

To make Laos realize the benefits of mutual benefit and win-win, we have to mention South Korea.

The dam that South Korea had built on its own initiative for Laos collapsed in a few days when the South Korean company fled and drowned several Laotians. At that time, Chinese companies braved the flood and rushed into the flood area to rescue many Lao people. The Lao people see this. Therefore, the smooth completion of the China-Laos railway is the result of China's insistence on sharing and win-win results.

The construction of the China-Laos-Thailand railway can solve the dilemma of being held hostage in the Strait of Malacca and help Southeast Asia take off. The more the railway is repaired in Japan, the more it will be squeezed by the strategy of the China-Thailand-Cambodia railway.

The cost of land railways is mainly electricity. Therefore, if China's clean energy electricity bills are so low that they don't need money, this is just an assumption, and then there will be no sea power countries.

Vietnam is long and narrow, there is no need to build high-speed rail by the sea, and sea transportation is much cheaper!

The China-Laos Railway is a model of win-win cooperation and the practice of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, not a product of the new Cold War mentality.

If the Lao government allocates it properly. The China-Laos Railway alone can achieve prosperity for all. Laos has a small population, and if it is rationed to the national defense technology of the Dalong family, although Laos cannot surpass Lijiapo, it is not a problem for Laos to be rich in the future.

The Lao government has touched a deck of cards, and it is difficult to think about underdevelopment.

Feed Laos, when Laos has money, it will spend money to buy Chinese weapons, China will recycle the funds, and then expand the infrastructure of Laos, a perfect closed loop.

Looking at the geographical pattern of the Indochina Peninsula as a chessboard, Vientiane Laos is the Tian Yuan, and once this position is occupied, no matter how much the east, west, north and south winds in Vietnam are tossed, they will not be able to turn up big waves.

Laos has a population of 7.5 million, which is the size of a prefecture-level city in Jiangsu. It has a population of 7.495 million in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, but its per capita GDP ranks first in the country. Clearly, Laos has unlimited potential for development.

The China-Laos railway has been opened, Laos has hitched a ride on common prosperity with China, and there is no need to build Vietnam's high-speed railway! Unless Vietnam has a lot of money!

China is building a high-speed railway from Vientiane to Phnom Penh across Laos, avoiding Vietnam and Thailand.

In 2032, with the China-Laos-Thailand railway, Vietnam's high-speed rail will be dispensable!

In this way, let Vietnam, which is against China, slowly wait to build high-speed rail.

For the construction of the Trans-Asian Railway network, let Laos and Cambodia rejoice, and let Vietnam's mouth flow.

Mutual benefit and win-win results are a conspiracy, China has expanded its sphere of influence, and countries friendly with China have benefited, and everyone is happy.

Only by insisting on promoting the construction of the Trans-Asian Economic Corridor, hurrying to build the China-Laos-Cambodia railway, and crushing Vietnam's dream of reunifying Laos and Cambodia and then becoming a big country in South Asia!

Laos and Cambodia only need to grow grain well, raise cattle well, and let China buy them with renminbi to bring Laos and Cambodia on the road to common prosperity.

China's potash fertilizer shortage is so large that it is not allowed to burn straw. Potash fertilizers in Laos can meet the needs of the Chinese market.

Chongqing people eat bananas from Laos every day!

Laos is the best place to grow rubber. In the past, it was said that growing rubber would cause drought, but Laos has an amazing amount of rainfall.

The Chinese sons-in-law in Laos and Cambodia should go back and buy land as soon as possible, and the more they are, the better they will develop planting and breeding to meet the needs of the Chinese market.

Since Vietnam looks down on China's high-speed rail technology, it should dry Vietnam so that Vietnam will be completely convinced.

Otherwise, Vietnam may be instigated by Western countries at any time, and some kind of moth will be tossed out!


#越媒: Chinese companies want to participate in projects such as Vietnam's high-speed rail#




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