
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

author:Carp movie online

#有没有好的动作片推荐 #

A cabin, an electric chair, this uncle, cool enough to fly!!!

Don't try to touch his bottom line, or "teach you to be human" minute by minute.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

I believe in you, but I can't let you go!!!

Back to the point, what I want to recommend to you today is this short and pithy classic crime action movie - "Hurricane Rescue".

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Hurricane rescue 2008 Douban 8.3 points

This film was released in 2008, with its exhilarating sense of blow and delicate and sincere father-daughter relationship, it instantly triggered heated discussion among movie fans around the world, and became an internationally renowned action IP.

Uncle Liam thus won the honorary title of "Rescue Professional Household" and successfully ranked among the first-line action stars in Europe and the United States.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Liam Neeson

Today, Uncle Liam, who is almost ancient, is still tough, and film and television works are endless.

Either in the rescue, or on the way to the rescue...

As the first work of the "Rescue Series" and the second most representative work in Uncle Liam's acting career (the first is always "Schindler's List"), let's revisit this action classic today.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Uncle Liam Rescue Collection

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Schindler's list

At the beginning of the film, Uncle Liam plays a retired state agent, Brian.

Because of the particularity of the nature of the work, Brian and his wife and daughter gradually drifted apart, and the final outcome can be imagined...

After retirement, Brian felt deep remorse and was bent on making up for his daughter's missing fatherly love.

Brian remembers that his daughter wanted to be a singer when she was a child, so he carefully selected a karaoke machine as a birthday present for his daughter's 17th birthday.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Seeing the excitement of her daughter's expression after receiving the gift, Brian's heart finally got some relief.

However, the next second, the rich and powerful stepfather incarnated as Empress Deyun's uncle Qian, and sent a small black horse in his hand...

Sure enough, every girl has a princess dream, and the princess dream doesn't necessarily have Prince Charming, but it must have a horse.

The daughter's head plunged into the arms of her stepfather without turning back, leaving Brian alone in the wind and disheveled, with mixed feelings.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

The happiness of rich people is often so "simple and unpretentious"

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Seek the area of Brian's psychological shadow at this time

Looking at the wife and daughter in front of him who have re-formed a happy and happy family, Brian who is alone is both relieved and sad, fortunately, there is a group of old guys who are born into death and never give up...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

In order to fulfill his daughter's wish to become a singer, Brian took on the task of protecting the popular female singer. I didn't expect the brilliant big stars in the spotlight to give themselves such pertinent advice:

Tell her not to go this way.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Unexpectedly, the female star became a slur. A sharp blade flew through the cold light, and Brian flew to save and defuse the crisis.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Brian's act of sacrificing herself to save each other has won the trust and gratitude of female stars, who are willing to give more resources to help Brian.

Just as Brian was about to share the great news with his daughter, her daughter's improvised travel plans disturbed Brian's mind...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

The 17-year-old daughter insists on going on vacation to Paris with her 19-year-old girlfriend...

Brian, who is well versed in the world, has read countless people, seen the sinister hearts, and is worried that his daughter, who is not yet in the world, will be in danger.

However, in the face of his daughter's disappointed look, Brian, who loved his daughter deeply, could not bear it, and could only make compromises, about three chapters of the law, and use his own means to protect his daughter as much as possible.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Since the beginning of the film, the plot has taken a sharp turn, and the steps are pressing...

The daughter danced excitedly, full of joy and longing for the wonderful encounter of romantic Paris, but she did not know that this was the beginning of the nightmare...

The daughter and girlfriend who had just arrived in Paris met a sunny and cheerful boy, Peter. Faced with Peter's carpool invitation, the unsuspecting duo happily agreed. After arriving at the apartment, Peter, waving goodbye, reveals his true face, and danger creeps in...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

The daughter spoke to Brian as agreed, and at this moment, several big men rushed into the room and forcibly abducted their girlfriends. The daughter witnessed everything through the window and panicked.

The experienced Brian asked her daughter to remain calm, instructed her to hide under the bed, and used the only 3 seconds left after being discovered to describe the characteristics of the gangster as much as possible.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

An enraged Brian gives the gangsters a final warning ⚠️ in exchange for a disapproving taunt: "Good luck."

How could the ignorant gangsters not have imagined that the other end of the phone was not only a father who had missed his beloved daughter, but also a super veteran who had experienced many battles...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Based on the tattoo clues provided by his daughter, Brian uses his connections to quickly lock down a criminal gang: a gang that mainly sells drugs and trades in skin and flesh, and has a very powerful background. According to the trading practice, Brian only has 96 hours to rescue his daughter, otherwise no one can find her trace!!!

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Brian did not have time to hesitate, and embarked on the road to pursue the murderer without hesitation.

With years of work experience, Brian has always maintained a calm thinking, playing the recording of his daughter's call over and over again.

In order to obtain more useful information, Brian sneaked into the apartment where his daughter was taken away, personally reconstructed the crime, and finally accidentally found the broken mobile phone.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

However, the really valuable clue is not a broken phone, but a photo in a memory card...

Brian carefully consulted his daughter's photo album, trying to find clues, and finally found the clue in a group photo.

After continuous amplification and restoration, Peter's true appearance surfaced...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Eager to save the girl, Brian soon found Peter.

Peter knew he was invincible and fled quickly under the cover of his accomplices.

Brian chases after him, and the panicked Peter accidentally has a car accident, dies on the spot, the clue is interrupted, and Brian is once again in despair...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Desperate, Brian found an old friend, Jane, who now works at France's National Security Agency.

The gangs are so powerful and sinister that even the French authorities can do nothing about them. Jane persuaded Brian not to pursue it and gave up.

If necessary, I can even overturn the Eiffel Tower.

Jane was well aware of Brian's abilities and means. Faced with Brian's bitterness, Jane provides an important clue to the Krish Hotel and sends someone to secretly observe Brian's every move.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Brian hired an interpreter to sit in the car, while he disguised himself as a pimp and went up to talk to the woman standing on the street.

Brian is entangled with the street woman, and the housekeeper on the side sees that it is not good and wants to teach Brian a lesson.

Brian waited for an opportunity to sneak the bugging device onto the minions...

The translator on the car began to work, eventually getting the exact location of the factory.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

The dimly lit room was obscured only by rudimentary curtains.

Pulling back the curtain, as far as the eye could see, it was shocking: one by one, the young girls were not covered, lying on the bed weakly, and their arms were full of dense pinholes.

Brian was vaguely uneasy and frantically searched for his daughter's traces, but next to a strange girl, he accidentally found the coat that his daughter was wearing before leaving.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

This strange girl in front of you may be the key to finding her daughter...

Despite the danger, Brian takes away the unconscious girl. The factory guards noticed something strange and stepped forward to stop it.

Brian's sword is not old, his hands are strong, with a pair of iron fists, he kills a bloody road alive, drives all the way, and successfully escapes.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

After waking up, the girl was horrified, trembling and looking at the strange man in front of her...

Brian explained to the girl what had happened and asked about her daughter's whereabouts.

The kind girl tells Brian about the tragic experience that cannot be looked back. Eventually, with the girl's help, Brian grasps the exact location of the gangsters' hiding pits.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Successive violent incidents have alarmed the forces of France.

Forced by the helpless Jane to demand that Brian stop the action immediately, otherwise coercive measures will be taken, and the consequences are unimaginable...

In the distance, Brian silently put down his mobile phone and disappeared into the vast sea of people.

The road to rescue is fraught with dangers and difficulties. Even so, Brian was not afraid.

"Save your daughter at all costs" is Brian's only conviction.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Brian repeated the trick, pretending to be a black police officer in collusion with the gangsters, and successfully infiltrated the organization.

It was at this point that the gangster's "good luck" completely angered Brian!!!

Yes, the scum in front of you is the real murderer who kidnapped his daughter!!!

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

This time, Brian, who clenched his fists, no longer restrained, and flew away in an instant, making a fatal move, without giving his opponent any time to think...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Full of expectations, Brian searched every corner of the house and found the body of his daughter's girlfriend, but still did not see her daughter's trace...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

The impatient Brian knew that his daughter was more vicious and had to resort to "special means" to obtain more information.

The tortured gangster tells the appalling behind-the-scenes truth:

Untrained girls are sent to a private club for a centralized auction, and successful bidders are given the "right to use" the girls.

Brian, who learned the truth, went away, so there was a classic scene at the beginning of the text...

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

With 96 hours left, Brian had nowhere to retreat, only a battle.

Whether his daughter is dead or alive, Brian vows to wipe out the gang and find her.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

In order to find the exact location of the clubhouse, Brian had to make this decision, taking Jane's family hostage and coercing Jane to provide clues.

Not surprisingly, Brian hid his identity again and smoothly entered the VIP area of the clubhouse.

The guests in the audience are all powerful people from all sides, the surface is well-dressed, but in fact, the appearance is calm, and the auction items on the stage are neither rare beasts nor antique calligraphy and paintings, but the "first night right" of the young girl of the mysterious age!!!

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

At this moment, Brian saw a familiar figure on the stage, and his daughter was still alive!

Brian pulled out a pistol and threatened the rich merchant next to him to photograph his daughter, but when he did not pay attention, he was knocked unconscious by the ambush guards.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Only one step away from rescuing his daughter, how could Brian, who had lost his hand and been captured, be able to hold his hands off!

"Society you big brother, people don't talk much", Brian who broke free of the shackles, like a demon knight from hell, harvested all the evil souls!

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

Never underestimate a father's love for his daughter!

Driving fast, Brian, all the way from the clubhouse to the yacht, full of scars but completely unaware, everywhere he passed, it was the ghost of the gun.

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

At the end of the story, Brian defends his promise to his daughter with his own actions. (Since ancient times, the villain died of many words)

96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters
96 hours of chasing the murderer, veteran agents to save their beloved daughter, a person swept through the French gangsters

As a standard European and American personal hero action film, you officials should not spit on the protagonist aura of Uncle Liam [cover your face]

Compared to the brainless fight of individual hero movies, "Hurricane Rescue" has a strong human touch.

From the indisputable retired old man to the aggressive agent father, the internal change of the role shows the thickness and truth of the father's love.

[Heart] Finally, the friendly tip, girls need to pay attention to when traveling: [heart]

Don't ride in a car with a strange handsome guy

Don't walk with unreliable partners

The most important point: have a super dad (at least listen to dad)

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